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Date | Series | Event | Day | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Jun 15, '13 | 2013 44th Annual World Series of Poker | Event 25 - $5,000 Omaha 8/OB | 3 | + | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Level 27 Update: Robert Mizrachi Eliminated in 3rd PlaceJun 16, '13 Level: 27 Blinds: 20,000-40,000 Players Remaining: 2 out of 241 Average Chip Count: 1,807,500 Chip Counts: Seat 4: Danny Fuhs – 1,950,000 Players Eliminated: 3rd: Robert Mizrachi – $128,074 Live Updates: ![]() Robert Mizrachi Robert Mizrachi raised all in preflop for 50,000 on the button and Danny Fuhs and Christopher George both called. The board ran out Q Fuhs tabled J Player Tags: Robert Mizrachi, Daniel Fuhs Level 26 Update: Brian Hastings Eliminated in 4th PlaceJun 15, '13 Level: 26 Blinds: 15,000-30,000 Players Remaining: 3 out of 241 Average Chip Count: 1,205,000 Chip Counts: Seat 4: Danny Fuhs – 995,000 Players Eliminated: 4th: Brian Hastings – $96,268 Live Updates: ![]() Brian Hastings Robert Mizrachi raised on the button preflop and Brian Hastings reraised on the small blind. Mizrachi called and the flop hit K Mizrachi: A River: 8 Mizrachi made a flush and a low to scoop the pot, he grew his stack to 700,000 and eliminated Hastings in fourth place. Player Tags: Robert Mizrachi, Brian Hastings Official Final Table Begins for Event No. 25 ($5,000 Omaha Eight-or-Better)Jun 15, '13 The final table of Event No. 25 ($5,000 Omaha Eight-or-Better) has begun, and Card Player will be posting level-by-level updates with all major hands, current chip counts, and prize payouts. With the elimination of Jonathan Duhamel in tenth place ($19,788), the nine-handed final table is now set. Play will begins in Level 23 with blinds of 8,000-15,000, and action will continue until a winner is determined. Play may be extended an additional day if it takes more than 10 levels to reach a winner as noted on the official structure sheet. With cards now back in the air, here is a look at the final table and how these players stack up: Seat 1: Arthur Kargen – 359,000 While only 9 remain, this event attracted a field of 241 players, creating a total prize pool of $1,132,700, and the top 27 players made the money. Here is a look at the final table payouts: 1st Place: $277,519 Be sure to check back with Card Player at the conclusion of each level for regular updates with all major hands, current chip counts, and prize payouts. Player Tags: Robert Mizrachi, Jeffrey Lisandro, Bart Hanson, Daniel Fuhs, Brian Hastings |
Jul 15, '10 | 2010 41st Annual World Series of Poker | $10,000 World Series of Poker Main Event | 10 | + | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Level Three Hour Two Update: Jeff Madsen EliminatedJul 07, '10 Note: Players are now on a 90 minute dinner break. They will return to action at 8:20. Blinds: 150-300 Average Chip Counts 30,000 Notable Chip Counts: 1. Barny Boatman – 144,000 Card Player Chip Counts: Stephen A. Murphy — 27,000 Notable Eliminations: Jeff Madsen Twitter Accounts: Daniel Negreanu Big Hands:
A player in middle position bet 600 and Jeff Madsen shoved for 3,600. A player in the small blind called. The original bettor called as well. The flop came J Heather Mercer Doubles Up an Opponent Heather Mercer bet 850 on the button. The small blind called and the big blind raised to 2,500. Mercer, she four-bet to 10,000. The small blind folded and the big blind called all in for 6,000. Mercer tabled pocket eights but was dominated by the A
Picking up the action on the flop of Q There was 3,200 in the pot and the 7 Everyone checked one last time and the player in seat 3 showed ace-high. “I can beat that,” Filippi said as two players mucked in front of him. He turned over J Veldhuis Muscles Out Opponent Picking up the action after the board had run out A The player in seat 6 went in the tank and then mucked his hand with a look of disgust on his face. Veldhuis raked in the pot and he was at 68,000.
Picking up the action on the turn, the board read 8 The river was the A Duke dropped the pot and she was down to 19,300. Markholt Triples Up To Stay Alive In a four-way pot Lee Markholt got his last 3,800 in on a flop of 2 Markholt: A Markholt trailed the pocket pairs but the best hand was about to change. The turn brought the 10
A player in early position raised to 825 and Robert Mizrachi reraised to 2,250. A third player, from the big blind, raised yet again to 4,875. The player in early position folded and Mizrachi just called. The flop came 8 Mizrachi: K Mizrachi had the better pocket pair and his kings would hold through the 9 Pavilion Room Update David Williams Slipping A player in middle position raised to 800. David Williams called from the hijack. The flop came 10 Player Tags: Robert Mizrachi, Lee Markholt, Annie Duke, Amnon Filippi, David Williams, Jeff Madsen, Lex Veldhuis Level Two Hour Two Update: David Williams On FireJul 07, '10 Blinds: 100-200 Average Chip Counts 30,000 Notable Chip Counts: 1. David Williams – 126,000 Card Player Chip Counts: Steve Murphy — 37,800 Notable Eliminations: Twitter Accounts: Daniel Negreanu Big Hands:
Picking up the action on the turn, the board read 8 His opponent did the same and the Q Williams took the pot and he kept adding chips to his massive stack of 126,000. He is the first notable to break into six figures and the second level is only halfway through. Oppenheim In The Win Column Picking up the action on the turn, the board read 10 The river was the J His opponent mucked and Oppenheim took in the pot. He was up to 37,000 after the hand.
Picking up the action on the flop, the board read 7 The turn was the 8 Negreanu was in deep trouble as he showed Q Negreanu Wins “Crazy Internet” Hand Daniel Negreanu raised from the button to 750 and was called by the player in seat 2. On the flop of 8 The J Negreanu took just a moment to reraise to 11,200 and seat 2 tanked once again, asking for a chip count on Negreanu’s remaining stack (around 17,000). Seat 2 counted out a raise that would put Negreanu all in but then returned the chips to his stack. After a few minutes with the ESPN crews anxiously watching, seat 2 folded and tapped the table. Negreanu responded with, “You had the right idea,” and showed 4 Respecting The Champ Facing a raise of 600 from the player to his immediate right, 2007 WSOP main event winner Jerry Yang repopped it to 2,600. His opponent thought it over but decided to give Yang credit and folded. Yang, like the gentleman he is, showed K Chop it Up, Elezra After some significant preflop action, Eli Elezra and his opponent checked down a board of K Sam Farha Drops One Sam Farha raised to 400 from the button and the small blind reraised to 2,000. Farha made the call and the flop came down A The small blind bet 1,000 and Farha raised to 3,000. The small blind called and the turn was the 6 Both players checked to see the 9
Tom Dwan raised from under the gun and received to calls. The flop came down 8 The turn was the 3 Dwan then showed J Robert Mizrachi Shoots Down Cowboys A player moved all in preflop and Robert Mizrachi made the call. Here were their hands: Mizrachi: A Mizrachi was on the right side of the cooler as the board offered no help to his opponent. The player was eliminated and Mizrachi shot up to 65,000. Juan Macerias Eliminated On a 9 Player Tags: Robert Mizrachi, Daniel Negreanu, David Oppenheim, Eli Elezra, David Williams, Sam Farha, Tom Dwan, Jerry Yang Level Eight Hour Two Update: Naujoks ClimbingJul 09, '10 Blinds: 400-800 with a 100 ante Players Remaining: 1,653 out of 2,412 Card Player Chip Counts Barry Shulman – 109,000 Tournament Leaderboard: 1. Dragan Galic – 360,000 Notable Eliminations: Big Hands
Picking up the action on the flop, the board read 7 Seat 9 led out with 7,300 and Naujoks made it 20,000 to go. Seat 9 tanked for awhile but then mucked his hand. Naujoks took in the pot and she was at 105,000. Maria Ho Adds To Her Stack Picking up the action after the turn, the board read Q Ho took a small pot and she was at 36,000.
The player in seat 5 raised to 1,600 and Antonio Esfandiari made the call from the button. The flop then came down Q Esfandiari raised to 5,300 and that’s when the ESPN cameras showed up. “I guess I wouldn’t mind getting knocked out on camera,” seat 5 said. He moved all in for about 20,000 more. Esfandiari simply mucked his hand and he was at 80,000. Hasting’s Stack Keeps Growing Brian Hastings was in a heads-up pot and on the turn the board read A There was another check and Hastings bet 15,000, which was called again. Hastings showed A
Erik Seidel raised from the cutoff and Greg Fishberg called from the small blind. The two saw a flop of K Seidel just had a disappointed look on his face as he didn’t turn over his cards. Fishberg showed J Seidel falls to 17,000 and Fishberg is up to 88,000. Live Poker is Rigged Rob Saltiel was on the button and bet after his opponent checked on the turn with the board reading A Saltiel showed 8 Saltiel doubled up to 50,000.
A player raised to 2,200 and was called by the cutoff, the button, and Lex Veldhuis in the small blind. The player in the big blind then squeezed and moved all-in for 17,100. It folded back around to Veldhuis who tossed in the call. Veldhuis showed 6 The turn was the 7 Hennigan Lets One Go Jonn Hennigan and his opponent checked down a board of 10
Reigning champ Joe Cada faced a raise of 2,100 by the player in seat 8. Cada wasted little time raising to 6,000 from the button. Action folded back to seat 8 who moved all in for about 17,000 more. Cada made the call and they showed their hands: Opponent: A Cada easily had his opponent, and the two went into a coin flip. The flop was great for Cada, running 2 Cada knocked out the player and chipped up to around 92,000 in chips. Grinder Bros. Keep Rolling Brothers Michael and Robert Mizrachi are seated at tables 288 and table 289 in the blue section. The ESPN camera crews are planted between the two tables, but the Mizrachi’s are focused on their A-game. In one hand, Michael and the player in the big blind called a 2,100 raise from the player in seat 5. The flop ran 2 Robert is among the chip leaders with around 225,000. Player Tags: Robert Mizrachi, Antonio Esfandiari, Michael Mizrachi, John Hennigan, Maria Ho, Sandra Naujoks, Joseph Cada Level Six, Hour Two: Cole Loses Chip LeadJul 09, '10 Blinds: 250-500 with a 50 ante Players Remaining: 2,023 out of 2,412 Card Player Chip Counts Justin Marchand – 23,400 Tournament Leaderboard: 1. Mathieu Sauriol – 217,000 Notable Eliminations: Terrance Chan Big Hands:
After a series of raises preflop, a player moved all in for 57,750 and Corwin Cole made the call. Cole: Q Cole was in trouble but he appeared to get lucky when the dealer laid out the flop and the Q The board finished off 10 Williams Runs Into Cowboys David Williams put in a raise to 1,200 preflop. The action went to Manny Minaya on the button and he made it 3,200 to go. Williams made the call and the two saw a flop of J Both players checked and the 4 Minaya made the call and Williams tabled 10
A player limped in and then another one raised to 2,000 preflop. Sam Farha made the call from the hijack and then the limper shoved for 8,000 more. Both opponents made the call and the flop came 8 Both players checked and the turn was the 10 The all-in player then tabled K Kaplan Sticks Around A player raised to 1,400 preflop and Gabe Kaplan made it 5,200 to go from the small blind. His opponent then shoved and Kaplan made the call. Kaplan tabled A The turn was the 9
A player raised to 1,300 preflop and Lauren Kling made the call from the cutoff. The player on the button also called, as did the big blind and the four players saw a flop of 10 Everyone checked and the turn was the A The river was the K Ted Forrest Doubles Up Ted Forrest moved all in for 8,250 and was called by his opponent. Forrest: K The board ran out Q
Picking up the action on the flop, the board read J The turn was the J Davis: Q Davis flopped the straight but Mizrachi turned a boat and the board finished off with the 5 Power Poker For Seidel Erik Seidel raised to 1,250 and seat 3 and seat 4 both made the call. When action reached seat 6 he raised to 3,700 and action folded around to Seidel. Erik reraised to 10,500 and seats 3 and 4 got out of the way. Seat 6 tanked for a few minutes before letting his hand go. Seidel took down the pot uncontested, chipping up to around 53,000 in chips. The Russian Scoops One Sitting in the big blind, Vitaly Lunkin called a raise from the button and they saw a flop. It came A The turn was the J
Seat 5 bet 1,500 on a flop of 4 The turn brought the 8 The river was the 7 Mueller lost around 12,000 on the hand and had around 39,000 after it. Matros Calls An All-In Bet, Chops Matt Matros called a short-stacked player’s all in bet for 7,325 preflop and they showed down. Their hands? The same: Matros: A It seemed like an obvious chop, but through the turn the board ran 5 Matros had around 120,000 after the hand.
Jason Somerville raised from the cutoff and the big blind moved all-in for 10,000. Somerville promptly called and tabled Q The board ran out J Michelle’s Bluff Gets Sniffed Out On the turn, the board read 5 After the dealer peeled off the 5 Michelle didn’t respond and eventually her opponent made the call. Michelle showed A
We caught up with the action on the river with the board reading J Leigh tabled A Left in the Deck: “Miami” John Cernuto is supposedly sitting at the featured table right in front of us, but he has yet to show up for the tournament today. He has been being blinded off for the last three hours and is down to 12,000 in chips. Player Tags: Robert Mizrachi, Erik Seidel, Raymond Davis, Ted Forrest, Greg Mueller, Gabe Kaplan, David Williams, Sam Farha, Vitaly Lunkin, Corwin Cole, Lauren Kling Level 11, Hour Two: Jared Hamby EliminatedJul 12, '10 Blinds: 800-1,600 with a 200 ante Players Remaining: 1,737 out of 7,319 Average Chip Count: 126,408 Card Player Chip Counts Barry Shulman – 240,000 Tournament Leaderboard: 1. Kevin Gates – 530,000 Notable Eliminations: Sandra Naujoks Big Hands:
Picking up the action after the flop came down 9 Baron: 2 Baron flopped a set to crack the queens but the board finished off 10 A few hands later, Baron moved those 33,000 all in and was called by one player. Baron tabled 7 The board ran out 10 Negreanu Gets No Takers Daniel Negreanu raised to 4,600 preflop and he was called by a player in late position and then by one of the blinds. The flop came down Q
Robert Mizrachi raised to 4,400 from the cutoff and the player on the button made the call. The flop came down Q The button called and the turn was the 2 Mizrachi tabled 7 Rousso Doubles We didn’t catch all of the action but Vanessa Rousso moved all in for about 15,000 and was called by one player. Rousso tabled A-6 and her opponent had K-J. The board ran out seven-high and Rousso doubled up to 30,000. Allyn Jaffrey Shulman Eliminated Allyn Jaffrey Shulman was all-in with A Shulman was eliminated and ESPN filmed her husband, Barry, consoling her after her chips were pushed in the other direction.
Kelly Kim raised to 3,800 and was met with a three-bet to 10,700 by Phil Galfond. Kim moved all-in for around 35,000 and was snap-called by Galfond. Galfond showed A The turn was the 5 Naujoks’ Bluff Gone Wrong Sandra Naujoks fired 15,000 on the turn with the board reading 2 Naujoks tabled A Pavilion Room Coverage Gabe Walls Playing Aggressive Gabe Walls bet from late position and a player on the button three-bet him to 8,200. The action was back to Walls and he four-bet to 22,000. His opponent tanked before finally folding. Walls flashed a 2
Kevin Bates made it 3,000 from under the gun and two players called. Action was on Jared Hamby on the button. He elected to shove for 36,200 total. Everyone folded and Hamby took the pot to increase his stack to about 46,000. A couple hands later, Steve Billirakis bet and was three-bet by a player directly to his left. Hamby moved all in on the button and it was folded to Billirakis. Billirakis announced all in and the three-bettor folded. Hamby exposed the A Hamby had three cashes at the 2010 World Series of Poker. His best score was an eighth place finish in a $1,000 no-limit hold’em event for $46,077. Vanessa Selbst Takes a Pot On a board of Q Twitter Accounts Barry Shulman Player Tags: Robert Mizrachi, Steve Billirakis, Vanessa Rousso, Isaac Baron, Phil Galfond, Vanessa Selbst, Jared Hamby, Sandra Naujoks Level 21 Hour One Update: Scotty Nguyen EliminatedJul 14, '10 Blinds: 8,000-16,000 with a 2,000 ante 1. Evan Lamprea — 3,900,000 Praz Bansi
Garrett Adelstein opend to 36,000 from the cutoff and Johnny Chan three-bet to 101,000 from the button. Action was folded back to Adelstein and he reraised all in for 970,000. Chan called with the K Serge Didisheim Eliminated Serge Didisheim moved all in for 195,000. Manuel Davidian called with the A Marceo Dabus Doubles Up Marceo Dabus was all in preflop for 395,000 with the A
Robert Mizrachi bet 42,000 from middle position and Matthew Reed three-bet to 115,000. Mizrachi made the call. The flop came J Peter Jetten Eliminates a Player Laurentius Sloot was all in for 124,000 with the A Scotty Nguyen Eliminated Scotty Nguyen was getting short when he moved all in preflop with A-J. Unfortunately for Nguyen, he ran into the pocket kings of his opponent. The board offered no help and he was gone.
