Home : Players : Ian Gordon : Live Updates
Hometown: Missoula
Country of Origin: United States
Date | Series | Event | Day | |
Jun 21, '11 | 2011 42nd Annual World Series of Poker | $10,000 H.O.R.S.E. Championship | 1 | + |
Day 1 Starts at 5:00 p.m.Jun 21, '11 Ian Gordon Last year, Ian Gordon topped a field of 241 for his first gold bracelet and the first-place prize of $611,666. Gordon defeated a notable final table that included Marco Traniello (eighth), Nick Schulman (seventh), Carlos Mortensen (sixth), Matthew Glantz (fifth), Marco Johnson (fourth), Eugene Katchalov (third) and Richard Ashby (second). Tournament officials are expecting similar numbers today. All the action starts at 5:00 p.m. Be sure to check back later tonight for official prize pool information and overnight chip counts. Player Tags: Ian Gordon |
Jul 15, '10 | 2010 41st Annual World Series of Poker | $10,000 World Series of Poker Main Event | 10 | + |
Level 23, Hour Two: Dunst Loses Heartbreaker, Last Woman Standing EliminatedJul 15, '10 Blinds: 12,000-24,000 with a 3,000 ante Players Remaining: 115 out of 7,319 Average Chip Count: 1,909,304 Card Player Chip Counts: Andrew Brokos – 1,230,000 Tournament Leaderboard: 1. Joseph Cheong – 5,540,000 Notable Eliminations: 116. Robert Mizrachi — $57,102 Player Twitter Accounts Jean-Robert Bellande Big Hands:
Ian Gordon moved all in for a little over 1 million and Tony Dunst snapped him off. Gordon turned over A Another player at the table announced he mucked the case A Dunst was drawing dead and to add insult to injury, the board finished off 2 Guan Eliminated Javier Martinez raised to 36,000 from the cutoff and Mozheng Guan repopped to 84,000 from the button. Martinez called and the flop came down A Martinez led with 110,000 and Guan moved in for 480,000. Martinez made the call and turned over A The turn was the 3
Breeze Zuckerman, the last woman standing, moved all in preflop and Eric Baldwin looked her up from the button. Baldwin: A Baldwin had Zuckerman in bad shape, but the flop gave her some help when it fell K Baker Doubles Up David Baker moved all in for 200,000 preflop and David Assouline looked him up. Baker turned over 10 The board ran out Q
Sebastian Panny and Matthew Jarvis tangled in a huge pot that saw Panny all in preflop. Here were their hands: Panny: 10 Panny was in trouble and the flop came K Panny, who was in the top 10 chip counts early in the day, was sent crashing to the rail. Jarvis was at 4.6 million. Pettit Gets Short, Then Busts Michael Pettit found the bulk of his chips in the middle against Jacob Tyler after the flop fell K Pettit was left with just 8,000 after Tyler was all in and Pettit tabled 10 The flush or straight never came and Pettit lost the pot. He would bust a few hands later.
Gualter Salles was all in preflop against Adam Levy. The cards were then turned over. Salles: A Levy was dominating and he put a vice-grip on the hand when the flop fell Q
The 2010 Main Event is down to one Mizrachi brother. Robert Mizrachi moved in for his last 196,000 from under the gun and Josue Sauvageau made the call from the cutoff. Mizrachi: A Mizrachi was dominated and the flop brought no help as it fell J Player Tags: Robert Mizrachi, Eric Baldwin, Ian Gordon, Gualter Salles, Adam Levy, Tony Dunst, Javier Martinez, Sebastian Panny, Mozheng Guan, Breeze Zuckerman, Josue Sauvageau Level 23, Hour One: Dunst Clears 2 MillionJul 15, '10 Blinds: 12,000-24,000 with a 3,000 ante Players Remaining: 126 out of 7,319 Average Chip Count: 1,742,619 Card Player Chip Counts: Andrew Brokos – 1,305,000 Tournament Leaderboard: 1. Michael Mizrachi – 5,750,000 Notable Eliminations: Player Twitter Accounts Jean-Robert Bellande Big Hands:
Sergey Rybachenko raised to 60,000 from the cutoff and Gary Kostiuk moved all in for 271,000. Rybachenko made the call and the cards were turned over. Rybachenko: A Rybachenko was dominating until the flop fell Q Helppi Chops With Dolan Picking up the action after the board had run out K Helppi turned over J
Charles Norris open-shoved for 300,000 and Tony Dunst reshoved for 816,000. Ian Gordon looked down at his hand from the small blind and made the call. Here were the hands: Dunst: A Gordon was in good position for the double knockout but the flop came K
Michael Mizrachi raised to 60,000 from the cutoff and the big blind made the call. The flop came down A The turn was the 10 His opponent mucked and Mizrachi took the pot. He was around 5.9 million after the hand. Player Tags: Juha Helppi, Michael Mizrachi, Sergey Rybachenko, Ian Gordon, Tony Dunst |
Jun 25, '10 | 2010 41st Annual World Series of Poker | Event 43 - $10,000 H.O.R.S.E. Championship | 3 | + |
Level 29 Update: Ian Gordon WinsJun 26, '10 Blinds: Flop Games: 120,000-240,000 limits Players Remaining: 1 out of 241 Notable Eliminations: 3. Eugene Katchalov – $378,024 Big Hands: Katchalov Crippled Stud This hand happened right before the break at the end of the last level. Eugene Katchalov completed and Ian Gordon made the call. Gordon led on forth and fifth before checking sixth street. Katchalov bet and Gordon check-raised and their boards looked like this. Katchalov: (X-X)-A Gordon fired one more bullet on the river and Katchalov angrily mucked his cards, leaving him with just 365,000 in chips.
