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Buy-In: $1,500
Prize Pool: $839,700
Entrants: 622

Event 4 - $1,500 Seven-Card Stud Hi/Lo 8/OB

  • May 29, '12 - May 31, '12


Updates on Final Day (May 31, 12)


Cory Zeidman Wins Event no. 4 ($201,559)

Level: 29

Ante: 15,000
Bring In: 20,000
Completion: 20,000
Limits: 60,000-120,000

Cory Zeidman Wins Event no. 4 ($201,559)
Chris Bjorn Eliminated in 2nd Place ($124,838)

Cory Zeidman

Both players started the level nearly dead even in chips, but Cory Zeidman pulled way out in front after winning a nearly 1.5 million pot with a flush that went to a showdown.With neither player showing a pair and each showing two spades on board, Zeidman rivered a flush, leaving Bjorn with less than 1 big bet after he opted to call three bets with 100,00 behind rather than jam his last bet into the pot.

Down to his last bet, Chris Bjorn was all in on third street with jack high against Cory Zeidman’s wired pair of kings.

Zeidman: 8Diamond Suit4Spade Suit2Spade Suit7Club Suit — KSpade SuitKSpade Suit
Bjorn: JHeart Suit10Diamond Suit4Diamond Suit7Spade Suit — QDiamond Suit8Heart Suit

Bjorn was all in and drawing very slim against Zeidman on the final hand of the night and despite picking up a few draws on fifth street, Chris Bjorn failed to improve by the river and was eliminated in 2nd Place ($124,838). Cory Zeidman wins Event no. 4, the $201,559 grand prize and the fourth gold bracelet of the 2012 WSOP.

Be sure to check back with Card Player for all of your final table action, current chip counts, and prize distributions for each gold bracelet event.

Player Tags: Cory Zeidman

Level 28 Update: Bjorn Climbs Back to Even

Level: 28

Ante: 10,000
Bring In: 10,000
Completion: 20,000
Limits: 50,000-100,000

Players Remaining: 2 out of 622

Average Chip Count: 1,400,000

Chip Counts:

Seat no. 2 — Chris Bjorn — 1,350,000

Seat no. 8 — Cory Zeidman — 1,450,000

Live Updates:

Action Slows as Stakes Increase; Zeidman Holds Slight Lead

Cory Zeidman

Level 28 lasted a little longer than was expected due to some impromptu breaks from the players. Chris Bjorn entered heads-up play severely out chipped by Cory Zeidman at nearly 3:1, but chipped up early in level and broke the million mark after taking down a big pot that saw a showdown with trip aces.

As Bjorn picked up some momentum early through the level, he even managed to bring the chip stacks back to even before giving the advantage back to Zeidman after what was an uneventful second half. With the stakes so high and an average stack of less than 14 big bets, the chip counts get very swingy without any real significant action. At this point the chip stacks are virtually even and it is anyone’s game.

Be sure to check back with Card Player at the conclusion of each level for regular updates with all of the action, current chip counts, and prize distributions.

Player Tags: Cory Zeidman

Level 27 Update: Brandon Shack-Harris Eliminated in 3rd pLace ($84,415)

Level: 27

Ante: 10,000
Bring In: 10,000
Completion: 40,000
Limits: 40,000-80,000

Players Remaining: 2 out of 622

Average Chip Count: 1,399,500

Chip Counts:

Seat no. 2 — Chris Bjorn — 740,000

Seat no. 8 — Cory Zeidman — 2,050,000

Players Eliminated:

3rd Place — Brandon Shack-Harris — $84,415

Live Updates:

Brandon Shack-Harris Eliminated in 3rd Place (84,415)

Player Brandon Shack-Harris

Chris Bjorn brought in the low card for 10,000 with the 5Club Suit, Brandon Shack-Harris completed the bet to 40,000 with the 7Spade Suit, Bjorn raised to 80,000 and Shack-Harris moved all in over the top of Bjorn. Bjorn called the additional 10,000 and led on third street with a wired pair of tens against Shack-Harris’ split sevens.

Bjorn: 5Club SuitQHeart Suit2Spade Suit4Heart Suit — 10Spade Suit10Diamond Suit7Diamond Suit
Shack-Harris: 7Spade Suit8Spade SuitQDiamond Suit10Club Suit — ADiamond Suit7Club Suit5Heart Suit

Bjorn was in the lead when the money went in and Shack-Harris failed to improve by seventh street. Brandon Shack-Harris was eliminated in 3rd place ($84,415) while Cory Zeidman took the chip lead going into heads-up play.