On an A Sam Haddad Eliminated Sam Haddad moved all in preflop for 167,000. Duy Le called. Haddad tabled the A Eric Baldwin Doubles Up a Player Jean Pasqualini shoved from the small blind for 165,000. Eric Baldwin called in the big blind. Baldwin tabled the K Player Twitter Accounts Jean-Robert Bellande Player Tags: Robert Mizrachi, Scotty Nguyen, Johnny Chan, Serge Didisheim, Peter Jetten, Eric Baldwin, Praz Bansi Level 20 Hour Two Update: Richey Goes BustoJul 14, '10 Blinds: 6,000-12,000 with a 2,000 ante 1. Theo Jorgensen – 3,200,000 Brett Richey
Dan Lu raised to 30,000 from the cutoff and Brett Richey three-bet to 90,000 from the button. After the blinds folded, Lu moved all-in and Richey made the call with his last 340,000 and showed 5 Richey was stood up to leave the table after the turn as the board ran out Q Jan Boye Doubles, But Still Short Jan Boye moved all-in for 59,000 from the hijack and Christopher Bolt made the call from the big blind. Boye showed A Jorgensen Takes Over Chip Lead Theo Jorgensen raised to 38,000 from the cutoff and Dorothy VonSachsen moved all-in for 75,000 from the button. Jorgensen made the call and the cards were turned on their backs. Jorgensen showed A
Four players saw a flop of Q The turn was the 5 It was an unfortunate turn card for Billirakis who turned two pair with his 5
On the river, John Racner fired out 365,000 into a pot that already had about 500,000 in the middle with the board reading J Jeff Banghart called the bet, but couldn’t rake the pot as Racener showed A Dudley’s Dreams Dashed Dash Dudley was all-in for K Dudley was in bad shape as the board came out 9 Siegel Gets the Best of Kostritsyn Jordan Siegel got his last 322,000 into the middle preflop and got a call from Alexander Kostritsyn. Kostritsyn held pocket tens, but was behind Siegel’s pocket aces. The flop came 7 Two players at the table claimed they had folded aces after the hands were turned up, so they are either playing with an illegal deck of cards, or the players’ memory are slipping a bit.
Steven Padres moved all-in preflop and was called by Jean-Robert Bellande. Bellande was in a commanding position with his K The board ran out A Mizrachi Doubles On a flop of 9 Mizrachi showed K Player Twitter Accounts Jean-Robert Bellande Player Tags: Robert Mizrachi, Theo Jorgensen, Steve Billirakis, Brett Richey, Jean-Robert Bellande, John Racener, Dash Dudley, Alexander Kostritsyn Level 19 Hour Two Update: Jamin Stokes and Hoyt Corkins EliminatedJul 14, '10 Blinds: 5,000-10,000 with a 1,000 ante 1. Matt Affleck – 2,900,000 Jamin Stokes
We caught up with the action on a board reading Q Jamin Stokes Eliminated Jamin Stokes moved all in on the button for 44,000 with the A Robert Mizrachi Doubles Up a Player A player moved all in for 139,000 into Robert Mizrachi. Mizrachi called and exposed the A
Shawn Rice raised to 25,000 and Pkejmanpatric Eskander called from the small blind. The flop came K The turn was the J “You called me with ace-jack. You did the right thing.” said Rice sarcastically. “It was suited,” replied Eskander. Affleck Just Keeps Winning The board read K Franca had check-raised Affleck on the flop and Affleck made the call. Franca checked to Affleck on the turn and Affleck bet 100,000. Franca check-raised again, making it 260,000. Affleck made the call and they saw the J Franca tanked for a while before going all-in for 486,000. After several minutes, Affleck made the call. Franca mucked his hand immediately and Affleck showed A
Jonathan Tamayo made a deep run in last year’s main event, but won’t be making a repeat performance when he moved all-in from middle position for 110,000 and Paul Varano called from the big blind. Tamayo showed A Cowboy Rides Off into Sunset Hoyt Corkins moved all-in preflop with A The board ran out 10 One Less Russian in the Main Event Dragan Galic was all-in before the flop and was called by Vitaly Lunkin, who had him covered by just one yellow, 1,000 chip. Galic showed A Lunkin was all-in for just the ante on the very next hand and was eliminated.
On a previous hand Jason Dewitt had six-bet all in versus the player directly to his left. A couples hands later Dewitt four-bet shoved with pocket eights against the same player. This time he was called. Dewitt’s opponent exposed the A Josh Brikis Falling On a board of K Big Slick Gets Clements Some Chips Andre Coimbra moved all-in preflop and found some bad news when he was called by Scott Clements. Clements held A Player Twitter Accounts Jean-Robert Bellande Player Tags: Hoyt Corkins, Robert Mizrachi, Shawn Rice, William Thorson, Jason Dewitt, Vitaly Lunkin, Jonathan Tamayo, Matt Affleck, Josh Brikis Level 23, Hour Two: Dunst Loses Heartbreaker, Last Woman Standing EliminatedJul 15, '10 Blinds: 12,000-24,000 with a 3,000 ante Players Remaining: 115 out of 7,319 Average Chip Count: 1,909,304 Card Player Chip Counts: Andrew Brokos – 1,230,000 Tournament Leaderboard: 1. Joseph Cheong – 5,540,000 Notable Eliminations: 116. Robert Mizrachi — $57,102 Player Twitter Accounts Jean-Robert Bellande Big Hands:
Ian Gordon moved all in for a little over 1 million and Tony Dunst snapped him off. Gordon turned over A Another player at the table announced he mucked the case A Dunst was drawing dead and to add insult to injury, the board finished off 2 Guan Eliminated Javier Martinez raised to 36,000 from the cutoff and Mozheng Guan repopped to 84,000 from the button. Martinez called and the flop came down A Martinez led with 110,000 and Guan moved in for 480,000. Martinez made the call and turned over A The turn was the 3
Breeze Zuckerman, the last woman standing, moved all in preflop and Eric Baldwin looked her up from the button. Baldwin: A Baldwin had Zuckerman in bad shape, but the flop gave her some help when it fell K Baker Doubles Up David Baker moved all in for 200,000 preflop and David Assouline looked him up. Baker turned over 10 The board ran out Q
Sebastian Panny and Matthew Jarvis tangled in a huge pot that saw Panny all in preflop. Here were their hands: Panny: 10 Panny was in trouble and the flop came K Panny, who was in the top 10 chip counts early in the day, was sent crashing to the rail. Jarvis was at 4.6 million. Pettit Gets Short, Then Busts Michael Pettit found the bulk of his chips in the middle against Jacob Tyler after the flop fell K Pettit was left with just 8,000 after Tyler was all in and Pettit tabled 10 The flush or straight never came and Pettit lost the pot. He would bust a few hands later.
Gualter Salles was all in preflop against Adam Levy. The cards were then turned over. Salles: A Levy was dominating and he put a vice-grip on the hand when the flop fell Q
The 2010 Main Event is down to one Mizrachi brother. Robert Mizrachi moved in for his last 196,000 from under the gun and Josue Sauvageau made the call from the cutoff. Mizrachi: A Mizrachi was dominated and the flop brought no help as it fell J Player Tags: Robert Mizrachi, Eric Baldwin, Ian Gordon, Gualter Salles, Adam Levy, Tony Dunst, Javier Martinez, Sebastian Panny, Mozheng Guan, Breeze Zuckerman, Josue Sauvageau Level 22, Hour One: Robert Mizrachi Doubles Up, Johnny Chan EliminatedJul 15, '10 Blinds: 10,000-20,000 with a 3,000 ante Players Remaining: 154 out of 7,319 Average Chip Count: 1,425,779 Card Player Chip Counts: Andrew Brokos – 1,265,000 Tournament Leaderboard: 1. Robert Pisano – 5,600,000 Notable Eliminations: 156. Johnny Chan — $57,102 Player Twitter Accounts Jean-Robert Bellande Big Hands:
Robert Mizrachi moved all in for 239,000 from the big blind and he was called by Robert Pisando from the small blind. Here were their cards. Mizrachi: A Mizrachi was dominating and the flop left him freerolling when it fell K Chamberlain Surrenders The Double Daniel Chamberlain raised to 44,000 from the cutoff and Gabriel Nassif moved in for 456,000 from the button. Chamberlain looked him up and the cards were turned over. Chamberlain: A Chamberlain was dominated and needed some help with a nine or some spades. The flop board ran out with all black cards, but they were the wrong suit for Chamberlain as it ran Q
Picking up the action after the board had run out 7 Mozheng Guan made the call and turned over 7 Guan was up to 1.4 million while Kostritsyn slipped to 2.4 million. Bracy Gets Jacked Up Tony Bracy moved all in for 97,000 preflop and Redmond Lee decided to raise to 200,000. The isolation play worked as everyone else mucked and the hands were turned over. Bracy: 6 Lee was dominating and the flop fell Q
Johnny Lodden raised to 50,000 from late position and Denis Pisarev made the call from the button. The flop fell A Pisarev fired 65,000 and Lodden made the call. The turn was the 2 Lodden took down a nice pot and he was at 2 million in chips. Affleck And Harder Tangle Matt Affleck raised to 48,000 from the cutoff and Christian Harder made the call from the button next door. The two saw a flop of 9 Harder made the call and the turn was the A Affleck took the pot and he was at 3.1 million. Harder slipped to 1.11 million.
Jameson Singer moved all in for 150,000 preflop and Derek Gibb decided to look him up. Here were their cards: Singer: 7 Singer had two live cards but they were as good as dead when the flop fell A The meaningless river was the 4 Jorgensen With The Knockout Diogo Borges was all in for 520,000 preflop against Theo Jorgensen preflop. Here were their cards. Jorgensen: A Borges was dominated and the board ran out A
Picking up the action on the flop, the board read Q Paulo Figueiredo moved all in for 498,000 and Bryn Kenney made the call to put him at risk. Kenney: K Kenney flopped top pair but was up against the pocket aces of his opponent. But the turn was the Q Binette Goes Boom Francois Binette and Michal Wywrot each put in three-bets before they saw a J Wywrot fired 162,000 and Binette shoved for 750,000. Wywrot made the call and he turned over A But the turn was the Q
Jonathan Driscoll raised it up to 44,000 from the hijack and Theo Tran made the call from the big blind. He then turned over his A-5, thinking he was all in. The floor was called and Tran’s hand was ruled live. The flop then came down A However, since Tran exposed his hand, he was given a one-round penalty. Siegel Eliminated Jordan Siegel moved all in for 268,000 and he was looked up by Jared Ingles in the hijack. Siegel turned over A The board ran out K
Evan Lamprea raised from the cutoff and David Benyamine put in another raise from the button. Lamprea moved enough chips into the middle to put Benyamine all in and he made the call. Benyamine: K Benyamine was dominating and the flop fell Q The river was the Q Levy Drops A Pot Gualter Salles raised to 50,000 preflop and Adam Levy made it 142,000 to go from the small blind. Salles called and the flop fell A Salles fired 100,000 and Levy made the call. The turn was the 10
Johnny Chan and pocket aces did not get along today. He lost a huge pot when he ran his kings into Robert Pisano’s aces during the first level and had a similar situation when he busted out. Chan open-shoved for 550,000 from the cutoff and Jonathan Driscoll snapped him off from the button. The blinds folded and the cards were turned over. Chan: J Chan fell victim to the aces again and the board ran out 7
Duy Le raised to 40,000 preflop and Getty Mattingsley popped it to 105,000. Mizrachi made the call from the small blind and Le also tagged along. The flop fell 10 Le bet 500,000 this time and Mattigsley fled. Mizrachi decided to look him up after a session in the tank and Le tabled J Player Tags: Robert Mizrachi, David Benyamine, Michael Mizrachi, Johnny Chan, Jordan Siegel, Gabriel Nassif, Theo Tran, Duy Le, Johnny Lodden, Bryn Kenney, Adam Levy, Alexander Kostritsyn, Robert Pisano, Mozheng Guan, Daniel Chamberlain |
Jul 14, '10 | 2010 41st Annual World Series of Poker | $10,000 World Series of Poker Main Event | 9 | + | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Level Three Hour Two Update: Jeff Madsen EliminatedJul 07, '10 Note: Players are now on a 90 minute dinner break. They will return to action at 8:20. Blinds: 150-300 Average Chip Counts 30,000 Notable Chip Counts: 1. Barny Boatman – 144,000 Card Player Chip Counts: Stephen A. Murphy — 27,000 Notable Eliminations: Jeff Madsen Twitter Accounts: Daniel Negreanu Big Hands:
A player in middle position bet 600 and Jeff Madsen shoved for 3,600. A player in the small blind called. The original bettor called as well. The flop came J Heather Mercer Doubles Up an Opponent Heather Mercer bet 850 on the button. The small blind called and the big blind raised to 2,500. Mercer, she four-bet to 10,000. The small blind folded and the big blind called all in for 6,000. Mercer tabled pocket eights but was dominated by the A
Picking up the action on the flop of Q There was 3,200 in the pot and the 7 Everyone checked one last time and the player in seat 3 showed ace-high. “I can beat that,” Filippi said as two players mucked in front of him. He turned over J Veldhuis Muscles Out Opponent Picking up the action after the board had run out A The player in seat 6 went in the tank and then mucked his hand with a look of disgust on his face. Veldhuis raked in the pot and he was at 68,000.
Picking up the action on the turn, the board read 8 The river was the A Duke dropped the pot and she was down to 19,300. Markholt Triples Up To Stay Alive In a four-way pot Lee Markholt got his last 3,800 in on a flop of 2 Markholt: A Markholt trailed the pocket pairs but the best hand was about to change. The turn brought the 10
A player in early position raised to 825 and Robert Mizrachi reraised to 2,250. A third player, from the big blind, raised yet again to 4,875. The player in early position folded and Mizrachi just called. The flop came 8 Mizrachi: K Mizrachi had the better pocket pair and his kings would hold through the 9 Pavilion Room Update David Williams Slipping A player in middle position raised to 800. David Williams called from the hijack. The flop came 10 Player Tags: Robert Mizrachi, Lee Markholt, Annie Duke, Amnon Filippi, David Williams, Jeff Madsen, Lex Veldhuis Level Two Hour Two Update: David Williams On FireJul 07, '10 Blinds: 100-200 Average Chip Counts 30,000 Notable Chip Counts: 1. David Williams – 126,000 Card Player Chip Counts: Steve Murphy — 37,800 Notable Eliminations: Twitter Accounts: Daniel Negreanu Big Hands:
Picking up the action on the turn, the board read 8 His opponent did the same and the Q Williams took the pot and he kept adding chips to his massive stack of 126,000. He is the first notable to break into six figures and the second level is only halfway through. Oppenheim In The Win Column Picking up the action on the turn, the board read 10 The river was the J His opponent mucked and Oppenheim took in the pot. He was up to 37,000 after the hand.
Picking up the action on the flop, the board read 7 The turn was the 8 Negreanu was in deep trouble as he showed Q Negreanu Wins “Crazy Internet” Hand Daniel Negreanu raised from the button to 750 and was called by the player in seat 2. On the flop of 8 The J Negreanu took just a moment to reraise to 11,200 and seat 2 tanked once again, asking for a chip count on Negreanu’s remaining stack (around 17,000). Seat 2 counted out a raise that would put Negreanu all in but then returned the chips to his stack. After a few minutes with the ESPN crews anxiously watching, seat 2 folded and tapped the table. Negreanu responded with, “You had the right idea,” and showed 4 Respecting The Champ Facing a raise of 600 from the player to his immediate right, 2007 WSOP main event winner Jerry Yang repopped it to 2,600. His opponent thought it over but decided to give Yang credit and folded. Yang, like the gentleman he is, showed K Chop it Up, Elezra After some significant preflop action, Eli Elezra and his opponent checked down a board of K Sam Farha Drops One Sam Farha raised to 400 from the button and the small blind reraised to 2,000. Farha made the call and the flop came down A The small blind bet 1,000 and Farha raised to 3,000. The small blind called and the turn was the 6 Both players checked to see the 9
Tom Dwan raised from under the gun and received to calls. The flop came down 8 The turn was the 3 Dwan then showed J Robert Mizrachi Shoots Down Cowboys A player moved all in preflop and Robert Mizrachi made the call. Here were their hands: Mizrachi: A Mizrachi was on the right side of the cooler as the board offered no help to his opponent. The player was eliminated and Mizrachi shot up to 65,000. Juan Macerias Eliminated On a 9 Player Tags: Robert Mizrachi, Daniel Negreanu, David Oppenheim, Eli Elezra, David Williams, Sam Farha, Tom Dwan, Jerry Yang Level Eight Hour Two Update: Naujoks ClimbingJul 09, '10 Blinds: 400-800 with a 100 ante Players Remaining: 1,653 out of 2,412 Card Player Chip Counts Barry Shulman – 109,000 Tournament Leaderboard: 1. Dragan Galic – 360,000 Notable Eliminations: Big Hands
Picking up the action on the flop, the board read 7 Seat 9 led out with 7,300 and Naujoks made it 20,000 to go. Seat 9 tanked for awhile but then mucked his hand. Naujoks took in the pot and she was at 105,000. Maria Ho Adds To Her Stack Picking up the action after the turn, the board read Q Ho took a small pot and she was at 36,000.
The player in seat 5 raised to 1,600 and Antonio Esfandiari made the call from the button. The flop then came down Q Esfandiari raised to 5,300 and that’s when the ESPN cameras showed up. “I guess I wouldn’t mind getting knocked out on camera,” seat 5 said. He moved all in for about 20,000 more. Esfandiari simply mucked his hand and he was at 80,000. Hasting’s Stack Keeps Growing Brian Hastings was in a heads-up pot and on the turn the board read A There was another check and Hastings bet 15,000, which was called again. Hastings showed A
Erik Seidel raised from the cutoff and Greg Fishberg called from the small blind. The two saw a flop of K Seidel just had a disappointed look on his face as he didn’t turn over his cards. Fishberg showed J Seidel falls to 17,000 and Fishberg is up to 88,000. Live Poker is Rigged Rob Saltiel was on the button and bet after his opponent checked on the turn with the board reading A Saltiel showed 8 Saltiel doubled up to 50,000.
