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St. Peter & Binion's Golden Horseshoe

by Byron 'Cowboy' Wolford |  Published: Dec 21, 2001


Editor's note: Cowboy Wolford wrote this poem years ago in memory of Benny Binion, who died on Dec. 25, 1989, at the age of 85.

Christmas comes but once a year and it's a day of joy

When folks give thanks for what they have and kids all get a toy.

But on this day when people hand out gifts and pray,

The world's greatest gambler was taken away.

I know that if he had to set up a date, he'd have picked Christmas:

The odds are far more than making three hardway eights.

Benny Binion went straight up to St. Peter that day

And here's what St. Peter had to say:

Binion, I've been waiting for you eighty-five years.

You made it thirty years later than most of your peers.

I see that your record's not absolutely clean,

But before you got here I done voted you in

Because the good you've done outweighs the bad,

So I forgive you for your sin.

Now let me tell you, Binion, this ain't Vegas in 1946:

This is heaven and I got the fix.

I know you didn't bring no cash with you, you was kinda in a rush.

But don't you worry none, your tab is good with us.

Now Benny, if you got any questions, feel free to ask

'Cause up here there ain't gonna be no backlash.

Okay, St. Peter, as a friend,

Did Bernstein and Sarge and Jack Straus get in?

As a matter of fact, they're all here in force.

I promised them that the first time they saw you,

You would be riding my Golden Horse.

Binion, the economy up here ain't all that good.

But we don't have no bills, so I think I'll let you open up a joint

'Cause I've got plenty of shills.

Okay, Sir, start off with two blackjack tables,

And eight slots in a small room,

And when Cowboy Wolford gets up here

Open up the craps 'cause then it'll start to boom.

Binion, the Cowboy laughs when he hears people say

That he shoots all his money off on craps every day.

But Cowboy says that some of his friends bet $200,000

On a football game and lay eleven-to-ten.

When he loses his last $500, it's all over town

But when they lose two million, they were gambling sound.

Now Benny, don't you worry 'bout the Horseshoe down there

'Cause you know that Jack will run it on the square.

St. Peter, saddle up that Golden Horse.

I'd like to ride out and visit some of my friends

To find out all the outs and ins.

And by the way, it just come to my mind, here's what we'll do:

This joint you're gonna let me open,

We'll call it the Golden Horseshoe.

So get ahold of Steve Wynn and Bobby Baldwin too,

And tell 'em that after they check in up here

To come on by and have dinner at the Golden Horseshoe.

Then send word to Henry and R.D. to tell them

That when they get here, there'll be plenty to do.

Tell Dicky Carson and Doyle Brunson that when they die

We'll have a World Series of Poker up here in the sky,

Hopefully before Johnny Moss gets on the fly.

And then tell Johnny Chan and Chip Reese

That before they can play up here, they'll have to be deceased.

Well, that's almost all I've got to say except that we'll let

Blacky Blackburn and Pat Callihan run the Omaha every day.

And tell Jesse Alto down in Houston, if he's still on the loose,

That he can win it up here if he can beat a ten and a deuce.

Tell Jack Keller and Stuey Ungar to take their time:

It'll be an easier game if they ain't raising it every time.

Maybe ol' Cowboy and Bill Smith can be in the last numbers to go

'Cause them two need to make more money before they show.

I know they just can't wait to check in to the Golden Shoe

And St. Peter, neither can me and you.

And for all of you down there, don't rush up your life

'Cause chances are when you get up here you'll run into an ex-wife.

Just wait on the years because they will tell,

And when you all get to heaven, we'll be playing higher than hell.

Time's running out and you don't have long

But ten million years up here is like singing a song.

So love and be good to your family, treat your fellow man right

'Cause you might not be in your bed tomorrow night.

If you knew how good it is up here, you wouldn't try to die so slow:

It's downhill and shady and the cake's all dough.

Now this is the end of my story, give a little and take,

'Cept that they're paying twelve-to-one on the hardway eight.

Benny, we all love and miss you and we'll be seeing you soon:

Just be sure to reserve all us good crap players a real nice