Final Table Update: Malaguti and Sterling Bust
Jun 28, '09
Blinds: 10,000-20,000
Players Remaining: 4 out of 572
Chip Counts:
1. Greg Mueller — 1,350,000
2. Marc Naalden — 925,000
3. David Williams — 710,000
4. Millie Shiu — 490,000
Average Chip Count: 900,000
Notable Eliminations:
6. Flaminio Malaguti — $24,824
5. Matt Sterling — $35,058
Big Hands
Flaminio Malaguti Eliminated in Sixth Place ($24,824)
Flaminio Malaguti was short stacked and committed the rest of his stack from the small blind with AK against the A5 of David Williams.
The flop was safe for Malaguti, but a five on the turn was good enough to eliminate him from the tournament.
Matt Sterling Eliminated in Fifth Place ($35,058)
Matt Sterling was all in preflop against Greg Mueller and David Williams. The flop came out 754 and Mueller bet. Williams called and the turn was the 10.
Mueller bet again and Williams folded. Mueller showed 97 for a pair of sevens and Sterling showed Q8 for a straight draw.
The river was the 9 giving Mueller two pair and busting Sterling.
Player Tags: Flaminio Malaguti, Matthew Sterling