A player raised to 2,200 and was called by the cutoff, the button, and Lex Veldhuis in the small blind. The player in the big blind then squeezed and moved all-in for 17,100. It folded back around to Veldhuis who tossed in the call. Veldhuis showed 6 The turn was the 7 Hennigan Lets One Go Jonn Hennigan and his opponent checked down a board of 10
Reigning champ Joe Cada faced a raise of 2,100 by the player in seat 8. Cada wasted little time raising to 6,000 from the button. Action folded back to seat 8 who moved all in for about 17,000 more. Cada made the call and they showed their hands: Opponent: A Cada easily had his opponent, and the two went into a coin flip. The flop was great for Cada, running 2 Cada knocked out the player and chipped up to around 92,000 in chips. Grinder Bros. Keep Rolling Brothers Michael and Robert Mizrachi are seated at tables 288 and table 289 in the blue section. The ESPN camera crews are planted between the two tables, but the Mizrachi’s are focused on their A-game. In one hand, Michael and the player in the big blind called a 2,100 raise from the player in seat 5. The flop ran 2 Robert is among the chip leaders with around 225,000. Player Tags: Robert Mizrachi, Antonio Esfandiari, Michael Mizrachi, John Hennigan, Maria Ho, Sandra Naujoks, Joseph Cada Level Six, Hour Two: Cole Loses Chip LeadJul 09, '10 Blinds: 250-500 with a 50 ante Players Remaining: 2,023 out of 2,412 Card Player Chip Counts Justin Marchand – 23,400 Tournament Leaderboard: 1. Mathieu Sauriol – 217,000 Notable Eliminations: Terrance Chan Big Hands:
After a series of raises preflop, a player moved all in for 57,750 and Corwin Cole made the call. Cole: Q Cole was in trouble but he appeared to get lucky when the dealer laid out the flop and the Q The board finished off 10 Williams Runs Into Cowboys David Williams put in a raise to 1,200 preflop. The action went to Manny Minaya on the button and he made it 3,200 to go. Williams made the call and the two saw a flop of J Both players checked and the 4 Minaya made the call and Williams tabled 10
A player limped in and then another one raised to 2,000 preflop. Sam Farha made the call from the hijack and then the limper shoved for 8,000 more. Both opponents made the call and the flop came 8 Both players checked and the turn was the 10 The all-in player then tabled K Kaplan Sticks Around A player raised to 1,400 preflop and Gabe Kaplan made it 5,200 to go from the small blind. His opponent then shoved and Kaplan made the call. Kaplan tabled A The turn was the 9
A player raised to 1,300 preflop and Lauren Kling made the call from the cutoff. The player on the button also called, as did the big blind and the four players saw a flop of 10 Everyone checked and the turn was the A The river was the K Ted Forrest Doubles Up Ted Forrest moved all in for 8,250 and was called by his opponent. Forrest: K The board ran out Q
Picking up the action on the flop, the board read J The turn was the J Davis: Q Davis flopped the straight but Mizrachi turned a boat and the board finished off with the 5 Power Poker For Seidel Erik Seidel raised to 1,250 and seat 3 and seat 4 both made the call. When action reached seat 6 he raised to 3,700 and action folded around to Seidel. Erik reraised to 10,500 and seats 3 and 4 got out of the way. Seat 6 tanked for a few minutes before letting his hand go. Seidel took down the pot uncontested, chipping up to around 53,000 in chips. The Russian Scoops One Sitting in the big blind, Vitaly Lunkin called a raise from the button and they saw a flop. It came A The turn was the J
Seat 5 bet 1,500 on a flop of 4 The turn brought the 8 The river was the 7 Mueller lost around 12,000 on the hand and had around 39,000 after it. Matros Calls An All-In Bet, Chops Matt Matros called a short-stacked player’s all in bet for 7,325 preflop and they showed down. Their hands? The same: Matros: A It seemed like an obvious chop, but through the turn the board ran 5 Matros had around 120,000 after the hand.
Jason Somerville raised from the cutoff and the big blind moved all-in for 10,000. Somerville promptly called and tabled Q The board ran out J Michelle’s Bluff Gets Sniffed Out On the turn, the board read 5 After the dealer peeled off the 5 Michelle didn’t respond and eventually her opponent made the call. Michelle showed A
We caught up with the action on the river with the board reading J Leigh tabled A Left in the Deck: “Miami” John Cernuto is supposedly sitting at the featured table right in front of us, but he has yet to show up for the tournament today. He has been being blinded off for the last three hours and is down to 12,000 in chips. Player Tags: Robert Mizrachi, Erik Seidel, Raymond Davis, Ted Forrest, Greg Mueller, Gabe Kaplan, David Williams, Sam Farha, Vitaly Lunkin, Corwin Cole, Lauren Kling Level 11, Hour Two: Jared Hamby EliminatedJul 12, '10 Blinds: 800-1,600 with a 200 ante Players Remaining: 1,737 out of 7,319 Average Chip Count: 126,408 Card Player Chip Counts Barry Shulman – 240,000 Tournament Leaderboard: 1. Kevin Gates – 530,000 Notable Eliminations: Sandra Naujoks Big Hands:
Picking up the action after the flop came down 9 Baron: 2 Baron flopped a set to crack the queens but the board finished off 10 A few hands later, Baron moved those 33,000 all in and was called by one player. Baron tabled 7 The board ran out 10 Negreanu Gets No Takers Daniel Negreanu raised to 4,600 preflop and he was called by a player in late position and then by one of the blinds. The flop came down Q
Robert Mizrachi raised to 4,400 from the cutoff and the player on the button made the call. The flop came down Q The button called and the turn was the 2 Mizrachi tabled 7 Rousso Doubles We didn’t catch all of the action but Vanessa Rousso moved all in for about 15,000 and was called by one player. Rousso tabled A-6 and her opponent had K-J. The board ran out seven-high and Rousso doubled up to 30,000. Allyn Jaffrey Shulman Eliminated Allyn Jaffrey Shulman was all-in with A Shulman was eliminated and ESPN filmed her husband, Barry, consoling her after her chips were pushed in the other direction.
Kelly Kim raised to 3,800 and was met with a three-bet to 10,700 by Phil Galfond. Kim moved all-in for around 35,000 and was snap-called by Galfond. Galfond showed A The turn was the 5 Naujoks’ Bluff Gone Wrong Sandra Naujoks fired 15,000 on the turn with the board reading 2 Naujoks tabled A Pavilion Room Coverage Gabe Walls Playing Aggressive Gabe Walls bet from late position and a player on the button three-bet him to 8,200. The action was back to Walls and he four-bet to 22,000. His opponent tanked before finally folding. Walls flashed a 2
Kevin Bates made it 3,000 from under the gun and two players called. Action was on Jared Hamby on the button. He elected to shove for 36,200 total. Everyone folded and Hamby took the pot to increase his stack to about 46,000. A couple hands later, Steve Billirakis bet and was three-bet by a player directly to his left. Hamby moved all in on the button and it was folded to Billirakis. Billirakis announced all in and the three-bettor folded. Hamby exposed the A Hamby had three cashes at the 2010 World Series of Poker. His best score was an eighth place finish in a $1,000 no-limit hold’em event for $46,077. Vanessa Selbst Takes a Pot On a board of Q Twitter Accounts Barry Shulman Player Tags: Robert Mizrachi, Steve Billirakis, Vanessa Rousso, Isaac Baron, Phil Galfond, Vanessa Selbst, Jared Hamby, Sandra Naujoks Level 21 Hour One Update: Scotty Nguyen EliminatedJul 14, '10 Blinds: 8,000-16,000 with a 2,000 ante 1. Evan Lamprea — 3,900,000 Praz Bansi
Garrett Adelstein opend to 36,000 from the cutoff and Johnny Chan three-bet to 101,000 from the button. Action was folded back to Adelstein and he reraised all in for 970,000. Chan called with the K Serge Didisheim Eliminated Serge Didisheim moved all in for 195,000. Manuel Davidian called with the A Marceo Dabus Doubles Up Marceo Dabus was all in preflop for 395,000 with the A
Robert Mizrachi bet 42,000 from middle position and Matthew Reed three-bet to 115,000. Mizrachi made the call. The flop came J Peter Jetten Eliminates a Player Laurentius Sloot was all in for 124,000 with the A Scotty Nguyen Eliminated Scotty Nguyen was getting short when he moved all in preflop with A-J. Unfortunately for Nguyen, he ran into the pocket kings of his opponent. The board offered no help and he was gone.
On an A Sam Haddad Eliminated Sam Haddad moved all in preflop for 167,000. Duy Le called. Haddad tabled the A Eric Baldwin Doubles Up a Player Jean Pasqualini shoved from the small blind for 165,000. Eric Baldwin called in the big blind. Baldwin tabled the K Player Twitter Accounts Jean-Robert Bellande Player Tags: Robert Mizrachi, Scotty Nguyen, Johnny Chan, Serge Didisheim, Peter Jetten, Eric Baldwin, Praz Bansi Level 20 Hour Two Update: Richey Goes BustoJul 14, '10 Blinds: 6,000-12,000 with a 2,000 ante 1. Theo Jorgensen – 3,200,000 Brett Richey
Dan Lu raised to 30,000 from the cutoff and Brett Richey three-bet to 90,000 from the button. After the blinds folded, Lu moved all-in and Richey made the call with his last 340,000 and showed 5 Richey was stood up to leave the table after the turn as the board ran out Q Jan Boye Doubles, But Still Short Jan Boye moved all-in for 59,000 from the hijack and Christopher Bolt made the call from the big blind. Boye showed A Jorgensen Takes Over Chip Lead Theo Jorgensen raised to 38,000 from the cutoff and Dorothy VonSachsen moved all-in for 75,000 from the button. Jorgensen made the call and the cards were turned on their backs. Jorgensen showed A
Four players saw a flop of Q The turn was the 5 It was an unfortunate turn card for Billirakis who turned two pair with his 5
On the river, John Racner fired out 365,000 into a pot that already had about 500,000 in the middle with the board reading J Jeff Banghart called the bet, but couldn’t rake the pot as Racener showed A Dudley’s Dreams Dashed Dash Dudley was all-in for K Dudley was in bad shape as the board came out 9 Siegel Gets the Best of Kostritsyn Jordan Siegel got his last 322,000 into the middle preflop and got a call from Alexander Kostritsyn. Kostritsyn held pocket tens, but was behind Siegel’s pocket aces. The flop came 7 Two players at the table claimed they had folded aces after the hands were turned up, so they are either playing with an illegal deck of cards, or the players’ memory are slipping a bit.
Steven Padres moved all-in preflop and was called by Jean-Robert Bellande. Bellande was in a commanding position with his K The board ran out A Mizrachi Doubles On a flop of 9 Mizrachi showed K Player Twitter Accounts Jean-Robert Bellande Player Tags: Robert Mizrachi, Theo Jorgensen, Steve Billirakis, Brett Richey, Jean-Robert Bellande, John Racener, Dash Dudley, Alexander Kostritsyn Level 19 Hour Two Update: Jamin Stokes and Hoyt Corkins EliminatedJul 14, '10 Blinds: 5,000-10,000 with a 1,000 ante 1. Matt Affleck – 2,900,000 Jamin Stokes
We caught up with the action on a board reading Q Jamin Stokes Eliminated Jamin Stokes moved all in on the button for 44,000 with the A Robert Mizrachi Doubles Up a Player A player moved all in for 139,000 into Robert Mizrachi. Mizrachi called and exposed the A
Shawn Rice raised to 25,000 and Pkejmanpatric Eskander called from the small blind. The flop came K The turn was the J “You called me with ace-jack. You did the right thing.” said Rice sarcastically. “It was suited,” replied Eskander. Affleck Just Keeps Winning The board read K Franca had check-raised Affleck on the flop and Affleck made the call. Franca checked to Affleck on the turn and Affleck bet 100,000. Franca check-raised again, making it 260,000. Affleck made the call and they saw the J Franca tanked for a while before going all-in for 486,000. After several minutes, Affleck made the call. Franca mucked his hand immediately and Affleck showed A
Jonathan Tamayo made a deep run in last year’s main event, but won’t be making a repeat performance when he moved all-in from middle position for 110,000 and Paul Varano called from the big blind. Tamayo showed A Cowboy Rides Off into Sunset Hoyt Corkins moved all-in preflop with A The board ran out 10 One Less Russian in the Main Event Dragan Galic was all-in before the flop and was called by Vitaly Lunkin, who had him covered by just one yellow, 1,000 chip. Galic showed A Lunkin was all-in for just the ante on the very next hand and was eliminated.
On a previous hand Jason Dewitt had six-bet all in versus the player directly to his left. A couples hands later Dewitt four-bet shoved with pocket eights against the same player. This time he was called. Dewitt’s opponent exposed the A Josh Brikis Falling On a board of K Big Slick Gets Clements Some Chips Andre Coimbra moved all-in preflop and found some bad news when he was called by Scott Clements. Clements held A Player Twitter Accounts Jean-Robert Bellande Player Tags: Hoyt Corkins, Robert Mizrachi, Shawn Rice, William Thorson, Jason Dewitt, Vitaly Lunkin, Jonathan Tamayo, Matt Affleck, Josh Brikis Level 23, Hour Two: Dunst Loses Heartbreaker, Last Woman Standing EliminatedJul 15, '10 Blinds: 12,000-24,000 with a 3,000 ante Players Remaining: 115 out of 7,319 Average Chip Count: 1,909,304 Card Player Chip Counts: Andrew Brokos – 1,230,000 Tournament Leaderboard: 1. Joseph Cheong – 5,540,000 Notable Eliminations: 116. Robert Mizrachi — $57,102 Player Twitter Accounts Jean-Robert Bellande Big Hands:
Ian Gordon moved all in for a little over 1 million and Tony Dunst snapped him off. Gordon turned over A Another player at the table announced he mucked the case A Dunst was drawing dead and to add insult to injury, the board finished off 2 Guan Eliminated Javier Martinez raised to 36,000 from the cutoff and Mozheng Guan repopped to 84,000 from the button. Martinez called and the flop came down A Martinez led with 110,000 and Guan moved in for 480,000. Martinez made the call and turned over A The turn was the 3
Breeze Zuckerman, the last woman standing, moved all in preflop and Eric Baldwin looked her up from the button. Baldwin: A Baldwin had Zuckerman in bad shape, but the flop gave her some help when it fell K Baker Doubles Up David Baker moved all in for 200,000 preflop and David Assouline looked him up. Baker turned over 10 The board ran out Q
Sebastian Panny and Matthew Jarvis tangled in a huge pot that saw Panny all in preflop. Here were their hands: Panny: 10 Panny was in trouble and the flop came K Panny, who was in the top 10 chip counts early in the day, was sent crashing to the rail. Jarvis was at 4.6 million. Pettit Gets Short, Then Busts Michael Pettit found the bulk of his chips in the middle against Jacob Tyler after the flop fell K Pettit was left with just 8,000 after Tyler was all in and Pettit tabled 10 The flush or straight never came and Pettit lost the pot. He would bust a few hands later.
Gualter Salles was all in preflop against Adam Levy. The cards were then turned over. Salles: A Levy was dominating and he put a vice-grip on the hand when the flop fell Q
The 2010 Main Event is down to one Mizrachi brother. Robert Mizrachi moved in for his last 196,000 from under the gun and Josue Sauvageau made the call from the cutoff. Mizrachi: A Mizrachi was dominated and the flop brought no help as it fell J Player Tags: Robert Mizrachi, Eric Baldwin, Ian Gordon, Gualter Salles, Adam Levy, Tony Dunst, Javier Martinez, Sebastian Panny, Mozheng Guan, Breeze Zuckerman, Josue Sauvageau Level 22, Hour One: Robert Mizrachi Doubles Up, Johnny Chan EliminatedJul 15, '10 Blinds: 10,000-20,000 with a 3,000 ante Players Remaining: 154 out of 7,319 Average Chip Count: 1,425,779 Card Player Chip Counts: Andrew Brokos – 1,265,000 Tournament Leaderboard: 1. Robert Pisano – 5,600,000 Notable Eliminations: 156. Johnny Chan — $57,102 Player Twitter Accounts Jean-Robert Bellande Big Hands:
Robert Mizrachi moved all in for 239,000 from the big blind and he was called by Robert Pisando from the small blind. Here were their cards. Mizrachi: A Mizrachi was dominating and the flop left him freerolling when it fell K Chamberlain Surrenders The Double Daniel Chamberlain raised to 44,000 from the cutoff and Gabriel Nassif moved in for 456,000 from the button. Chamberlain looked him up and the cards were turned over. Chamberlain: A Chamberlain was dominated and needed some help with a nine or some spades. The flop board ran out with all black cards, but they were the wrong suit for Chamberlain as it ran Q
Picking up the action after the board had run out 7 Mozheng Guan made the call and turned over 7 Guan was up to 1.4 million while Kostritsyn slipped to 2.4 million. Bracy Gets Jacked Up Tony Bracy moved all in for 97,000 preflop and Redmond Lee decided to raise to 200,000. The isolation play worked as everyone else mucked and the hands were turned over. Bracy: 6 Lee was dominating and the flop fell Q
Johnny Lodden raised to 50,000 from late position and Denis Pisarev made the call from the button. The flop fell A Pisarev fired 65,000 and Lodden made the call. The turn was the 2 Lodden took down a nice pot and he was at 2 million in chips. Affleck And Harder Tangle Matt Affleck raised to 48,000 from the cutoff and Christian Harder made the call from the button next door. The two saw a flop of 9 Harder made the call and the turn was the A Affleck took the pot and he was at 3.1 million. Harder slipped to 1.11 million.
