Level 26: Wheat Busts in 9th ($65,568)
Jul 04, '10
Blinds: 20,000-40,000
Players Remaining: 8 out of 346
Average Chip Count: 1,297,500
Tournament Leaderboard:
1. Ludovic Lacay — 3,200,000
2. Miguel Proulx — 2,510,000
3. Ville Mattila — 1,380,000
4. Trevor Uyesugi — 1,150,000
5. Daniel Alaei — 805,000
6. Dmitry Stelmak — 690,000
7. Alexander Kravchenko — 470,000
8. Stephen Pierson — 380,000
Notable Eliminations:
9th – Matthew Wheat
Big Hands:
Wheat First to Go, Out in 9th ($65,568)
Matthew Wheat raised to 100,000 from the button and Trevor Uyesugi made the call from the big blind.
The flop came Q
and Uyesugi checked to Wheat. Wheat bet 220,000 and Uyesugi raised enough to put Wheat all in. Wheat called. Their hands:
Uyesugi: A
Wheat: Q
Uyesgui held a flopped set and flush draw, and Wheat held a pair, straight draw and weaker flush draw. The turn was the 2
and the river 10
didn’t improve Wheat enough, sending him home in 9th place for $65,568.
Player Tags: Matthew Wheat, Trevor Uyesugi