With the elimination of Brandon Shack-Harris in 3rd place ($84,415), Cory Zeidman took a commanding chip lead going into heads-up play with more than 2,000,000 to Chris Bjorn’s roughly 750,000.

Be sure to check back with Card Player at the conclusion of each level for regular updates with all of the action, current chip counts, and prize distributions.


Level 26 Update: Yarron Bendor Eliminated in 4th Place ($58,518)

Level: 26

Ante: 7,000
Bring In: 10,000
Completion: 30,000
Limits: 30,000-60,000

Players Remaining: 3 out of 622

Average Chip Count: 933,000

Chip Counts:

Seat no. 2 — Chris Bjorn — 1,150,000

Seat no. 5 — Brandon Shack-Harris — 655,000

Seat no. 8 — Cory Zeidman — 1,000,000

Players Eliminated:

4th Place — Yarron Bendor — $58,518

Live Updates:

Yarron Bendor Eliminated in 4th Place ($58,518)

Yarron Bendor

Chris Bjorn brought in the low card for 10,000 with the 6Spade Suit, Yarron Bendor competed the bet to 30,000 with the AClub Suit and Bjorn called the raise. Bendor bet 30,000 on fourth street and Bjorn called. Bjorn open-paired tens on fifth street and bet 60,000. Bendor called all in and was behind with over cards to Bjorn’s pair.

Bjorn: 6Spade Suit10Club Suit10Heart SuitADiamond Suit — 4Spade Suit4Diamond Suit3Diamond Suit
Bendor: AClub Suit9Spade Suit5Diamond Suit3Spade Suit — KClub SuitJDiamond Suit8Club Suit

Bjorn made two pair on the river while Bendor failed to improve. Yarron Bendor was eliminated in 4th place ($58,518) while Chris Bjorn reclaimed the chip lead from Cory Zeidman with over 1.1. million to Zeidman’s 1 million.

Be sure to check back with Card Player at the conclusion of each level for regular updates with all of the action, current chip counts, and prize distributions.

Player Tags: Cory Zeidman,   Yarron Bendor

Level 25 Update: Michael Mizrachi Eliminated in 5th Place ($41,447)

Level: 25

Ante: 5,000
Bring In: 7,000
Completion: 25,000
Limits: 25,000-50,000

Players Remaining: 4 out of 622

Average Chip Count: 699,750

Chip Counts:

Seat no. 1 — Yarron Bendor — 295,000
Seat no. 2 — Chris Bjorn — 960,000

Seat no. 5 — Brandon Shack-Harris — 365,000

Seat no. 8 — Cory Zeidman — 940,000

Players Eliminated:

5th Place — Michael Mizarchi — $41,447

Live Updates:

Michael Mizrachi Eliminated in 5th Place ($41,447)

Michael Mizrachi

Chris Bjorn brought it in for 7,000 with the 5Diamond Suit, Michael Mizrachi completed the bet to 25,000 with the 7Club Suit, Cory Ziedman (KHeart Suit), Yarron Bendor (ASpade Suit), and Bjorn called the raise.

Bjorn: 5Diamond Suit2Spade Suit8Spade Suit6Spade Suit — AClub Suit5Spade Suit4Spade Suit
Mizrachi: 7Club Suit9Spade Suit10Spade Suit2Diamond Suit — JClub Suit10Club Suit4Club Suit

Bjorn led out for 25,000 on fourth street and everyone called. Bjorn led out again for 50,000 on fifth street, Mizrachi raised to 100,000, Zeidman folded KHeart Suit9Diamond SuitQHeart Suit, Bendor folded ASpade SuitKSpade SuitJSpade Suit, Bjorn reraised to 150,000 and Mizrachi called all in for just under 30,000 more.

Mizrachi was ahead with a pair of tens on fifth street when the money went in, but Bjorn made a flush on seventh to eliminate Michael Mizrachi in 5th place ($41,447). Chris Bjorn challenged the chip lead that hand with 870,000.