Jameson Singer moved all in for 150,000 preflop and Derek Gibb decided to look him up. Here were their cards: Singer: 7 Singer had two live cards but they were as good as dead when the flop fell A The meaningless river was the 4 Jorgensen With The Knockout Diogo Borges was all in for 520,000 preflop against Theo Jorgensen preflop. Here were their cards. Jorgensen: A Borges was dominated and the board ran out A
Picking up the action on the flop, the board read Q Paulo Figueiredo moved all in for 498,000 and Bryn Kenney made the call to put him at risk. Kenney: K Kenney flopped top pair but was up against the pocket aces of his opponent. But the turn was the Q Binette Goes Boom Francois Binette and Michal Wywrot each put in three-bets before they saw a J Wywrot fired 162,000 and Binette shoved for 750,000. Wywrot made the call and he turned over A But the turn was the Q
Jonathan Driscoll raised it up to 44,000 from the hijack and Theo Tran made the call from the big blind. He then turned over his A-5, thinking he was all in. The floor was called and Tran’s hand was ruled live. The flop then came down A However, since Tran exposed his hand, he was given a one-round penalty. Siegel Eliminated Jordan Siegel moved all in for 268,000 and he was looked up by Jared Ingles in the hijack. Siegel turned over A The board ran out K
Evan Lamprea raised from the cutoff and David Benyamine put in another raise from the button. Lamprea moved enough chips into the middle to put Benyamine all in and he made the call. Benyamine: K Benyamine was dominating and the flop fell Q The river was the Q Levy Drops A Pot Gualter Salles raised to 50,000 preflop and Adam Levy made it 142,000 to go from the small blind. Salles called and the flop fell A Salles fired 100,000 and Levy made the call. The turn was the 10
Johnny Chan and pocket aces did not get along today. He lost a huge pot when he ran his kings into Robert Pisano’s aces during the first level and had a similar situation when he busted out. Chan open-shoved for 550,000 from the cutoff and Jonathan Driscoll snapped him off from the button. The blinds folded and the cards were turned over. Chan: J Chan fell victim to the aces again and the board ran out 7
Duy Le raised to 40,000 preflop and Getty Mattingsley popped it to 105,000. Mizrachi made the call from the small blind and Le also tagged along. The flop fell 10 Le bet 500,000 this time and Mattigsley fled. Mizrachi decided to look him up after a session in the tank and Le tabled J Player Tags: Robert Mizrachi, David Benyamine, Michael Mizrachi, Johnny Chan, Jordan Siegel, Gabriel Nassif, Theo Tran, Duy Le, Johnny Lodden, Bryn Kenney, Adam Levy, Alexander Kostritsyn, Robert Pisano, Mozheng Guan, Daniel Chamberlain |
Jul 12, '10 | 2010 41st Annual World Series of Poker | $10,000 World Series of Poker Main Event | 7 | + | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Level Three Hour Two Update: Jeff Madsen EliminatedJul 07, '10 Note: Players are now on a 90 minute dinner break. They will return to action at 8:20. Blinds: 150-300 Average Chip Counts 30,000 Notable Chip Counts: 1. Barny Boatman – 144,000 Card Player Chip Counts: Stephen A. Murphy — 27,000 Notable Eliminations: Jeff Madsen Twitter Accounts: Daniel Negreanu Big Hands:
A player in middle position bet 600 and Jeff Madsen shoved for 3,600. A player in the small blind called. The original bettor called as well. The flop came J Heather Mercer Doubles Up an Opponent Heather Mercer bet 850 on the button. The small blind called and the big blind raised to 2,500. Mercer, she four-bet to 10,000. The small blind folded and the big blind called all in for 6,000. Mercer tabled pocket eights but was dominated by the A
Picking up the action on the flop of Q There was 3,200 in the pot and the 7 Everyone checked one last time and the player in seat 3 showed ace-high. “I can beat that,” Filippi said as two players mucked in front of him. He turned over J Veldhuis Muscles Out Opponent Picking up the action after the board had run out A The player in seat 6 went in the tank and then mucked his hand with a look of disgust on his face. Veldhuis raked in the pot and he was at 68,000.
Picking up the action on the turn, the board read 8 The river was the A Duke dropped the pot and she was down to 19,300. Markholt Triples Up To Stay Alive In a four-way pot Lee Markholt got his last 3,800 in on a flop of 2 Markholt: A Markholt trailed the pocket pairs but the best hand was about to change. The turn brought the 10
A player in early position raised to 825 and Robert Mizrachi reraised to 2,250. A third player, from the big blind, raised yet again to 4,875. The player in early position folded and Mizrachi just called. The flop came 8 Mizrachi: K Mizrachi had the better pocket pair and his kings would hold through the 9 Pavilion Room Update David Williams Slipping A player in middle position raised to 800. David Williams called from the hijack. The flop came 10 Player Tags: Robert Mizrachi, Lee Markholt, Annie Duke, Amnon Filippi, David Williams, Jeff Madsen, Lex Veldhuis Level Two Hour Two Update: David Williams On FireJul 07, '10 Blinds: 100-200 Average Chip Counts 30,000 Notable Chip Counts: 1. David Williams – 126,000 Card Player Chip Counts: Steve Murphy — 37,800 Notable Eliminations: Twitter Accounts: Daniel Negreanu Big Hands:
Picking up the action on the turn, the board read 8 His opponent did the same and the Q Williams took the pot and he kept adding chips to his massive stack of 126,000. He is the first notable to break into six figures and the second level is only halfway through. Oppenheim In The Win Column Picking up the action on the turn, the board read 10 The river was the J His opponent mucked and Oppenheim took in the pot. He was up to 37,000 after the hand.
Picking up the action on the flop, the board read 7 The turn was the 8 Negreanu was in deep trouble as he showed Q Negreanu Wins “Crazy Internet” Hand Daniel Negreanu raised from the button to 750 and was called by the player in seat 2. On the flop of 8 The J Negreanu took just a moment to reraise to 11,200 and seat 2 tanked once again, asking for a chip count on Negreanu’s remaining stack (around 17,000). Seat 2 counted out a raise that would put Negreanu all in but then returned the chips to his stack. After a few minutes with the ESPN crews anxiously watching, seat 2 folded and tapped the table. Negreanu responded with, “You had the right idea,” and showed 4 Respecting The Champ Facing a raise of 600 from the player to his immediate right, 2007 WSOP main event winner Jerry Yang repopped it to 2,600. His opponent thought it over but decided to give Yang credit and folded. Yang, like the gentleman he is, showed K Chop it Up, Elezra After some significant preflop action, Eli Elezra and his opponent checked down a board of K Sam Farha Drops One Sam Farha raised to 400 from the button and the small blind reraised to 2,000. Farha made the call and the flop came down A The small blind bet 1,000 and Farha raised to 3,000. The small blind called and the turn was the 6 Both players checked to see the 9
Tom Dwan raised from under the gun and received to calls. The flop came down 8 The turn was the 3 Dwan then showed J Robert Mizrachi Shoots Down Cowboys A player moved all in preflop and Robert Mizrachi made the call. Here were their hands: Mizrachi: A Mizrachi was on the right side of the cooler as the board offered no help to his opponent. The player was eliminated and Mizrachi shot up to 65,000. Juan Macerias Eliminated On a 9 Player Tags: Robert Mizrachi, Daniel Negreanu, David Oppenheim, Eli Elezra, David Williams, Sam Farha, Tom Dwan, Jerry Yang Level Eight Hour Two Update: Naujoks ClimbingJul 09, '10 Blinds: 400-800 with a 100 ante Players Remaining: 1,653 out of 2,412 Card Player Chip Counts Barry Shulman – 109,000 Tournament Leaderboard: 1. Dragan Galic – 360,000 Notable Eliminations: Big Hands
Picking up the action on the flop, the board read 7 Seat 9 led out with 7,300 and Naujoks made it 20,000 to go. Seat 9 tanked for awhile but then mucked his hand. Naujoks took in the pot and she was at 105,000. Maria Ho Adds To Her Stack Picking up the action after the turn, the board read Q Ho took a small pot and she was at 36,000.
The player in seat 5 raised to 1,600 and Antonio Esfandiari made the call from the button. The flop then came down Q Esfandiari raised to 5,300 and that’s when the ESPN cameras showed up. “I guess I wouldn’t mind getting knocked out on camera,” seat 5 said. He moved all in for about 20,000 more. Esfandiari simply mucked his hand and he was at 80,000. Hasting’s Stack Keeps Growing Brian Hastings was in a heads-up pot and on the turn the board read A There was another check and Hastings bet 15,000, which was called again. Hastings showed A
Erik Seidel raised from the cutoff and Greg Fishberg called from the small blind. The two saw a flop of K Seidel just had a disappointed look on his face as he didn’t turn over his cards. Fishberg showed J Seidel falls to 17,000 and Fishberg is up to 88,000. Live Poker is Rigged Rob Saltiel was on the button and bet after his opponent checked on the turn with the board reading A Saltiel showed 8 Saltiel doubled up to 50,000.
A player raised to 2,200 and was called by the cutoff, the button, and Lex Veldhuis in the small blind. The player in the big blind then squeezed and moved all-in for 17,100. It folded back around to Veldhuis who tossed in the call. Veldhuis showed 6 The turn was the 7 Hennigan Lets One Go Jonn Hennigan and his opponent checked down a board of 10
Reigning champ Joe Cada faced a raise of 2,100 by the player in seat 8. Cada wasted little time raising to 6,000 from the button. Action folded back to seat 8 who moved all in for about 17,000 more. Cada made the call and they showed their hands: Opponent: A Cada easily had his opponent, and the two went into a coin flip. The flop was great for Cada, running 2 Cada knocked out the player and chipped up to around 92,000 in chips. Grinder Bros. Keep Rolling Brothers Michael and Robert Mizrachi are seated at tables 288 and table 289 in the blue section. The ESPN camera crews are planted between the two tables, but the Mizrachi’s are focused on their A-game. In one hand, Michael and the player in the big blind called a 2,100 raise from the player in seat 5. The flop ran 2 Robert is among the chip leaders with around 225,000. Player Tags: Robert Mizrachi, Antonio Esfandiari, Michael Mizrachi, John Hennigan, Maria Ho, Sandra Naujoks, Joseph Cada Level Six, Hour Two: Cole Loses Chip LeadJul 09, '10 Blinds: 250-500 with a 50 ante Players Remaining: 2,023 out of 2,412 Card Player Chip Counts Justin Marchand – 23,400 Tournament Leaderboard: 1. Mathieu Sauriol – 217,000 Notable Eliminations: Terrance Chan Big Hands:
After a series of raises preflop, a player moved all in for 57,750 and Corwin Cole made the call. Cole: Q Cole was in trouble but he appeared to get lucky when the dealer laid out the flop and the Q The board finished off 10 Williams Runs Into Cowboys David Williams put in a raise to 1,200 preflop. The action went to Manny Minaya on the button and he made it 3,200 to go. Williams made the call and the two saw a flop of J Both players checked and the 4 Minaya made the call and Williams tabled 10
A player limped in and then another one raised to 2,000 preflop. Sam Farha made the call from the hijack and then the limper shoved for 8,000 more. Both opponents made the call and the flop came 8 Both players checked and the turn was the 10 The all-in player then tabled K Kaplan Sticks Around A player raised to 1,400 preflop and Gabe Kaplan made it 5,200 to go from the small blind. His opponent then shoved and Kaplan made the call. Kaplan tabled A The turn was the 9
A player raised to 1,300 preflop and Lauren Kling made the call from the cutoff. The player on the button also called, as did the big blind and the four players saw a flop of 10 Everyone checked and the turn was the A The river was the K Ted Forrest Doubles Up Ted Forrest moved all in for 8,250 and was called by his opponent. Forrest: K The board ran out Q
Picking up the action on the flop, the board read J The turn was the J Davis: Q Davis flopped the straight but Mizrachi turned a boat and the board finished off with the 5 Power Poker For Seidel Erik Seidel raised to 1,250 and seat 3 and seat 4 both made the call. When action reached seat 6 he raised to 3,700 and action folded around to Seidel. Erik reraised to 10,500 and seats 3 and 4 got out of the way. Seat 6 tanked for a few minutes before letting his hand go. Seidel took down the pot uncontested, chipping up to around 53,000 in chips. The Russian Scoops One Sitting in the big blind, Vitaly Lunkin called a raise from the button and they saw a flop. It came A The turn was the J
Seat 5 bet 1,500 on a flop of 4 The turn brought the 8 The river was the 7 Mueller lost around 12,000 on the hand and had around 39,000 after it. Matros Calls An All-In Bet, Chops Matt Matros called a short-stacked player’s all in bet for 7,325 preflop and they showed down. Their hands? The same: Matros: A It seemed like an obvious chop, but through the turn the board ran 5 Matros had around 120,000 after the hand.
Jason Somerville raised from the cutoff and the big blind moved all-in for 10,000. Somerville promptly called and tabled Q The board ran out J Michelle’s Bluff Gets Sniffed Out On the turn, the board read 5 After the dealer peeled off the 5 Michelle didn’t respond and eventually her opponent made the call. Michelle showed A
We caught up with the action on the river with the board reading J Leigh tabled A Left in the Deck: “Miami” John Cernuto is supposedly sitting at the featured table right in front of us, but he has yet to show up for the tournament today. He has been being blinded off for the last three hours and is down to 12,000 in chips. Player Tags: Robert Mizrachi, Erik Seidel, Raymond Davis, Ted Forrest, Greg Mueller, Gabe Kaplan, David Williams, Sam Farha, Vitaly Lunkin, Corwin Cole, Lauren Kling Level 11, Hour Two: Jared Hamby EliminatedJul 12, '10 Blinds: 800-1,600 with a 200 ante Players Remaining: 1,737 out of 7,319 Average Chip Count: 126,408 Card Player Chip Counts Barry Shulman – 240,000 Tournament Leaderboard: 1. Kevin Gates – 530,000 Notable Eliminations: Sandra Naujoks Big Hands:
Picking up the action after the flop came down 9 Baron: 2 Baron flopped a set to crack the queens but the board finished off 10 A few hands later, Baron moved those 33,000 all in and was called by one player. Baron tabled 7 The board ran out 10 Negreanu Gets No Takers Daniel Negreanu raised to 4,600 preflop and he was called by a player in late position and then by one of the blinds. The flop came down Q
Robert Mizrachi raised to 4,400 from the cutoff and the player on the button made the call. The flop came down Q The button called and the turn was the 2 Mizrachi tabled 7 Rousso Doubles We didn’t catch all of the action but Vanessa Rousso moved all in for about 15,000 and was called by one player. Rousso tabled A-6 and her opponent had K-J. The board ran out seven-high and Rousso doubled up to 30,000. Allyn Jaffrey Shulman Eliminated Allyn Jaffrey Shulman was all-in with A Shulman was eliminated and ESPN filmed her husband, Barry, consoling her after her chips were pushed in the other direction.
Kelly Kim raised to 3,800 and was met with a three-bet to 10,700 by Phil Galfond. Kim moved all-in for around 35,000 and was snap-called by Galfond. Galfond showed A The turn was the 5 Naujoks’ Bluff Gone Wrong Sandra Naujoks fired 15,000 on the turn with the board reading 2 Naujoks tabled A Pavilion Room Coverage Gabe Walls Playing Aggressive Gabe Walls bet from late position and a player on the button three-bet him to 8,200. The action was back to Walls and he four-bet to 22,000. His opponent tanked before finally folding. Walls flashed a 2
Kevin Bates made it 3,000 from under the gun and two players called. Action was on Jared Hamby on the button. He elected to shove for 36,200 total. Everyone folded and Hamby took the pot to increase his stack to about 46,000. A couple hands later, Steve Billirakis bet and was three-bet by a player directly to his left. Hamby moved all in on the button and it was folded to Billirakis. Billirakis announced all in and the three-bettor folded. Hamby exposed the A Hamby had three cashes at the 2010 World Series of Poker. His best score was an eighth place finish in a $1,000 no-limit hold’em event for $46,077. Vanessa Selbst Takes a Pot On a board of Q Twitter Accounts Barry Shulman Player Tags: Robert Mizrachi, Steve Billirakis, Vanessa Rousso, Isaac Baron, Phil Galfond, Vanessa Selbst, Jared Hamby, Sandra Naujoks Level 21 Hour One Update: Scotty Nguyen EliminatedJul 14, '10 Blinds: 8,000-16,000 with a 2,000 ante 1. Evan Lamprea — 3,900,000 Praz Bansi
Garrett Adelstein opend to 36,000 from the cutoff and Johnny Chan three-bet to 101,000 from the button. Action was folded back to Adelstein and he reraised all in for 970,000. Chan called with the K Serge Didisheim Eliminated Serge Didisheim moved all in for 195,000. Manuel Davidian called with the A Marceo Dabus Doubles Up Marceo Dabus was all in preflop for 395,000 with the A
Robert Mizrachi bet 42,000 from middle position and Matthew Reed three-bet to 115,000. Mizrachi made the call. The flop came J Peter Jetten Eliminates a Player Laurentius Sloot was all in for 124,000 with the A Scotty Nguyen Eliminated Scotty Nguyen was getting short when he moved all in preflop with A-J. Unfortunately for Nguyen, he ran into the pocket kings of his opponent. The board offered no help and he was gone.