Hold’em Eugene Katchalov raised from the button, Ian Gordon made it three bets from the small blind, Katchalov made it four bets and Gordon called. The flop came 10 Katchalov held 7 Katchalov will take home $248,831 for his finish and Ian Gordon and Richard Ashby will go heads-up for the bracelet.
Hold’em After Katchalov was eliminated, heads-up play was as short as it could possibly be. Just one hand later after Katchalov left the tournament area, this hand took place. Richard Ashby raised from the button and Ian Gordon three-bet from the big blind. Ashby made it four bets and Gordon made the call. The flop was 6 The turn was the 10 “I think you’ve got me, but I have to go all-in,” said Ashby as he moved his chips into the middle. Gordon made the call and showed 9 Ashby will take home a consolation prize of $378,027. Player Tags: Eugene Katchalov, Richard Ashby, Ian Gordon Level 28: Down to ThreeJun 26, '10 Blinds: Flop Games: 100,000-200,000 limits Players Remaining: 3 out of 241 Average Chip Count: 2,410,000 Tournament Leaderboard: 1. Ian Gordon – 3,600,000 Notable Eliminations: 4. Marco Johnson – $181,503 Big Hands:
Stud 8 Marco Johnson was all-in for his last 350,000 on third street against Ian Gordon. Johnson: (A Gordon made a pair of aces and a low to scoop the pot and send Johnson home in fourth place, leaving us with the final three players. Johnson will take home $181,503 for his finish. Gordon Pulling Ahead Hold’em Eugene Katchalov raised from the small blind and Ian Gordon three-bet from the big blind. Katchalov called to see the flop of 6 Gordon called and called bets from Katchalov on the Q !(left){height:255px;width:170px;margin:3px 10px;border:3px solid;}(Richard Ashby)!Ashby Doubles Ian Gordon raised from the small blind and Richard Ashby made the call from the big blind. The flop was 7 The river was the 6 Player Tags: Eugene Katchalov, Richard Ashby, Marco Johnson, Ian Gordon Level 26 Update: Glantz Runs Huge BluffJun 26, '10 Blinds: Flop Games: 60,000-120,000 limits Players Remaining: 5 out of 241 Average Chip Count: 1,446,000 Tournament Leaderboard: 1. Richard Ashby – 2,100,000 Notable Eliminations: none Big Hands:
Razz Ian Gordon was down to 300,000 after losing back to back omaha 8 or better hands. Then this razz hand came along. Gordon: (X-X)-4-K-9 Ian Gordon was the bring-in with a four and Richard Ashby completed and was called by Gordon. Ashby bet out on fourth and was called by Gordon. Ashby bet on fifth even though he open paired and Gordon moved all-in for just 35,000 more. Ashby called and showed 9-6 in the hole and Gordon showed 8-5 and was in the lead. Ashby caught on ace on sixth and Gordon caught a 7. Ashby squeezed his last card, but turned up a pair of sixes, meaning that Gordon’s K on the river was meaningless and he wold double up to 600,000. Razz is Rough on Crazy Marco Marco Johnson was in two razz hands that left him fairly short. In a hand against Eugene Katchalov, he completed and bet fourth street, before calling fifth and sixth street, but had to fold the river. Then he completed and was raised by Ian Gordon, but Johnson made the call. Gordon bet every street the rest of the way and their boards looked like this. Gordon: (X-X)-A-6-5-10-(X) On the river, Johnson was talking to himself before eventually convincing himself to call. Gordon turned over the 7-6-4 in the hole to make a 7-6 low and take the pot. Johnson was left with just 430,000. Johnson Doubles Marco Johnson: (X-X)-5 Johnson completed and Ashby called. Ashby checked and called a bet from Johnson on fourth and fifth street, but wanted to lead out into Johnson on sixth until Matt Glantz stopped him to tell him that Johnson had paired his five and acts first. Johnson bet and was left with just 35,000. Ashby seemed confused and eventually called. Johnson bet his last 35,000 in the dark and Ashby tossed in a call in the dark. Johnson showed K