Chris Bjorn Takes the Chip Lead

Shortly after eliminating Michael Mizrachi in 5th place ($41,447) with a flush on the river, Chris Bjorn caught a straight on sixth street to crack Yarron Bendor’s wired aces in a pot that gave Bjorn the defined chip lead with just under 1 million. Cory Zeidman barely trails with over 9000,000 himself, while Brandon Shack-Harris and Yarron Bendor ride the short stacks with less than 10 big bets each.

Be sure to check back with Card Player at the conclusion of each level for regular updates with all of the action, current chip counts, and prize distributions.

Player Tags: Michael Mizrachi,   Yarron Bendor

Level 24 Update: Liu 6th ($29,985); Final Five on Dinner Break

Level: 24

Ante: 5,000
Bring In: 5,000
Completion: 20,000
Limits: 20,000-40,000

Players Remaining: 5 out of 622

Average Chip Count: 559,800

Chip Counts:

Seat no. 1 — Yarron Bendor — 733,000
Seat no. 2 — Chris Bjorn — 577,000

Seat no. 5 — Brandon Shack-Harris — 550,000
Seat no. 6 — Michael Mizrachi — 71,000

Seat no. 8 — Cory Zeidman — 870,000

Players Eliminated:

6th Place — Xuan Liu — $29,985

Live Updates:

Xuan Liu Eliminated in 6th Place ($29,985)

Xuan Liu

Xuan Liu started the level off with an early double up through Yarron Bendor after catching trips on sixth street to best Bendor’s higher pair, but was then knocked down to just over two big bets after she lost a big pot to Brand Shack-Harris who caught a wheel. On her final hand, Liu was dominated by Mizrachi’s wired aces.

Michael Mizrachi brought in the low card in for 5,000 with the 5Diamond Suit, Xuan Liu completed the bet to 20,000 with the 7Club Suit, Mizrachi raised to 40,000 and Liu called all in for the rest of her stack.

Mizrachi: 5Diamond Suit2Diamond Suit4Spade Suit4Club Suit — ASpade SuitAClub Suit5Heart Suit
Liu: 7Club Suit10Heart Suit7Heart Suit6Spade Suit — 10Diamond Suit2Spade Suit2Spade Suit

Mizrachi was way out out in front with wired acres against Liu’s wired deuces when the money went in on third street, but Liu took the lead on fifth street when she double-paired her seven. Mizrachi caught two running fours on both fifth and sixth streets, and a second five on the river to best Xuan Liu’s two pair and eliminate her in 6th place ($29,985).

Final Five Take a Dinner Break

With the elimination of Xuan Liu in 6th place ($29,985), the remaining five players took a one hour dinner break at the conclusion of Level 24 and will return at approximately 10:15pm local to resume play.

Be sure to check back with Card Player at the conclusion of each level for regular updates with all of the action, current chip counts, and prize distributions.

Player Tags: Michael Mizrachi,   Xuan Liu

Level 23 Update: Brunson 7th ($22,142), Rossi 8th ($16,684)

Level: 23

Ante: 3,000
Bring In: 5,000
Completion: 15,000
Limits: 15,000-30,000

Players Remaining: 6 out of 622

Average Chip Count: 466,500

Chip Counts:

Seat no. 1 — Yarron Bendor — 460,000
Seat no. 2 — Chris Bjorn — 225,000

Seat no. 4 — Xuan Liu — 420,000
Seat no. 5 — Brandon Shack-Harris — 265,000
Seat no. 6 — Michael Mizrachi — 645,000

Seat no. 8 — Cory Zeidman — 775,000

Players Eliminated:

7th Place — Todd Brunson — $22,142
8th Place — Bonnie Rossi — $16,684

Live Updates:

Bonnie Rossi Eliminated in 8th Place ($16,684)

Bonnie Rossi

Bonnie Ross entered the level towards the bottom of the chip counts and managed to be the first player eliminated after losing a three-way showdown to Michael Mizrachi.

Mizrachi: 7Spade Suit2Spade SuitQHeart Suit2Heart Suit — 4Heart Suit3Diamond Suit2Diamond Suit
Rossi: 4Diamond Suit8Spade SuitASpade Suit10Spade Suit

Rossi took the lead with her ace high on fifth street and bet out for 30,000 with two callers. Mizrachi paired deuces on sixth street and led out for 30,000 with two callers. Mizrachi bet out again for 30,000 on seventh street and Zeidman called the full amount while Rossi called all in for 20,000. Mizrachi scooped both pots with trip deuces, eliminating Bonnie Rossi in 8th place ($16,684).