On an A Sam Haddad Eliminated Sam Haddad moved all in preflop for 167,000. Duy Le called. Haddad tabled the A Eric Baldwin Doubles Up a Player Jean Pasqualini shoved from the small blind for 165,000. Eric Baldwin called in the big blind. Baldwin tabled the K Player Twitter Accounts Jean-Robert Bellande Player Tags: Robert Mizrachi, Scotty Nguyen, Johnny Chan, Serge Didisheim, Peter Jetten, Eric Baldwin, Praz Bansi Level 20 Hour Two Update: Richey Goes BustoJul 14, '10 Blinds: 6,000-12,000 with a 2,000 ante 1. Theo Jorgensen – 3,200,000 Brett Richey
Dan Lu raised to 30,000 from the cutoff and Brett Richey three-bet to 90,000 from the button. After the blinds folded, Lu moved all-in and Richey made the call with his last 340,000 and showed 5 Richey was stood up to leave the table after the turn as the board ran out Q Jan Boye Doubles, But Still Short Jan Boye moved all-in for 59,000 from the hijack and Christopher Bolt made the call from the big blind. Boye showed A Jorgensen Takes Over Chip Lead Theo Jorgensen raised to 38,000 from the cutoff and Dorothy VonSachsen moved all-in for 75,000 from the button. Jorgensen made the call and the cards were turned on their backs. Jorgensen showed A
Four players saw a flop of Q The turn was the 5 It was an unfortunate turn card for Billirakis who turned two pair with his 5
On the river, John Racner fired out 365,000 into a pot that already had about 500,000 in the middle with the board reading J Jeff Banghart called the bet, but couldn’t rake the pot as Racener showed A Dudley’s Dreams Dashed Dash Dudley was all-in for K Dudley was in bad shape as the board came out 9 Siegel Gets the Best of Kostritsyn Jordan Siegel got his last 322,000 into the middle preflop and got a call from Alexander Kostritsyn. Kostritsyn held pocket tens, but was behind Siegel’s pocket aces. The flop came 7 Two players at the table claimed they had folded aces after the hands were turned up, so they are either playing with an illegal deck of cards, or the players’ memory are slipping a bit.
Steven Padres moved all-in preflop and was called by Jean-Robert Bellande. Bellande was in a commanding position with his K The board ran out A Mizrachi Doubles On a flop of 9 Mizrachi showed K Player Twitter Accounts Jean-Robert Bellande Player Tags: Robert Mizrachi, Theo Jorgensen, Steve Billirakis, Brett Richey, Jean-Robert Bellande, John Racener, Dash Dudley, Alexander Kostritsyn Level 19 Hour Two Update: Jamin Stokes and Hoyt Corkins EliminatedJul 14, '10 Blinds: 5,000-10,000 with a 1,000 ante 1. Matt Affleck – 2,900,000 Jamin Stokes
We caught up with the action on a board reading Q Jamin Stokes Eliminated Jamin Stokes moved all in on the button for 44,000 with the A Robert Mizrachi Doubles Up a Player A player moved all in for 139,000 into Robert Mizrachi. Mizrachi called and exposed the A
Shawn Rice raised to 25,000 and Pkejmanpatric Eskander called from the small blind. The flop came K The turn was the J “You called me with ace-jack. You did the right thing.” said Rice sarcastically. “It was suited,” replied Eskander. Affleck Just Keeps Winning The board read K Franca had check-raised Affleck on the flop and Affleck made the call. Franca checked to Affleck on the turn and Affleck bet 100,000. Franca check-raised again, making it 260,000. Affleck made the call and they saw the J Franca tanked for a while before going all-in for 486,000. After several minutes, Affleck made the call. Franca mucked his hand immediately and Affleck showed A
Jonathan Tamayo made a deep run in last year’s main event, but won’t be making a repeat performance when he moved all-in from middle position for 110,000 and Paul Varano called from the big blind. Tamayo showed A Cowboy Rides Off into Sunset Hoyt Corkins moved all-in preflop with A The board ran out 10 One Less Russian in the Main Event Dragan Galic was all-in before the flop and was called by Vitaly Lunkin, who had him covered by just one yellow, 1,000 chip. Galic showed A Lunkin was all-in for just the ante on the very next hand and was eliminated.
On a previous hand Jason Dewitt had six-bet all in versus the player directly to his left. A couples hands later Dewitt four-bet shoved with pocket eights against the same player. This time he was called. Dewitt’s opponent exposed the A Josh Brikis Falling On a board of K Big Slick Gets Clements Some Chips Andre Coimbra moved all-in preflop and found some bad news when he was called by Scott Clements. Clements held A Player Twitter Accounts Jean-Robert Bellande Player Tags: Hoyt Corkins, Robert Mizrachi, Shawn Rice, William Thorson, Jason Dewitt, Vitaly Lunkin, Jonathan Tamayo, Matt Affleck, Josh Brikis Level 23, Hour Two: Dunst Loses Heartbreaker, Last Woman Standing EliminatedJul 15, '10 Blinds: 12,000-24,000 with a 3,000 ante Players Remaining: 115 out of 7,319 Average Chip Count: 1,909,304 Card Player Chip Counts: Andrew Brokos – 1,230,000 Tournament Leaderboard: 1. Joseph Cheong – 5,540,000 Notable Eliminations: 116. Robert Mizrachi — $57,102 Player Twitter Accounts Jean-Robert Bellande Big Hands:
Ian Gordon moved all in for a little over 1 million and Tony Dunst snapped him off. Gordon turned over A Another player at the table announced he mucked the case A Dunst was drawing dead and to add insult to injury, the board finished off 2 Guan Eliminated Javier Martinez raised to 36,000 from the cutoff and Mozheng Guan repopped to 84,000 from the button. Martinez called and the flop came down A Martinez led with 110,000 and Guan moved in for 480,000. Martinez made the call and turned over A The turn was the 3
Breeze Zuckerman, the last woman standing, moved all in preflop and Eric Baldwin looked her up from the button. Baldwin: A Baldwin had Zuckerman in bad shape, but the flop gave her some help when it fell K Baker Doubles Up David Baker moved all in for 200,000 preflop and David Assouline looked him up. Baker turned over 10 The board ran out Q
Sebastian Panny and Matthew Jarvis tangled in a huge pot that saw Panny all in preflop. Here were their hands: Panny: 10 Panny was in trouble and the flop came K Panny, who was in the top 10 chip counts early in the day, was sent crashing to the rail. Jarvis was at 4.6 million. Pettit Gets Short, Then Busts Michael Pettit found the bulk of his chips in the middle against Jacob Tyler after the flop fell K Pettit was left with just 8,000 after Tyler was all in and Pettit tabled 10 The flush or straight never came and Pettit lost the pot. He would bust a few hands later.
Gualter Salles was all in preflop against Adam Levy. The cards were then turned over. Salles: A Levy was dominating and he put a vice-grip on the hand when the flop fell Q
The 2010 Main Event is down to one Mizrachi brother. Robert Mizrachi moved in for his last 196,000 from under the gun and Josue Sauvageau made the call from the cutoff. Mizrachi: A Mizrachi was dominated and the flop brought no help as it fell J Player Tags: Robert Mizrachi, Eric Baldwin, Ian Gordon, Gualter Salles, Adam Levy, Tony Dunst, Javier Martinez, Sebastian Panny, Mozheng Guan, Breeze Zuckerman, Josue Sauvageau Level 22, Hour One: Robert Mizrachi Doubles Up, Johnny Chan EliminatedJul 15, '10 Blinds: 10,000-20,000 with a 3,000 ante Players Remaining: 154 out of 7,319 Average Chip Count: 1,425,779 Card Player Chip Counts: Andrew Brokos – 1,265,000 Tournament Leaderboard: 1. Robert Pisano – 5,600,000 Notable Eliminations: 156. Johnny Chan — $57,102 Player Twitter Accounts Jean-Robert Bellande Big Hands:
Robert Mizrachi moved all in for 239,000 from the big blind and he was called by Robert Pisando from the small blind. Here were their cards. Mizrachi: A Mizrachi was dominating and the flop left him freerolling when it fell K Chamberlain Surrenders The Double Daniel Chamberlain raised to 44,000 from the cutoff and Gabriel Nassif moved in for 456,000 from the button. Chamberlain looked him up and the cards were turned over. Chamberlain: A Chamberlain was dominated and needed some help with a nine or some spades. The flop board ran out with all black cards, but they were the wrong suit for Chamberlain as it ran Q
Picking up the action after the board had run out 7 Mozheng Guan made the call and turned over 7 Guan was up to 1.4 million while Kostritsyn slipped to 2.4 million. Bracy Gets Jacked Up Tony Bracy moved all in for 97,000 preflop and Redmond Lee decided to raise to 200,000. The isolation play worked as everyone else mucked and the hands were turned over. Bracy: 6 Lee was dominating and the flop fell Q
Johnny Lodden raised to 50,000 from late position and Denis Pisarev made the call from the button. The flop fell A Pisarev fired 65,000 and Lodden made the call. The turn was the 2 Lodden took down a nice pot and he was at 2 million in chips. Affleck And Harder Tangle Matt Affleck raised to 48,000 from the cutoff and Christian Harder made the call from the button next door. The two saw a flop of 9 Harder made the call and the turn was the A Affleck took the pot and he was at 3.1 million. Harder slipped to 1.11 million.
Jameson Singer moved all in for 150,000 preflop and Derek Gibb decided to look him up. Here were their cards: Singer: 7 Singer had two live cards but they were as good as dead when the flop fell A The meaningless river was the 4 Jorgensen With The Knockout Diogo Borges was all in for 520,000 preflop against Theo Jorgensen preflop. Here were their cards. Jorgensen: A Borges was dominated and the board ran out A
Picking up the action on the flop, the board read Q Paulo Figueiredo moved all in for 498,000 and Bryn Kenney made the call to put him at risk. Kenney: K Kenney flopped top pair but was up against the pocket aces of his opponent. But the turn was the Q Binette Goes Boom Francois Binette and Michal Wywrot each put in three-bets before they saw a J Wywrot fired 162,000 and Binette shoved for 750,000. Wywrot made the call and he turned over A But the turn was the Q
Jonathan Driscoll raised it up to 44,000 from the hijack and Theo Tran made the call from the big blind. He then turned over his A-5, thinking he was all in. The floor was called and Tran’s hand was ruled live. The flop then came down A However, since Tran exposed his hand, he was given a one-round penalty. Siegel Eliminated Jordan Siegel moved all in for 268,000 and he was looked up by Jared Ingles in the hijack. Siegel turned over A The board ran out K
Evan Lamprea raised from the cutoff and David Benyamine put in another raise from the button. Lamprea moved enough chips into the middle to put Benyamine all in and he made the call. Benyamine: K Benyamine was dominating and the flop fell Q The river was the Q Levy Drops A Pot Gualter Salles raised to 50,000 preflop and Adam Levy made it 142,000 to go from the small blind. Salles called and the flop fell A Salles fired 100,000 and Levy made the call. The turn was the 10
Johnny Chan and pocket aces did not get along today. He lost a huge pot when he ran his kings into Robert Pisano’s aces during the first level and had a similar situation when he busted out. Chan open-shoved for 550,000 from the cutoff and Jonathan Driscoll snapped him off from the button. The blinds folded and the cards were turned over. Chan: J Chan fell victim to the aces again and the board ran out 7
Duy Le raised to 40,000 preflop and Getty Mattingsley popped it to 105,000. Mizrachi made the call from the small blind and Le also tagged along. The flop fell 10 Le bet 500,000 this time and Mattigsley fled. Mizrachi decided to look him up after a session in the tank and Le tabled J Player Tags: Robert Mizrachi, David Benyamine, Michael Mizrachi, Johnny Chan, Jordan Siegel, Gabriel Nassif, Theo Tran, Duy Le, Johnny Lodden, Bryn Kenney, Adam Levy, Alexander Kostritsyn, Robert Pisano, Mozheng Guan, Daniel Chamberlain |
Jul 09, '10 | 2010 41st Annual World Series of Poker | $10,000 World Series of Poker Main Event | 5 | + | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Level Three Hour Two Update: Jeff Madsen EliminatedJul 07, '10 Note: Players are now on a 90 minute dinner break. They will return to action at 8:20. Blinds: 150-300 Average Chip Counts 30,000 Notable Chip Counts: 1. Barny Boatman – 144,000 Card Player Chip Counts: Stephen A. Murphy — 27,000 Notable Eliminations: Jeff Madsen Twitter Accounts: Daniel Negreanu Big Hands:
A player in middle position bet 600 and Jeff Madsen shoved for 3,600. A player in the small blind called. The original bettor called as well. The flop came J Heather Mercer Doubles Up an Opponent Heather Mercer bet 850 on the button. The small blind called and the big blind raised to 2,500. Mercer, she four-bet to 10,000. The small blind folded and the big blind called all in for 6,000. Mercer tabled pocket eights but was dominated by the A
Picking up the action on the flop of Q There was 3,200 in the pot and the 7 Everyone checked one last time and the player in seat 3 showed ace-high. “I can beat that,” Filippi said as two players mucked in front of him. He turned over J Veldhuis Muscles Out Opponent Picking up the action after the board had run out A The player in seat 6 went in the tank and then mucked his hand with a look of disgust on his face. Veldhuis raked in the pot and he was at 68,000.
Picking up the action on the turn, the board read 8 The river was the A Duke dropped the pot and she was down to 19,300. Markholt Triples Up To Stay Alive In a four-way pot Lee Markholt got his last 3,800 in on a flop of 2 Markholt: A Markholt trailed the pocket pairs but the best hand was about to change. The turn brought the 10
A player in early position raised to 825 and Robert Mizrachi reraised to 2,250. A third player, from the big blind, raised yet again to 4,875. The player in early position folded and Mizrachi just called. The flop came 8 Mizrachi: K Mizrachi had the better pocket pair and his kings would hold through the 9 Pavilion Room Update David Williams Slipping A player in middle position raised to 800. David Williams called from the hijack. The flop came 10 Player Tags: Robert Mizrachi, Lee Markholt, Annie Duke, Amnon Filippi, David Williams, Jeff Madsen, Lex Veldhuis Level Two Hour Two Update: David Williams On FireJul 07, '10 Blinds: 100-200 Average Chip Counts 30,000 Notable Chip Counts: 1. David Williams – 126,000 Card Player Chip Counts: Steve Murphy — 37,800 Notable Eliminations: Twitter Accounts: Daniel Negreanu Big Hands:
Picking up the action on the turn, the board read 8 His opponent did the same and the Q Williams took the pot and he kept adding chips to his massive stack of 126,000. He is the first notable to break into six figures and the second level is only halfway through. Oppenheim In The Win Column Picking up the action on the turn, the board read 10 The river was the J His opponent mucked and Oppenheim took in the pot. He was up to 37,000 after the hand.
Picking up the action on the flop, the board read 7 The turn was the 8 Negreanu was in deep trouble as he showed Q Negreanu Wins “Crazy Internet” Hand Daniel Negreanu raised from the button to 750 and was called by the player in seat 2. On the flop of 8 The J Negreanu took just a moment to reraise to 11,200 and seat 2 tanked once again, asking for a chip count on Negreanu’s remaining stack (around 17,000). Seat 2 counted out a raise that would put Negreanu all in but then returned the chips to his stack. After a few minutes with the ESPN crews anxiously watching, seat 2 folded and tapped the table. Negreanu responded with, “You had the right idea,” and showed 4 Respecting The Champ Facing a raise of 600 from the player to his immediate right, 2007 WSOP main event winner Jerry Yang repopped it to 2,600. His opponent thought it over but decided to give Yang credit and folded. Yang, like the gentleman he is, showed K Chop it Up, Elezra After some significant preflop action, Eli Elezra and his opponent checked down a board of K Sam Farha Drops One Sam Farha raised to 400 from the button and the small blind reraised to 2,000. Farha made the call and the flop came down A The small blind bet 1,000 and Farha raised to 3,000. The small blind called and the turn was the 6 Both players checked to see the 9
Tom Dwan raised from under the gun and received to calls. The flop came down 8 The turn was the 3 Dwan then showed J Robert Mizrachi Shoots Down Cowboys A player moved all in preflop and Robert Mizrachi made the call. Here were their hands: Mizrachi: A Mizrachi was on the right side of the cooler as the board offered no help to his opponent. The player was eliminated and Mizrachi shot up to 65,000. Juan Macerias Eliminated On a 9 Player Tags: Robert Mizrachi, Daniel Negreanu, David Oppenheim, Eli Elezra, David Williams, Sam Farha, Tom Dwan, Jerry Yang Level Eight Hour Two Update: Naujoks ClimbingJul 09, '10 Blinds: 400-800 with a 100 ante Players Remaining: 1,653 out of 2,412 Card Player Chip Counts Barry Shulman – 109,000 Tournament Leaderboard: 1. Dragan Galic – 360,000 Notable Eliminations: Big Hands
Picking up the action on the flop, the board read 7 Seat 9 led out with 7,300 and Naujoks made it 20,000 to go. Seat 9 tanked for awhile but then mucked his hand. Naujoks took in the pot and she was at 105,000. Maria Ho Adds To Her Stack Picking up the action after the turn, the board read Q Ho took a small pot and she was at 36,000.
The player in seat 5 raised to 1,600 and Antonio Esfandiari made the call from the button. The flop then came down Q Esfandiari raised to 5,300 and that’s when the ESPN cameras showed up. “I guess I wouldn’t mind getting knocked out on camera,” seat 5 said. He moved all in for about 20,000 more. Esfandiari simply mucked his hand and he was at 80,000. Hasting’s Stack Keeps Growing Brian Hastings was in a heads-up pot and on the turn the board read A There was another check and Hastings bet 15,000, which was called again. Hastings showed A
Erik Seidel raised from the cutoff and Greg Fishberg called from the small blind. The two saw a flop of K Seidel just had a disappointed look on his face as he didn’t turn over his cards. Fishberg showed J Seidel falls to 17,000 and Fishberg is up to 88,000. Live Poker is Rigged Rob Saltiel was on the button and bet after his opponent checked on the turn with the board reading A Saltiel showed 8 Saltiel doubled up to 50,000.
