Level 28: Stone Leads Eriquezzo Heads-Up; Nguyen 3rd ($186,265), Keikoan 4th ($137,485)
Jul 11, '12
Level: 28
Blinds: 20,000-40,000 with a 5,000 ante
Players Remaining: 2 out of 157
Average Chip Count: 2,355,000
Chip Counts:
Seat no. 6 — Nikolas Stone — 900,000
Seat no. 8 — Ryan Eriquezzo — 3,810,000
Players Eliminated:
Huy Nguyen — 3rd Place ($186,265)
Matt Keikoan — 4th Place ($137,485)
Live Updates:
Matt Keikoan Eliminated in 4th Place ($137,485)

Matt Keikoan
Nikolas Stone opened the pot from under the gun and Matt Keikoan called from the button.
The flop came J
, Stone checked, Keikoan bet 100,000 and Stone called.
The turn was the 9
, Stone checked, Keikoan bet 200,000, Stone raised to 600,000, Keikoan moved all in and Stone called.
Stone was ahead on the turn when Q
for a straight against Keikoan’s set with 6
The river was the 7
, offering no help to Matt Keikoan who was eliminated in 4th place ($137,485). Stone ended the hand with about 3 million in chips.
Huy Nguyen Eliminated in 3rd Place ($186,265)

Huy Nguyen
Ryan Eriquezzo open-shoved the small blind and Huy Nguyen called all in for around 365,000 from the big blind.
Nguyen was all in for his tournament life and ahead before the flop with 6
against Eriquezzo’s K
The board came K
, giving Eriquezzo top pair on the flop to wing the pot and eliminate Huy Nguyen in 3rd place ($186,265).
Nikoals Stone took the chip lead going into heads-up play with 2,550,000 to Ryan Eriquezzo’s 2,260,000.
Be sure to check back with Card Player at the conclusion of each level for regular updates with all of the action, current chip counts, and prize distributions.
Player Tags: Matt Keikoan, Huy Nguyen, Nikolas Stone, Ryan Eriquezzo
Level 26 Update: Baker 6th ($79,002), Stein 7th ($61,434)
Jul 11, '12
Level: 26
Blinds: 12,000-24,000 with a 4,000 ante
Players Remaining: 5 out of 157
Average Chip Count: 942,000
Chip Counts:
Seat no. 4 — Huy Nguyen — 1,250,000
Seat no. 5 — Andy Hwang — 500,000
Seat no. 6 — Nikolas Stone — 750,000
Seat no. 7 — Matt Keikoan — 1,400,000
Seat no. 8 — Ryan Eriquezzo — 970,000
Players Eliminated:
David Baker — 6th Place ($79,002)
Sam Stein — 7th Place ($61,434)
Live Updates:
Sam Stein Eliminated in 7th Place ($61,434)

Sam Stein
Sam Stein open-shoved before the flop for 195,000 and Nikolas Stone called from the small blind.
Stone was ahead before the flop with K
against Stein’s J
The board came 8
, offering no help to Sam Stein who was eliminated in 7th place ($61,434). Stone ended the hand with just under 1.1 million in chips.
David Baker Eliminated in 6th Place (79,002)

David Baker
David Baker open-shoved before the flop before and Huy Nguyen called.
Nguyen was ahead before the flop with 8
against Baker’s K
The board came Q
, giving Nguyen middle set on the flop to win the pot and eliminate David Baker in 6th place ($79,002). Nguyen ended the hand with about 1,250,000.
Be sure to check back with Card Player at the conclusion of each level for regular updates with all of the action, current chip counts, and prize distributions.
Player Tags: David Baker, Huy Nguyen, Nikolas Stone, Sam Stein
Levels 24-25 Update: Stone Leads Final Seven, Short Stacks Double Up
Jul 11, '12
Level: 25
Blinds: 10,000-20,000 with a 3,000 ante
Players Remaining: 7 out of 157
Average Chip Count: 672,857
Chip Counts:
Seat no. 1 — David Baker — 675,000
Seat no. 3 — Sam Stein — 200,000
Seat no. 4 — Huy Nguyen — 673,000
Seat no. 5 — Andy Hwang — 500,000
Seat no. 6 — Nikolas Stone — 1,100,000
Seat no. 7 — Matt Keikoan — 800,000
Seat no. 8 — Ryan Eriquezzo — 800,000
Live Updates:
Huy Nguyen Doubles Through Andy Hwang

Huy Nguyen
Huy Ngueyn was on the short stack heading into Level 24 but managed to find an early double up through Andy Hwang. Nguyen got it al in before the flop with 10
against Hwang’s A
The board came A
, giving Hwang top set on the flop to take a huge lead, but Nguyen went runner-runner to make a four-card straight on the river to win the pot and double up. Nguyen doubled up to about 850,000 that hand, leaving Hwang with just about the same.
Ryan Eriquezzo Doubles Through Sam Stein

Ryan Eriquezzo
Ryan Eriquezzo was the next short stack to double up after getting it all in before the flop with A
against Sam Stein’s Q
The board came 10
, giving Eriquezzo a four-card straight on the turn to stay alive and double up. Eriquezzo doubled to about 800,000 that hand while Stein was left on the short stack with just under 300,000.
Be sure to check back with Card Player at the conclusion of each level for regular updates with all of the action, current chip counts, and prize distributions.
Player Tags: Huy Nguyen, Ryan Eriquezzo, Sam Stein, Andy Hwang
Action Begins, Final Table Now Underway
Jul 11, '12
The final table of the $10,000 WSOP National Championship is now underway, and Card Player will be posting level-by-level updates with all of the action, current chip counts, and prize distributions.
Play will begin in Level 22 with blinds of 6,000-12,000 with a 2,000 ante, and will continue until a winner is determined.
With cards now back in the air, here is a look at the final table and how these players match up:
Seat no. 1 — David Baker — 281,000
Seat no. 2 — Amanda Musumeci — 322,000
Seat no. 3 — Sam Stein — 651,000
Seat no. 4 — Huy Nguyen — 331,000
Seat no. 5 — Andy Hwang — 1,224,000
Seat no. 6 — Nikolas Stone — 471,000
Seat no. 7 — Matt Keikoan — 957,000
Seat no. 8 — Ryan Eriquezzo — 474,000
While only 8 remain, this event gathered 157 players, creating a total prize pool of $1,570,000. Here is a look at the final payouts:
1st Place — $416,051
2nd Place — $257,119
3rd Place — $186,265
4th Place — $137,485
5th Place — $103,322
6th Place — $79,002
7th Place — $61,434
8th Place — $48,576
Be sure to check back with Card Player at the conclusion of each level for regular updates with all of the action, current chip counts, and prize distributions.
Player Tags: David Baker, Matt Keikoan, Huy Nguyen, Nikolas Stone, Ryan Eriquezzo, Sam Stein, Andy Hwang, Amanda Musumeci