Todd Brunson Eliminated in 7th Place ($22,142)

Todd Brunson

Xuan Liu brought in the low card for 5,000 with the 4Spade Suit, Todd Brunson completed the bet to 15,000 with the JHeart Suit and Liu called. Brunson checked his jack high on fourth street, Liu bet 30,000 and Brunson called. Brunson checked on fifth street, Liu bet 30,000 and Brunson raised all in. Liu called the additional 3,000 raise.

Liu: 4Spade Suit7Spade SuitJClub Suit8Spade Suit — 9Heart Suit9Diamond Suit2Heart Suit
Brunson: JHeart Suit5Diamond Suit10Diamond Suit2Spade Suit — AHeart Suit7Heart SuitQHeart Suit

Liu had the lead on fith street when the money went in with a wired pair of nines, and Brunson failed to improve. Todd Brunson was eliminated in 7th place ($22,142).

Be sure to check back with Card Player at the conclusion of each level for regular updates with all of the action, current chip counts, and prize distributions.


Level 22 Update: Zeidman Continues to Dominate

Level: 22

Ante: 3,000
Bring In: 3,000
Completion: 12,000
Limits: 12,000-24,000

Players Remaining: 8 out of 622

Average Chip Count: 349,875

Chip Counts:

Seat no. 1 — Yarron Bendor — 585,000
Seat no. 2 — Chris Bjorn — 350,000
Seat no. 3 — Todd Brunson — 65,000
Seat no. 4 — Xuan Liu — 85,000
Seat no. 5 — Brandon Shack-Harris — 230,000
Seat no. 6 — Michael Mizrachi — 445,000
Seat no. 7 — Bonnie Rossi — 225,000
Seat no. 8 — Cory Zeidman — 890,000

Live Updates:

Cory Zeidman Extends His Lead

Cory Zeidman

Chipleader Cory Zeidman has been throwing the big stack around tonight and came into the final table as the aggressor. Zeidman picked up a few small pots early in the level and took a chunk out of Yarron Bendor’s stack after forcing a fold on seventh street with three aces and a king on board. Zeidman paired aces on fifth street and and tripped up on sixth to trump Bendor’s rolled up fives. Zeidman extended to his lead nearly 900,000 this level, putting some massive distance between himself and the short stack, Todd Brunson with just 65,000.

Be sure to check back with Card Player at the conclusion of each level for regular updates with all of the action, current chip counts, and prize distributions.

Player Tags: Todd Brunson,   Cory Zeidman,   Yarron Bendor

Action Begins, Official Final Table Now Underway

The final table of Event no. 4 ($1,500 – Seven Card Stud Hi-Low 8 or Better) is now underway, and Card Player will be posting level-by-level updates with all of the action, current chip counts, and prize distributions.

With the elimination of Marsha Waggoner in 9th Place ($12,822), the official, 8-handed final table is now set. Play will begin in Level 22 with limits of 12,000-24,000 with a 3,000 ante, and will continue until a winner is determined.

With cards now back in the air, here is a look at the final table and how these players match up:

Seat no. 1 — Yarron Bendor — 383,000
Seat no. 2 — Chris Bjorn — 285,000
Seat no. 3 — Todd Brunson — 100,000
Seat no. 4 — Xuan Liu — 201,000
Seat no. 5 — Brandon Shack-Harris — 431,000
Seat no. 6 — Michael Mizrachi — 433,000
Seat no. 7 — Bonnie Rossi — 203,000
Seat no. 8 — Cory Zeidman — 745,000

While only 8 remain, this event gathered 622 players, creating a total prize pool of $839,700. Here is a look at the final payouts:

1st Place — $201,559
2nd Place — $124,838
3rd Place — $84,415
4th Place — $58,518
5th Place — $41,447
6th Place — $29,985
7th Place — $22,142
8th Place — $16,684

Be sure to check back with Card Player at the conclusion of each level for regular updates with all of the action, current chip counts, and prize distributions.

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WSOP Leaderboards

1 Daniel Negreanu
2 Antonio Esfandiari
3 Phil Hellmuth
4 Justin Bonomo
5 Daniel Colman
6 Fedor Holz
7 Jonathan Duhamel
8 Ben Heath
9 Alex Foxen
10 Adrian Mateos