A player raised to 2,200 and was called by the cutoff, the button, and Lex Veldhuis in the small blind. The player in the big blind then squeezed and moved all-in for 17,100. It folded back around to Veldhuis who tossed in the call. Veldhuis showed 6 The turn was the 7 Hennigan Lets One Go Jonn Hennigan and his opponent checked down a board of 10
Reigning champ Joe Cada faced a raise of 2,100 by the player in seat 8. Cada wasted little time raising to 6,000 from the button. Action folded back to seat 8 who moved all in for about 17,000 more. Cada made the call and they showed their hands: Opponent: A Cada easily had his opponent, and the two went into a coin flip. The flop was great for Cada, running 2 Cada knocked out the player and chipped up to around 92,000 in chips. Grinder Bros. Keep Rolling Brothers Michael and Robert Mizrachi are seated at tables 288 and table 289 in the blue section. The ESPN camera crews are planted between the two tables, but the Mizrachi’s are focused on their A-game. In one hand, Michael and the player in the big blind called a 2,100 raise from the player in seat 5. The flop ran 2 Robert is among the chip leaders with around 225,000. Player Tags: Robert Mizrachi, Antonio Esfandiari, Michael Mizrachi, John Hennigan, Maria Ho, Sandra Naujoks, Joseph Cada Level Six, Hour Two: Cole Loses Chip LeadJul 09, '10 Blinds: 250-500 with a 50 ante Players Remaining: 2,023 out of 2,412 Card Player Chip Counts Justin Marchand – 23,400 Tournament Leaderboard: 1. Mathieu Sauriol – 217,000 Notable Eliminations: Terrance Chan Big Hands:
After a series of raises preflop, a player moved all in for 57,750 and Corwin Cole made the call. Cole: Q Cole was in trouble but he appeared to get lucky when the dealer laid out the flop and the Q The board finished off 10 Williams Runs Into Cowboys David Williams put in a raise to 1,200 preflop. The action went to Manny Minaya on the button and he made it 3,200 to go. Williams made the call and the two saw a flop of J Both players checked and the 4 Minaya made the call and Williams tabled 10
A player limped in and then another one raised to 2,000 preflop. Sam Farha made the call from the hijack and then the limper shoved for 8,000 more. Both opponents made the call and the flop came 8 Both players checked and the turn was the 10 The all-in player then tabled K Kaplan Sticks Around A player raised to 1,400 preflop and Gabe Kaplan made it 5,200 to go from the small blind. His opponent then shoved and Kaplan made the call. Kaplan tabled A The turn was the 9
A player raised to 1,300 preflop and Lauren Kling made the call from the cutoff. The player on the button also called, as did the big blind and the four players saw a flop of 10 Everyone checked and the turn was the A The river was the K Ted Forrest Doubles Up Ted Forrest moved all in for 8,250 and was called by his opponent. Forrest: K The board ran out Q
Picking up the action on the flop, the board read J The turn was the J Davis: Q Davis flopped the straight but Mizrachi turned a boat and the board finished off with the 5 Power Poker For Seidel Erik Seidel raised to 1,250 and seat 3 and seat 4 both made the call. When action reached seat 6 he raised to 3,700 and action folded around to Seidel. Erik reraised to 10,500 and seats 3 and 4 got out of the way. Seat 6 tanked for a few minutes before letting his hand go. Seidel took down the pot uncontested, chipping up to around 53,000 in chips. The Russian Scoops One Sitting in the big blind, Vitaly Lunkin called a raise from the button and they saw a flop. It came A The turn was the J
Seat 5 bet 1,500 on a flop of 4 The turn brought the 8 The river was the 7 Mueller lost around 12,000 on the hand and had around 39,000 after it. Matros Calls An All-In Bet, Chops Matt Matros called a short-stacked player’s all in bet for 7,325 preflop and they showed down. Their hands? The same: Matros: A It seemed like an obvious chop, but through the turn the board ran 5 Matros had around 120,000 after the hand.
Jason Somerville raised from the cutoff and the big blind moved all-in for 10,000. Somerville promptly called and tabled Q The board ran out J Michelle’s Bluff Gets Sniffed Out On the turn, the board read 5 After the dealer peeled off the 5 Michelle didn’t respond and eventually her opponent made the call. Michelle showed A
We caught up with the action on the river with the board reading J Leigh tabled A Left in the Deck: “Miami” John Cernuto is supposedly sitting at the featured table right in front of us, but he has yet to show up for the tournament today. He has been being blinded off for the last three hours and is down to 12,000 in chips. Player Tags: Robert Mizrachi, Erik Seidel, Raymond Davis, Ted Forrest, Greg Mueller, Gabe Kaplan, David Williams, Sam Farha, Vitaly Lunkin, Corwin Cole, Lauren Kling Level 11, Hour Two: Jared Hamby EliminatedJul 12, '10 Blinds: 800-1,600 with a 200 ante Players Remaining: 1,737 out of 7,319 Average Chip Count: 126,408 Card Player Chip Counts Barry Shulman – 240,000 Tournament Leaderboard: 1. Kevin Gates – 530,000 Notable Eliminations: Sandra Naujoks Big Hands:
Picking up the action after the flop came down 9 Baron: 2 Baron flopped a set to crack the queens but the board finished off 10 A few hands later, Baron moved those 33,000 all in and was called by one player. Baron tabled 7 The board ran out 10 Negreanu Gets No Takers Daniel Negreanu raised to 4,600 preflop and he was called by a player in late position and then by one of the blinds. The flop came down Q
Robert Mizrachi raised to 4,400 from the cutoff and the player on the button made the call. The flop came down Q The button called and the turn was the 2 Mizrachi tabled 7 Rousso Doubles We didn’t catch all of the action but Vanessa Rousso moved all in for about 15,000 and was called by one player. Rousso tabled A-6 and her opponent had K-J. The board ran out seven-high and Rousso doubled up to 30,000. Allyn Jaffrey Shulman Eliminated Allyn Jaffrey Shulman was all-in with A Shulman was eliminated and ESPN filmed her husband, Barry, consoling her after her chips were pushed in the other direction.
Kelly Kim raised to 3,800 and was met with a three-bet to 10,700 by Phil Galfond. Kim moved all-in for around 35,000 and was snap-called by Galfond. Galfond showed A The turn was the 5 Naujoks’ Bluff Gone Wrong Sandra Naujoks fired 15,000 on the turn with the board reading 2 Naujoks tabled A Pavilion Room Coverage Gabe Walls Playing Aggressive Gabe Walls bet from late position and a player on the button three-bet him to 8,200. The action was back to Walls and he four-bet to 22,000. His opponent tanked before finally folding. Walls flashed a 2
Kevin Bates made it 3,000 from under the gun and two players called. Action was on Jared Hamby on the button. He elected to shove for 36,200 total. Everyone folded and Hamby took the pot to increase his stack to about 46,000. A couple hands later, Steve Billirakis bet and was three-bet by a player directly to his left. Hamby moved all in on the button and it was folded to Billirakis. Billirakis announced all in and the three-bettor folded. Hamby exposed the A Hamby had three cashes at the 2010 World Series of Poker. His best score was an eighth place finish in a $1,000 no-limit hold’em event for $46,077. Vanessa Selbst Takes a Pot On a board of Q Twitter Accounts Barry Shulman Player Tags: Robert Mizrachi, Steve Billirakis, Vanessa Rousso, Isaac Baron, Phil Galfond, Vanessa Selbst, Jared Hamby, Sandra Naujoks Level 21 Hour One Update: Scotty Nguyen EliminatedJul 14, '10 Blinds: 8,000-16,000 with a 2,000 ante 1. Evan Lamprea — 3,900,000 Praz Bansi
Garrett Adelstein opend to 36,000 from the cutoff and Johnny Chan three-bet to 101,000 from the button. Action was folded back to Adelstein and he reraised all in for 970,000. Chan called with the K Serge Didisheim Eliminated Serge Didisheim moved all in for 195,000. Manuel Davidian called with the A Marceo Dabus Doubles Up Marceo Dabus was all in preflop for 395,000 with the A
Robert Mizrachi bet 42,000 from middle position and Matthew Reed three-bet to 115,000. Mizrachi made the call. The flop came J Peter Jetten Eliminates a Player Laurentius Sloot was all in for 124,000 with the A Scotty Nguyen Eliminated Scotty Nguyen was getting short when he moved all in preflop with A-J. Unfortunately for Nguyen, he ran into the pocket kings of his opponent. The board offered no help and he was gone.
On an A Sam Haddad Eliminated Sam Haddad moved all in preflop for 167,000. Duy Le called. Haddad tabled the A Eric Baldwin Doubles Up a Player Jean Pasqualini shoved from the small blind for 165,000. Eric Baldwin called in the big blind. Baldwin tabled the K Player Twitter Accounts Jean-Robert Bellande Player Tags: Robert Mizrachi, Scotty Nguyen, Johnny Chan, Serge Didisheim, Peter Jetten, Eric Baldwin, Praz Bansi Level 20 Hour Two Update: Richey Goes BustoJul 14, '10 Blinds: 6,000-12,000 with a 2,000 ante 1. Theo Jorgensen – 3,200,000 Brett Richey
Dan Lu raised to 30,000 from the cutoff and Brett Richey three-bet to 90,000 from the button. After the blinds folded, Lu moved all-in and Richey made the call with his last 340,000 and showed 5 Richey was stood up to leave the table after the turn as the board ran out Q Jan Boye Doubles, But Still Short Jan Boye moved all-in for 59,000 from the hijack and Christopher Bolt made the call from the big blind. Boye showed A Jorgensen Takes Over Chip Lead Theo Jorgensen raised to 38,000 from the cutoff and Dorothy VonSachsen moved all-in for 75,000 from the button. Jorgensen made the call and the cards were turned on their backs. Jorgensen showed A
Four players saw a flop of Q The turn was the 5 It was an unfortunate turn card for Billirakis who turned two pair with his 5
On the river, John Racner fired out 365,000 into a pot that already had about 500,000 in the middle with the board reading J Jeff Banghart called the bet, but couldn’t rake the pot as Racener showed A Dudley’s Dreams Dashed Dash Dudley was all-in for K Dudley was in bad shape as the board came out 9 Siegel Gets the Best of Kostritsyn Jordan Siegel got his last 322,000 into the middle preflop and got a call from Alexander Kostritsyn. Kostritsyn held pocket tens, but was behind Siegel’s pocket aces. The flop came 7 Two players at the table claimed they had folded aces after the hands were turned up, so they are either playing with an illegal deck of cards, or the players’ memory are slipping a bit.
Steven Padres moved all-in preflop and was called by Jean-Robert Bellande. Bellande was in a commanding position with his K The board ran out A Mizrachi Doubles On a flop of 9 Mizrachi showed K Player Twitter Accounts Jean-Robert Bellande Player Tags: Robert Mizrachi, Theo Jorgensen, Steve Billirakis, Brett Richey, Jean-Robert Bellande, John Racener, Dash Dudley, Alexander Kostritsyn Level 19 Hour Two Update: Jamin Stokes and Hoyt Corkins EliminatedJul 14, '10 Blinds: 5,000-10,000 with a 1,000 ante 1. Matt Affleck – 2,900,000 Jamin Stokes
We caught up with the action on a board reading Q Jamin Stokes Eliminated Jamin Stokes moved all in on the button for 44,000 with the A Robert Mizrachi Doubles Up a Player A player moved all in for 139,000 into Robert Mizrachi. Mizrachi called and exposed the A
Shawn Rice raised to 25,000 and Pkejmanpatric Eskander called from the small blind. The flop came K The turn was the J “You called me with ace-jack. You did the right thing.” said Rice sarcastically. “It was suited,” replied Eskander. Affleck Just Keeps Winning The board read K Franca had check-raised Affleck on the flop and Affleck made the call. Franca checked to Affleck on the turn and Affleck bet 100,000. Franca check-raised again, making it 260,000. Affleck made the call and they saw the J Franca tanked for a while before going all-in for 486,000. After several minutes, Affleck made the call. Franca mucked his hand immediately and Affleck showed A
Jonathan Tamayo made a deep run in last year’s main event, but won’t be making a repeat performance when he moved all-in from middle position for 110,000 and Paul Varano called from the big blind. Tamayo showed A Cowboy Rides Off into Sunset Hoyt Corkins moved all-in preflop with A The board ran out 10 One Less Russian in the Main Event Dragan Galic was all-in before the flop and was called by Vitaly Lunkin, who had him covered by just one yellow, 1,000 chip. Galic showed A Lunkin was all-in for just the ante on the very next hand and was eliminated.
On a previous hand Jason Dewitt had six-bet all in versus the player directly to his left. A couples hands later Dewitt four-bet shoved with pocket eights against the same player. This time he was called. Dewitt’s opponent exposed the A Josh Brikis Falling On a board of K Big Slick Gets Clements Some Chips Andre Coimbra moved all-in preflop and found some bad news when he was called by Scott Clements. Clements held A Player Twitter Accounts Jean-Robert Bellande Player Tags: Hoyt Corkins, Robert Mizrachi, Shawn Rice, William Thorson, Jason Dewitt, Vitaly Lunkin, Jonathan Tamayo, Matt Affleck, Josh Brikis Level 23, Hour Two: Dunst Loses Heartbreaker, Last Woman Standing EliminatedJul 15, '10 Blinds: 12,000-24,000 with a 3,000 ante Players Remaining: 115 out of 7,319 Average Chip Count: 1,909,304 Card Player Chip Counts: Andrew Brokos – 1,230,000 Tournament Leaderboard: 1. Joseph Cheong – 5,540,000 Notable Eliminations: 116. Robert Mizrachi — $57,102 Player Twitter Accounts Jean-Robert Bellande Big Hands:
Ian Gordon moved all in for a little over 1 million and Tony Dunst snapped him off. Gordon turned over A Another player at the table announced he mucked the case A Dunst was drawing dead and to add insult to injury, the board finished off 2 Guan Eliminated Javier Martinez raised to 36,000 from the cutoff and Mozheng Guan repopped to 84,000 from the button. Martinez called and the flop came down A Martinez led with 110,000 and Guan moved in for 480,000. Martinez made the call and turned over A The turn was the 3
Breeze Zuckerman, the last woman standing, moved all in preflop and Eric Baldwin looked her up from the button. Baldwin: A Baldwin had Zuckerman in bad shape, but the flop gave her some help when it fell K Baker Doubles Up David Baker moved all in for 200,000 preflop and David Assouline looked him up. Baker turned over 10 The board ran out Q
Sebastian Panny and Matthew Jarvis tangled in a huge pot that saw Panny all in preflop. Here were their hands: Panny: 10 Panny was in trouble and the flop came K Panny, who was in the top 10 chip counts early in the day, was sent crashing to the rail. Jarvis was at 4.6 million. Pettit Gets Short, Then Busts Michael Pettit found the bulk of his chips in the middle against Jacob Tyler after the flop fell K Pettit was left with just 8,000 after Tyler was all in and Pettit tabled 10 The flush or straight never came and Pettit lost the pot. He would bust a few hands later.
Gualter Salles was all in preflop against Adam Levy. The cards were then turned over. Salles: A Levy was dominating and he put a vice-grip on the hand when the flop fell Q
The 2010 Main Event is down to one Mizrachi brother. Robert Mizrachi moved in for his last 196,000 from under the gun and Josue Sauvageau made the call from the cutoff. Mizrachi: A Mizrachi was dominated and the flop brought no help as it fell J Player Tags: Robert Mizrachi, Eric Baldwin, Ian Gordon, Gualter Salles, Adam Levy, Tony Dunst, Javier Martinez, Sebastian Panny, Mozheng Guan, Breeze Zuckerman, Josue Sauvageau Level 22, Hour One: Robert Mizrachi Doubles Up, Johnny Chan EliminatedJul 15, '10 Blinds: 10,000-20,000 with a 3,000 ante Players Remaining: 154 out of 7,319 Average Chip Count: 1,425,779 Card Player Chip Counts: Andrew Brokos – 1,265,000 Tournament Leaderboard: 1. Robert Pisano – 5,600,000 Notable Eliminations: 156. Johnny Chan — $57,102 Player Twitter Accounts Jean-Robert Bellande Big Hands:
Robert Mizrachi moved all in for 239,000 from the big blind and he was called by Robert Pisando from the small blind. Here were their cards. Mizrachi: A Mizrachi was dominating and the flop left him freerolling when it fell K Chamberlain Surrenders The Double Daniel Chamberlain raised to 44,000 from the cutoff and Gabriel Nassif moved in for 456,000 from the button. Chamberlain looked him up and the cards were turned over. Chamberlain: A Chamberlain was dominated and needed some help with a nine or some spades. The flop board ran out with all black cards, but they were the wrong suit for Chamberlain as it ran Q
Picking up the action after the board had run out 7 Mozheng Guan made the call and turned over 7 Guan was up to 1.4 million while Kostritsyn slipped to 2.4 million. Bracy Gets Jacked Up Tony Bracy moved all in for 97,000 preflop and Redmond Lee decided to raise to 200,000. The isolation play worked as everyone else mucked and the hands were turned over. Bracy: 6 Lee was dominating and the flop fell Q
Johnny Lodden raised to 50,000 from late position and Denis Pisarev made the call from the button. The flop fell A Pisarev fired 65,000 and Lodden made the call. The turn was the 2 Lodden took down a nice pot and he was at 2 million in chips. Affleck And Harder Tangle Matt Affleck raised to 48,000 from the cutoff and Christian Harder made the call from the button next door. The two saw a flop of 9 Harder made the call and the turn was the A Affleck took the pot and he was at 3.1 million. Harder slipped to 1.11 million.