Stud Marco Johnson completed and Matt Glantz made the call. Johnson bet fourth and Glantz called. Johnson led again on fifth and Glantz announced a raise. Johnson made the call and led into Glantz on sixth street. Glantz just called and they saw the river with their boards looking like this. Johnson: (X-X)-Q Johnson checked and Glantz appeared to squeeze his river card and then fired out a bet. Johnson then went deep in the tank and eventually folded after six minutes of thinking, leaving himself with just 250,000. “I haven’t looked,” said Glantz as he was being pushed the pot. “Do you want to see, it’s up to you.” After Johnson nodded yes, Glantz showed the 5 Player Tags: Matthew Glantz, Eugene Katchalov, Richard Ashby, Marco Johnson, Ian Gordon Level 25 Update: Mortensen EliminatedJun 26, '10 Blinds: Flop Games: 50,000-100,000 limits Players Remaining: 5 out of 241 Average Chip Count: 1,446,000 Tournament Leaderboard: 1. Ian Gordon – 2,350,000 Notable Eliminations: 6. Carlos Mortensen – $102,237 Big Hands:
Razz Carlos Mortensen completed and Eugene Katchalov was the only caller and he was the player who brought it in. Mortensen bet fourth and was called and the last of his chips were committed on fifth street. Katchalov: (2-6)-Q-8-4-5-(6) Mortesen was way ahead on fourth street, but Katchalov caught good and made a better eight low than Mortenesen. Mortensen was eliminated from the tournament with an extra $102,237 to his name. Battle of the Big Stacks Stud Eugene Katchalov: (X-X)-10 Katchalov completed and Gordon called. Katchalov checked and called a bet from Gordon on fourth street and then bet fifth and sixth street, getting calls from Gordon both times. Katchalov bet one more time on the river and this time Gordon let his hand go after a grimace. Gordon Gets Aces, Knocks Ashby Back Down Stud Eugene Katchalov brought it in and Ian Gordon completed. Richard Ashby made the call and so did Katchalov. Gordon bet on fourth street and was raised by Ashby. Katchalov folded and Gordon made the call. Gordon check-called fifth and both players checked sixth and seventh. Gordon: (A Gordon’s aces were enough to take the pot. Gordon moved up to 2,600,000 and Ashby fell to 800,000. Player Tags: Carlos Mortensen, Eugene Katchalov, Richard Ashby, Ian Gordon Level 23 Update: Traniello EliminatedJun 25, '10 Blinds: Flop Games: 30,000-60,000 limits Players Remaining: 7 out of 241 Average Chip Count: 1,032,857 Tournament Leaderboard: 1. Matt Glantz – 2,000,000 Notable Eliminations: 8. Marco Traniello – $61,414 Big Hands: Traniello Triples Up Hold’em Marco Johnson raised and Marco Traniello moved all-in for 86,000. Eugene Katchalov cold-called and Johnson made the call as well. Johnson and Katchalov checked it down as the board ran out 2 Katchalov Picks Off Glantz Hold’em Matt Glantz raised and called a three-bet from Eugene Katchalov. The flop came 4 Glantz fired bullets on the turn and river which were the J Glantz showed A
Omaha 8 Marco Johnson raised from the button and Marco Traniello raised all-in from the small blind. Ian Gordon cold-called from the big blind and Johnson made the call. The flop was 7 Gordon showed the 3 Glantz Closing in on Two Million Stud Nick Schulman: (X-X)-10 Marco Johnson completed with the Q Player Tags: Marco Traniello, Marco Johnson, Ian Gordon |
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