Jameson Singer moved all in for 150,000 preflop and Derek Gibb decided to look him up. Here were their cards: Singer: 7 Singer had two live cards but they were as good as dead when the flop fell A The meaningless river was the 4 Jorgensen With The Knockout Diogo Borges was all in for 520,000 preflop against Theo Jorgensen preflop. Here were their cards. Jorgensen: A Borges was dominated and the board ran out A
Picking up the action on the flop, the board read Q Paulo Figueiredo moved all in for 498,000 and Bryn Kenney made the call to put him at risk. Kenney: K Kenney flopped top pair but was up against the pocket aces of his opponent. But the turn was the Q Binette Goes Boom Francois Binette and Michal Wywrot each put in three-bets before they saw a J Wywrot fired 162,000 and Binette shoved for 750,000. Wywrot made the call and he turned over A But the turn was the Q
Jonathan Driscoll raised it up to 44,000 from the hijack and Theo Tran made the call from the big blind. He then turned over his A-5, thinking he was all in. The floor was called and Tran’s hand was ruled live. The flop then came down A However, since Tran exposed his hand, he was given a one-round penalty. Siegel Eliminated Jordan Siegel moved all in for 268,000 and he was looked up by Jared Ingles in the hijack. Siegel turned over A The board ran out K
Evan Lamprea raised from the cutoff and David Benyamine put in another raise from the button. Lamprea moved enough chips into the middle to put Benyamine all in and he made the call. Benyamine: K Benyamine was dominating and the flop fell Q The river was the Q Levy Drops A Pot Gualter Salles raised to 50,000 preflop and Adam Levy made it 142,000 to go from the small blind. Salles called and the flop fell A Salles fired 100,000 and Levy made the call. The turn was the 10
Johnny Chan and pocket aces did not get along today. He lost a huge pot when he ran his kings into Robert Pisano’s aces during the first level and had a similar situation when he busted out. Chan open-shoved for 550,000 from the cutoff and Jonathan Driscoll snapped him off from the button. The blinds folded and the cards were turned over. Chan: J Chan fell victim to the aces again and the board ran out 7
Duy Le raised to 40,000 preflop and Getty Mattingsley popped it to 105,000. Mizrachi made the call from the small blind and Le also tagged along. The flop fell 10 Le bet 500,000 this time and Mattigsley fled. Mizrachi decided to look him up after a session in the tank and Le tabled J Player Tags: Robert Mizrachi, David Benyamine, Michael Mizrachi, Johnny Chan, Jordan Siegel, Gabriel Nassif, Theo Tran, Duy Le, Johnny Lodden, Bryn Kenney, Adam Levy, Alexander Kostritsyn, Robert Pisano, Mozheng Guan, Daniel Chamberlain |
Jul 07, '10 | 2010 41st Annual World Series of Poker | $10,000 World Series of Poker Main Event | 3 | + | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Level Three Hour Two Update: Jeff Madsen EliminatedJul 07, '10 Note: Players are now on a 90 minute dinner break. They will return to action at 8:20. Blinds: 150-300 Average Chip Counts 30,000 Notable Chip Counts: 1. Barny Boatman – 144,000 Card Player Chip Counts: Stephen A. Murphy — 27,000 Notable Eliminations: Jeff Madsen Twitter Accounts: Daniel Negreanu Big Hands:
A player in middle position bet 600 and Jeff Madsen shoved for 3,600. A player in the small blind called. The original bettor called as well. The flop came J Heather Mercer Doubles Up an Opponent Heather Mercer bet 850 on the button. The small blind called and the big blind raised to 2,500. Mercer, she four-bet to 10,000. The small blind folded and the big blind called all in for 6,000. Mercer tabled pocket eights but was dominated by the A
Picking up the action on the flop of Q There was 3,200 in the pot and the 7 Everyone checked one last time and the player in seat 3 showed ace-high. “I can beat that,” Filippi said as two players mucked in front of him. He turned over J Veldhuis Muscles Out Opponent Picking up the action after the board had run out A The player in seat 6 went in the tank and then mucked his hand with a look of disgust on his face. Veldhuis raked in the pot and he was at 68,000.
Picking up the action on the turn, the board read 8 The river was the A Duke dropped the pot and she was down to 19,300. Markholt Triples Up To Stay Alive In a four-way pot Lee Markholt got his last 3,800 in on a flop of 2 Markholt: A Markholt trailed the pocket pairs but the best hand was about to change. The turn brought the 10
A player in early position raised to 825 and Robert Mizrachi reraised to 2,250. A third player, from the big blind, raised yet again to 4,875. The player in early position folded and Mizrachi just called. The flop came 8 Mizrachi: K Mizrachi had the better pocket pair and his kings would hold through the 9 Pavilion Room Update David Williams Slipping A player in middle position raised to 800. David Williams called from the hijack. The flop came 10 Player Tags: Robert Mizrachi, Lee Markholt, Annie Duke, Amnon Filippi, David Williams, Jeff Madsen, Lex Veldhuis Level Two Hour Two Update: David Williams On FireJul 07, '10 Blinds: 100-200 Average Chip Counts 30,000 Notable Chip Counts: 1. David Williams – 126,000 Card Player Chip Counts: Steve Murphy — 37,800 Notable Eliminations: Twitter Accounts: Daniel Negreanu Big Hands:
Picking up the action on the turn, the board read 8 His opponent did the same and the Q Williams took the pot and he kept adding chips to his massive stack of 126,000. He is the first notable to break into six figures and the second level is only halfway through. Oppenheim In The Win Column Picking up the action on the turn, the board read 10 The river was the J His opponent mucked and Oppenheim took in the pot. He was up to 37,000 after the hand.
Picking up the action on the flop, the board read 7 The turn was the 8 Negreanu was in deep trouble as he showed Q Negreanu Wins “Crazy Internet” Hand Daniel Negreanu raised from the button to 750 and was called by the player in seat 2. On the flop of 8 The J Negreanu took just a moment to reraise to 11,200 and seat 2 tanked once again, asking for a chip count on Negreanu’s remaining stack (around 17,000). Seat 2 counted out a raise that would put Negreanu all in but then returned the chips to his stack. After a few minutes with the ESPN crews anxiously watching, seat 2 folded and tapped the table. Negreanu responded with, “You had the right idea,” and showed 4 Respecting The Champ Facing a raise of 600 from the player to his immediate right, 2007 WSOP main event winner Jerry Yang repopped it to 2,600. His opponent thought it over but decided to give Yang credit and folded. Yang, like the gentleman he is, showed K Chop it Up, Elezra After some significant preflop action, Eli Elezra and his opponent checked down a board of K Sam Farha Drops One Sam Farha raised to 400 from the button and the small blind reraised to 2,000. Farha made the call and the flop came down A The small blind bet 1,000 and Farha raised to 3,000. The small blind called and the turn was the 6 Both players checked to see the 9
Tom Dwan raised from under the gun and received to calls. The flop came down 8 The turn was the 3 Dwan then showed J Robert Mizrachi Shoots Down Cowboys A player moved all in preflop and Robert Mizrachi made the call. Here were their hands: Mizrachi: A Mizrachi was on the right side of the cooler as the board offered no help to his opponent. The player was eliminated and Mizrachi shot up to 65,000. Juan Macerias Eliminated On a 9 Player Tags: Robert Mizrachi, Daniel Negreanu, David Oppenheim, Eli Elezra, David Williams, Sam Farha, Tom Dwan, Jerry Yang Level Eight Hour Two Update: Naujoks ClimbingJul 09, '10 Blinds: 400-800 with a 100 ante Players Remaining: 1,653 out of 2,412 Card Player Chip Counts Barry Shulman – 109,000 Tournament Leaderboard: 1. Dragan Galic – 360,000 Notable Eliminations: Big Hands
Picking up the action on the flop, the board read 7 Seat 9 led out with 7,300 and Naujoks made it 20,000 to go. Seat 9 tanked for awhile but then mucked his hand. Naujoks took in the pot and she was at 105,000. Maria Ho Adds To Her Stack Picking up the action after the turn, the board read Q Ho took a small pot and she was at 36,000.
The player in seat 5 raised to 1,600 and Antonio Esfandiari made the call from the button. The flop then came down Q Esfandiari raised to 5,300 and that’s when the ESPN cameras showed up. “I guess I wouldn’t mind getting knocked out on camera,” seat 5 said. He moved all in for about 20,000 more. Esfandiari simply mucked his hand and he was at 80,000. Hasting’s Stack Keeps Growing Brian Hastings was in a heads-up pot and on the turn the board read A There was another check and Hastings bet 15,000, which was called again. Hastings showed A
Erik Seidel raised from the cutoff and Greg Fishberg called from the small blind. The two saw a flop of K Seidel just had a disappointed look on his face as he didn’t turn over his cards. Fishberg showed J Seidel falls to 17,000 and Fishberg is up to 88,000. Live Poker is Rigged Rob Saltiel was on the button and bet after his opponent checked on the turn with the board reading A Saltiel showed 8 Saltiel doubled up to 50,000.
A player raised to 2,200 and was called by the cutoff, the button, and Lex Veldhuis in the small blind. The player in the big blind then squeezed and moved all-in for 17,100. It folded back around to Veldhuis who tossed in the call. Veldhuis showed 6 The turn was the 7 Hennigan Lets One Go Jonn Hennigan and his opponent checked down a board of 10
Reigning champ Joe Cada faced a raise of 2,100 by the player in seat 8. Cada wasted little time raising to 6,000 from the button. Action folded back to seat 8 who moved all in for about 17,000 more. Cada made the call and they showed their hands: Opponent: A Cada easily had his opponent, and the two went into a coin flip. The flop was great for Cada, running 2 Cada knocked out the player and chipped up to around 92,000 in chips. Grinder Bros. Keep Rolling Brothers Michael and Robert Mizrachi are seated at tables 288 and table 289 in the blue section. The ESPN camera crews are planted between the two tables, but the Mizrachi’s are focused on their A-game. In one hand, Michael and the player in the big blind called a 2,100 raise from the player in seat 5. The flop ran 2 Robert is among the chip leaders with around 225,000. Player Tags: Robert Mizrachi, Antonio Esfandiari, Michael Mizrachi, John Hennigan, Maria Ho, Sandra Naujoks, Joseph Cada Level Six, Hour Two: Cole Loses Chip LeadJul 09, '10 Blinds: 250-500 with a 50 ante Players Remaining: 2,023 out of 2,412 Card Player Chip Counts Justin Marchand – 23,400 Tournament Leaderboard: 1. Mathieu Sauriol – 217,000 Notable Eliminations: Terrance Chan Big Hands:
After a series of raises preflop, a player moved all in for 57,750 and Corwin Cole made the call. Cole: Q Cole was in trouble but he appeared to get lucky when the dealer laid out the flop and the Q The board finished off 10 Williams Runs Into Cowboys David Williams put in a raise to 1,200 preflop. The action went to Manny Minaya on the button and he made it 3,200 to go. Williams made the call and the two saw a flop of J Both players checked and the 4 Minaya made the call and Williams tabled 10
A player limped in and then another one raised to 2,000 preflop. Sam Farha made the call from the hijack and then the limper shoved for 8,000 more. Both opponents made the call and the flop came 8 Both players checked and the turn was the 10 The all-in player then tabled K Kaplan Sticks Around A player raised to 1,400 preflop and Gabe Kaplan made it 5,200 to go from the small blind. His opponent then shoved and Kaplan made the call. Kaplan tabled A The turn was the 9
A player raised to 1,300 preflop and Lauren Kling made the call from the cutoff. The player on the button also called, as did the big blind and the four players saw a flop of 10 Everyone checked and the turn was the A The river was the K Ted Forrest Doubles Up Ted Forrest moved all in for 8,250 and was called by his opponent. Forrest: K The board ran out Q
Picking up the action on the flop, the board read J The turn was the J Davis: Q Davis flopped the straight but Mizrachi turned a boat and the board finished off with the 5 Power Poker For Seidel Erik Seidel raised to 1,250 and seat 3 and seat 4 both made the call. When action reached seat 6 he raised to 3,700 and action folded around to Seidel. Erik reraised to 10,500 and seats 3 and 4 got out of the way. Seat 6 tanked for a few minutes before letting his hand go. Seidel took down the pot uncontested, chipping up to around 53,000 in chips. The Russian Scoops One Sitting in the big blind, Vitaly Lunkin called a raise from the button and they saw a flop. It came A The turn was the J
Seat 5 bet 1,500 on a flop of 4 The turn brought the 8 The river was the 7 Mueller lost around 12,000 on the hand and had around 39,000 after it. Matros Calls An All-In Bet, Chops Matt Matros called a short-stacked player’s all in bet for 7,325 preflop and they showed down. Their hands? The same: Matros: A It seemed like an obvious chop, but through the turn the board ran 5 Matros had around 120,000 after the hand.
Jason Somerville raised from the cutoff and the big blind moved all-in for 10,000. Somerville promptly called and tabled Q The board ran out J Michelle’s Bluff Gets Sniffed Out On the turn, the board read 5 After the dealer peeled off the 5 Michelle didn’t respond and eventually her opponent made the call. Michelle showed A
We caught up with the action on the river with the board reading J Leigh tabled A Left in the Deck: “Miami” John Cernuto is supposedly sitting at the featured table right in front of us, but he has yet to show up for the tournament today. He has been being blinded off for the last three hours and is down to 12,000 in chips. Player Tags: Robert Mizrachi, Erik Seidel, Raymond Davis, Ted Forrest, Greg Mueller, Gabe Kaplan, David Williams, Sam Farha, Vitaly Lunkin, Corwin Cole, Lauren Kling Level 11, Hour Two: Jared Hamby EliminatedJul 12, '10 Blinds: 800-1,600 with a 200 ante Players Remaining: 1,737 out of 7,319 Average Chip Count: 126,408 Card Player Chip Counts Barry Shulman – 240,000 Tournament Leaderboard: 1. Kevin Gates – 530,000 Notable Eliminations: Sandra Naujoks Big Hands:
Picking up the action after the flop came down 9 Baron: 2 Baron flopped a set to crack the queens but the board finished off 10 A few hands later, Baron moved those 33,000 all in and was called by one player. Baron tabled 7 The board ran out 10 Negreanu Gets No Takers Daniel Negreanu raised to 4,600 preflop and he was called by a player in late position and then by one of the blinds. The flop came down Q
Robert Mizrachi raised to 4,400 from the cutoff and the player on the button made the call. The flop came down Q The button called and the turn was the 2 Mizrachi tabled 7 Rousso Doubles We didn’t catch all of the action but Vanessa Rousso moved all in for about 15,000 and was called by one player. Rousso tabled A-6 and her opponent had K-J. The board ran out seven-high and Rousso doubled up to 30,000. Allyn Jaffrey Shulman Eliminated Allyn Jaffrey Shulman was all-in with A Shulman was eliminated and ESPN filmed her husband, Barry, consoling her after her chips were pushed in the other direction.
Kelly Kim raised to 3,800 and was met with a three-bet to 10,700 by Phil Galfond. Kim moved all-in for around 35,000 and was snap-called by Galfond. Galfond showed A The turn was the 5 Naujoks’ Bluff Gone Wrong Sandra Naujoks fired 15,000 on the turn with the board reading 2 Naujoks tabled A Pavilion Room Coverage Gabe Walls Playing Aggressive Gabe Walls bet from late position and a player on the button three-bet him to 8,200. The action was back to Walls and he four-bet to 22,000. His opponent tanked before finally folding. Walls flashed a 2
Kevin Bates made it 3,000 from under the gun and two players called. Action was on Jared Hamby on the button. He elected to shove for 36,200 total. Everyone folded and Hamby took the pot to increase his stack to about 46,000. A couple hands later, Steve Billirakis bet and was three-bet by a player directly to his left. Hamby moved all in on the button and it was folded to Billirakis. Billirakis announced all in and the three-bettor folded. Hamby exposed the A Hamby had three cashes at the 2010 World Series of Poker. His best score was an eighth place finish in a $1,000 no-limit hold’em event for $46,077. Vanessa Selbst Takes a Pot On a board of Q Twitter Accounts Barry Shulman Player Tags: Robert Mizrachi, Steve Billirakis, Vanessa Rousso, Isaac Baron, Phil Galfond, Vanessa Selbst, Jared Hamby, Sandra Naujoks Level 21 Hour One Update: Scotty Nguyen EliminatedJul 14, '10 Blinds: 8,000-16,000 with a 2,000 ante 1. Evan Lamprea — 3,900,000 Praz Bansi
Garrett Adelstein opend to 36,000 from the cutoff and Johnny Chan three-bet to 101,000 from the button. Action was folded back to Adelstein and he reraised all in for 970,000. Chan called with the K Serge Didisheim Eliminated Serge Didisheim moved all in for 195,000. Manuel Davidian called with the A Marceo Dabus Doubles Up Marceo Dabus was all in preflop for 395,000 with the A
Robert Mizrachi bet 42,000 from middle position and Matthew Reed three-bet to 115,000. Mizrachi made the call. The flop came J Peter Jetten Eliminates a Player Laurentius Sloot was all in for 124,000 with the A Scotty Nguyen Eliminated Scotty Nguyen was getting short when he moved all in preflop with A-J. Unfortunately for Nguyen, he ran into the pocket kings of his opponent. The board offered no help and he was gone.
On an A Sam Haddad Eliminated Sam Haddad moved all in preflop for 167,000. Duy Le called. Haddad tabled the A Eric Baldwin Doubles Up a Player Jean Pasqualini shoved from the small blind for 165,000. Eric Baldwin called in the big blind. Baldwin tabled the K Player Twitter Accounts Jean-Robert Bellande Player Tags: Robert Mizrachi, Scotty Nguyen, Johnny Chan, Serge Didisheim, Peter Jetten, Eric Baldwin, Praz Bansi Level 20 Hour Two Update: Richey Goes BustoJul 14, '10 Blinds: 6,000-12,000 with a 2,000 ante 1. Theo Jorgensen – 3,200,000 Brett Richey
Dan Lu raised to 30,000 from the cutoff and Brett Richey three-bet to 90,000 from the button. After the blinds folded, Lu moved all-in and Richey made the call with his last 340,000 and showed 5 Richey was stood up to leave the table after the turn as the board ran out Q Jan Boye Doubles, But Still Short Jan Boye moved all-in for 59,000 from the hijack and Christopher Bolt made the call from the big blind. Boye showed A Jorgensen Takes Over Chip Lead Theo Jorgensen raised to 38,000 from the cutoff and Dorothy VonSachsen moved all-in for 75,000 from the button. Jorgensen made the call and the cards were turned on their backs. Jorgensen showed A
Four players saw a flop of Q The turn was the 5 It was an unfortunate turn card for Billirakis who turned two pair with his 5
On the river, John Racner fired out 365,000 into a pot that already had about 500,000 in the middle with the board reading J Jeff Banghart called the bet, but couldn’t rake the pot as Racener showed A Dudley’s Dreams Dashed Dash Dudley was all-in for K Dudley was in bad shape as the board came out 9 Siegel Gets the Best of Kostritsyn Jordan Siegel got his last 322,000 into the middle preflop and got a call from Alexander Kostritsyn. Kostritsyn held pocket tens, but was behind Siegel’s pocket aces. The flop came 7 Two players at the table claimed they had folded aces after the hands were turned up, so they are either playing with an illegal deck of cards, or the players’ memory are slipping a bit.
Steven Padres moved all-in preflop and was called by Jean-Robert Bellande. Bellande was in a commanding position with his K The board ran out A Mizrachi Doubles On a flop of 9 Mizrachi showed K Player Twitter Accounts Jean-Robert Bellande Player Tags: Robert Mizrachi, Theo Jorgensen, Steve Billirakis, Brett Richey, Jean-Robert Bellande, John Racener, Dash Dudley, Alexander Kostritsyn Level 19 Hour Two Update: Jamin Stokes and Hoyt Corkins EliminatedJul 14, '10 Blinds: 5,000-10,000 with a 1,000 ante 1. Matt Affleck – 2,900,000 Jamin Stokes
We caught up with the action on a board reading Q Jamin Stokes Eliminated Jamin Stokes moved all in on the button for 44,000 with the A Robert Mizrachi Doubles Up a Player A player moved all in for 139,000 into Robert Mizrachi. Mizrachi called and exposed the A
Shawn Rice raised to 25,000 and Pkejmanpatric Eskander called from the small blind. The flop came K The turn was the J “You called me with ace-jack. You did the right thing.” said Rice sarcastically. “It was suited,” replied Eskander. Affleck Just Keeps Winning The board read K Franca had check-raised Affleck on the flop and Affleck made the call. Franca checked to Affleck on the turn and Affleck bet 100,000. Franca check-raised again, making it 260,000. Affleck made the call and they saw the J Franca tanked for a while before going all-in for 486,000. After several minutes, Affleck made the call. Franca mucked his hand immediately and Affleck showed A
Jonathan Tamayo made a deep run in last year’s main event, but won’t be making a repeat performance when he moved all-in from middle position for 110,000 and Paul Varano called from the big blind. Tamayo showed A Cowboy Rides Off into Sunset Hoyt Corkins moved all-in preflop with A The board ran out 10 One Less Russian in the Main Event Dragan Galic was all-in before the flop and was called by Vitaly Lunkin, who had him covered by just one yellow, 1,000 chip. Galic showed A Lunkin was all-in for just the ante on the very next hand and was eliminated.
On a previous hand Jason Dewitt had six-bet all in versus the player directly to his left. A couples hands later Dewitt four-bet shoved with pocket eights against the same player. This time he was called. Dewitt’s opponent exposed the A Josh Brikis Falling On a board of K Big Slick Gets Clements Some Chips Andre Coimbra moved all-in preflop and found some bad news when he was called by Scott Clements. Clements held A Player Twitter Accounts Jean-Robert Bellande Player Tags: Hoyt Corkins, Robert Mizrachi, Shawn Rice, William Thorson, Jason Dewitt, Vitaly Lunkin, Jonathan Tamayo, Matt Affleck, Josh Brikis Level 23, Hour Two: Dunst Loses Heartbreaker, Last Woman Standing EliminatedJul 15, '10 Blinds: 12,000-24,000 with a 3,000 ante Players Remaining: 115 out of 7,319 Average Chip Count: 1,909,304 Card Player Chip Counts: Andrew Brokos – 1,230,000 Tournament Leaderboard: 1. Joseph Cheong – 5,540,000 Notable Eliminations: 116. Robert Mizrachi — $57,102 Player Twitter Accounts Jean-Robert Bellande Big Hands:
Ian Gordon moved all in for a little over 1 million and Tony Dunst snapped him off. Gordon turned over A Another player at the table announced he mucked the case A Dunst was drawing dead and to add insult to injury, the board finished off 2 Guan Eliminated Javier Martinez raised to 36,000 from the cutoff and Mozheng Guan repopped to 84,000 from the button. Martinez called and the flop came down A Martinez led with 110,000 and Guan moved in for 480,000. Martinez made the call and turned over A The turn was the 3
Breeze Zuckerman, the last woman standing, moved all in preflop and Eric Baldwin looked her up from the button. Baldwin: A Baldwin had Zuckerman in bad shape, but the flop gave her some help when it fell K Baker Doubles Up David Baker moved all in for 200,000 preflop and David Assouline looked him up. Baker turned over 10 The board ran out Q
Sebastian Panny and Matthew Jarvis tangled in a huge pot that saw Panny all in preflop. Here were their hands: Panny: 10 Panny was in trouble and the flop came K Panny, who was in the top 10 chip counts early in the day, was sent crashing to the rail. Jarvis was at 4.6 million. Pettit Gets Short, Then Busts Michael Pettit found the bulk of his chips in the middle against Jacob Tyler after the flop fell K Pettit was left with just 8,000 after Tyler was all in and Pettit tabled 10 The flush or straight never came and Pettit lost the pot. He would bust a few hands later.
Gualter Salles was all in preflop against Adam Levy. The cards were then turned over. Salles: A Levy was dominating and he put a vice-grip on the hand when the flop fell Q
The 2010 Main Event is down to one Mizrachi brother. Robert Mizrachi moved in for his last 196,000 from under the gun and Josue Sauvageau made the call from the cutoff. Mizrachi: A Mizrachi was dominated and the flop brought no help as it fell J Player Tags: Robert Mizrachi, Eric Baldwin, Ian Gordon, Gualter Salles, Adam Levy, Tony Dunst, Javier Martinez, Sebastian Panny, Mozheng Guan, Breeze Zuckerman, Josue Sauvageau Level 22, Hour One: Robert Mizrachi Doubles Up, Johnny Chan EliminatedJul 15, '10 Blinds: 10,000-20,000 with a 3,000 ante Players Remaining: 154 out of 7,319 Average Chip Count: 1,425,779 Card Player Chip Counts: Andrew Brokos – 1,265,000 Tournament Leaderboard: 1. Robert Pisano – 5,600,000 Notable Eliminations: 156. Johnny Chan — $57,102 Player Twitter Accounts Jean-Robert Bellande Big Hands:
Robert Mizrachi moved all in for 239,000 from the big blind and he was called by Robert Pisando from the small blind. Here were their cards. Mizrachi: A Mizrachi was dominating and the flop left him freerolling when it fell K Chamberlain Surrenders The Double Daniel Chamberlain raised to 44,000 from the cutoff and Gabriel Nassif moved in for 456,000 from the button. Chamberlain looked him up and the cards were turned over. Chamberlain: A Chamberlain was dominated and needed some help with a nine or some spades. The flop board ran out with all black cards, but they were the wrong suit for Chamberlain as it ran Q
Picking up the action after the board had run out 7 Mozheng Guan made the call and turned over 7 Guan was up to 1.4 million while Kostritsyn slipped to 2.4 million. Bracy Gets Jacked Up Tony Bracy moved all in for 97,000 preflop and Redmond Lee decided to raise to 200,000. The isolation play worked as everyone else mucked and the hands were turned over. Bracy: 6 Lee was dominating and the flop fell Q
Johnny Lodden raised to 50,000 from late position and Denis Pisarev made the call from the button. The flop fell A Pisarev fired 65,000 and Lodden made the call. The turn was the 2 Lodden took down a nice pot and he was at 2 million in chips. Affleck And Harder Tangle Matt Affleck raised to 48,000 from the cutoff and Christian Harder made the call from the button next door. The two saw a flop of 9 Harder made the call and the turn was the A Affleck took the pot and he was at 3.1 million. Harder slipped to 1.11 million.
Jameson Singer moved all in for 150,000 preflop and Derek Gibb decided to look him up. Here were their cards: Singer: 7 Singer had two live cards but they were as good as dead when the flop fell A The meaningless river was the 4 Jorgensen With The Knockout Diogo Borges was all in for 520,000 preflop against Theo Jorgensen preflop. Here were their cards. Jorgensen: A Borges was dominated and the board ran out A
Picking up the action on the flop, the board read Q Paulo Figueiredo moved all in for 498,000 and Bryn Kenney made the call to put him at risk. Kenney: K Kenney flopped top pair but was up against the pocket aces of his opponent. But the turn was the Q Binette Goes Boom Francois Binette and Michal Wywrot each put in three-bets before they saw a J Wywrot fired 162,000 and Binette shoved for 750,000. Wywrot made the call and he turned over A But the turn was the Q
Jonathan Driscoll raised it up to 44,000 from the hijack and Theo Tran made the call from the big blind. He then turned over his A-5, thinking he was all in. The floor was called and Tran’s hand was ruled live. The flop then came down A However, since Tran exposed his hand, he was given a one-round penalty. Siegel Eliminated Jordan Siegel moved all in for 268,000 and he was looked up by Jared Ingles in the hijack. Siegel turned over A The board ran out K
Evan Lamprea raised from the cutoff and David Benyamine put in another raise from the button. Lamprea moved enough chips into the middle to put Benyamine all in and he made the call. Benyamine: K Benyamine was dominating and the flop fell Q The river was the Q Levy Drops A Pot Gualter Salles raised to 50,000 preflop and Adam Levy made it 142,000 to go from the small blind. Salles called and the flop fell A Salles fired 100,000 and Levy made the call. The turn was the 10
Johnny Chan and pocket aces did not get along today. He lost a huge pot when he ran his kings into Robert Pisano’s aces during the first level and had a similar situation when he busted out. Chan open-shoved for 550,000 from the cutoff and Jonathan Driscoll snapped him off from the button. The blinds folded and the cards were turned over. Chan: J Chan fell victim to the aces again and the board ran out 7
Duy Le raised to 40,000 preflop and Getty Mattingsley popped it to 105,000. Mizrachi made the call from the small blind and Le also tagged along. The flop fell 10 Le bet 500,000 this time and Mattigsley fled. Mizrachi decided to look him up after a session in the tank and Le tabled J Player Tags: Robert Mizrachi, David Benyamine, Michael Mizrachi, Johnny Chan, Jordan Siegel, Gabriel Nassif, Theo Tran, Duy Le, Johnny Lodden, Bryn Kenney, Adam Levy, Alexander Kostritsyn, Robert Pisano, Mozheng Guan, Daniel Chamberlain |
Jul 01, '10 | 2010 41st Annual World Series of Poker | Event 55 - $10,000 Pot-Limit Omaha Championship | 1 | + | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Level One: Brown Takes A Pot Off MizrachiJul 01, '10 Blinds: 50-75 Players Remaining: 293 Average Chip Count: Notable Eliminations: None Note: Players are starting with a stack of 7,500 with three red reload chips worth the same value. They can be used anytime during the first four levels, after which they will be cashed in automatically. Big Hands:
Sorel Mizzi raised to 875 preflop and David Benyamine made the call. The flop came down Q The turn was the J Benyamine tabled 8 Fitoussi Reloads Bruno Fitoussi moved all in for 3,800 after the board had run out 7 His opponent made the call and tabled A
Chad Brown raised to 1,000 preflop and Robert Mizrachi raised it up to 3,075. Brown made the call and the flop came down 9 Mizrachi led out and Brown came over the top for the rest of his stack. Mizrachi made the call and tabled A Brown tabled J Brown was at 12,000 after the hand with all his reloads intact while Mizrachi was at 2,500 and all three reloads. Player Tags: Robert Mizrachi, David Benyamine, Bruno Fitoussi, Sorel Mizzi |
Jun 30, '10 | 2010 41st Annual World Series of Poker | Event 50 - $5,000 Pot-Limit Omaha | 3 | + | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Level 18 Update: Annette Obrestad EliminatedJun 30, '10 Blinds: 4,000-8,000 Players Remaining: 31 out 460 Average Chip Count: 222,580 Tournament Leaderboard: 1. Robert Mizrachi — 800,000 Notable Eliminations: Matt Glantz Player Twitter Accounts: Big Hands:
Matt Glantz bet preflop. Christian Harder moved all in, having Glantz covered. Everyone else folded and Glantz tabled the Q Annette Obrestad Eliminated Annette Obrestad was all in with J-J-Q-9 on a 8-5-4 flop. Mark Eddleman called with the A Robert Mizrachi Wins Huge Pot Andy Black and Robert Mizrachi were tangled up in a hand, The flop came 9 Player Tags: Robert Mizrachi, Matthew Glantz, Annette Obrestad, Andrew Black And They're OffJun 30, '10
With Danny Smith raising to 65,000 and Robert Mizrachi calling in front of him, Jose Barbero pushed his last 256,000 all in. Smith called and Mizrachi folded. Their hands: Barbero: A Smith hit a set on the flop of A Smith took the pot and moved up to 1.3 million in chips.
Robert Mizrachi check-raised a flop of 3 Mandel: J Mizrachi was trailing but the K Mandel had 1.3 million after the win.
Chance Kornuth raised to 60,000 and Eric Liu potted to 225,000. Kornuth made the call and the flop ran A Kornuth moved all in and Liu called, putting his tournament life on the line. Their hands: Liu: A Liu held top set but Kornuth had straight and flush draws. The K Kornuth’s stack grew to 1.6 million. Player Tags: Robert Mizrachi, Danny Smith, Jose Barbero, Eric Liu, Chance Kornuth, Scott Mandel Final Day Begins at 3:00 p.m. PDTJun 30, '10 Just 31 players remain out of the 460 that began the tournament. The first player eliminated today will receive $12,561. First place will walk away with the gold bracelet and $508,090. The plan is to play down to a winner. Notables still in contention include chip leader Robert Mizrachi, Ryan D’Angelo, Ran Azor, Benjamin Spindler, Jason Mercier, Di Dang, Joe Beevers, Josh Tieman, Julian Gardner, Joe Serock, Eric Liu, Ayaz Mahmood, Justin Smith and Nam Le. Player Twitter Account: Stay tuned for level-by-level updates from the final day of event No. 50! Here are the chip counts of the 31 players returning for the final day:
Player Tags: Robert Mizrachi |
Jun 30, '10 | 2010 41st Annual World Series of Poker | Event 50 - $5,000 Pot-Limit Omaha | 2 | + | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Level 18 Update: Annette Obrestad EliminatedJun 30, '10 Blinds: 4,000-8,000 Players Remaining: 31 out 460 Average Chip Count: 222,580 Tournament Leaderboard: 1. Robert Mizrachi — 800,000 Notable Eliminations: Matt Glantz Player Twitter Accounts: Big Hands:
Matt Glantz bet preflop. Christian Harder moved all in, having Glantz covered. Everyone else folded and Glantz tabled the Q Annette Obrestad Eliminated Annette Obrestad was all in with J-J-Q-9 on a 8-5-4 flop. Mark Eddleman called with the A Robert Mizrachi Wins Huge Pot Andy Black and Robert Mizrachi were tangled up in a hand, The flop came 9 Player Tags: Robert Mizrachi, Matthew Glantz, Annette Obrestad, Andrew Black And They're OffJun 30, '10
With Danny Smith raising to 65,000 and Robert Mizrachi calling in front of him, Jose Barbero pushed his last 256,000 all in. Smith called and Mizrachi folded. Their hands: Barbero: A Smith hit a set on the flop of A Smith took the pot and moved up to 1.3 million in chips.
Robert Mizrachi check-raised a flop of 3 Mandel: J Mizrachi was trailing but the K Mandel had 1.3 million after the win.
Chance Kornuth raised to 60,000 and Eric Liu potted to 225,000. Kornuth made the call and the flop ran A Kornuth moved all in and Liu called, putting his tournament life on the line. Their hands: Liu: A Liu held top set but Kornuth had straight and flush draws. The K Kornuth’s stack grew to 1.6 million. Player Tags: Robert Mizrachi, Danny Smith, Jose Barbero, Eric Liu, Chance Kornuth, Scott Mandel Final Day Begins at 3:00 p.m. PDTJun 30, '10 Just 31 players remain out of the 460 that began the tournament. The first player eliminated today will receive $12,561. First place will walk away with the gold bracelet and $508,090. The plan is to play down to a winner. Notables still in contention include chip leader Robert Mizrachi, Ryan D’Angelo, Ran Azor, Benjamin Spindler, Jason Mercier, Di Dang, Joe Beevers, Josh Tieman, Julian Gardner, Joe Serock, Eric Liu, Ayaz Mahmood, Justin Smith and Nam Le. Player Twitter Account: Stay tuned for level-by-level updates from the final day of event No. 50! Here are the chip counts of the 31 players returning for the final day:
Player Tags: Robert Mizrachi |
Jun 18, '10 | 2010 41st Annual World Series of Poker | Event 31 - $1,500 H.O.R.S.E. | 3 | + | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Final Table Update: Robert Mizrachi Eliminated In 8th PlaceJun 18, '10 Flop Games: 20,000-40,000 Players Remaining: 7 out of 827 Average Chip Count: 532,285 Tournament Leaderboard: 1. Dustin Leary – 1,240,000 Notable Eliminations: 8. Robert Mizrachi — $21,551 Big Hands:
In hold’em, Robert Mizrachi raised to 80,000 and Dustin Leary made the call from the big blind. The two players saw a flop of K Mizrachi raised all-in, just 11,000 more to Leary. Leary made the call and turned over K The board failed to improve Mizrachi’s hand on the turn and river and he was eliminated. Player Tags: Robert Mizrachi, Dustin Leary |
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