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World Series of Poker Main Event -- Final Match Set

The Heads-Up Finals on Monday Evening will Feature Jonathan Duhamel with a Large Stack against John Racener


November NineThe most exciting day in tournament poker of the year lived up to its billing Saturday. With thousands in the crowd at the Rio Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas, over-the-top Hollywood-style introductions, and thrilling hands leading the way, the November Nine took a memorable journey down to a final heads-up match at the 2010 World Series of Poker main event.

That journey was also a long one, with the final two finally getting locked in close to 2 a.m., just a short time after daylight savings time kicked in and turned back the clocks one hour. The largest name left in the event fell today when Michael Mizrachi busted in fifth place. That made Frank Kassela the 2010 WSOP Player of the Year, and it also gave Mizrachi $11,216,264 in lifetime winnings, putting him in fifth place on the all-time list. He joined an exclusive group of six players that have earned $11 million or more playing tournament poker in their life time.

Phil Ivey $13,464,192
Daniel Negreanu $12,959,906
Jamie Gold $12,220,056
Scotty Nguyen $11,355,336
Michael Mizrachi $11,216,264
John Juanda $11,142,223

Drama ran high in the elimination hands as you will read below, and even when play got down to three handed late tonight, the cards ensured that the various rooting section in the crowd had a lot to be excited or crushed about as a result of the dealers’ paces. Jonathan Duhamel doubled up through Joseph Cheong in a 177,600,000 pot that was the largest in WSOP history, which crippled Cheong and was the most important hand that John Racener didn’t play in his poker career.

Jonathan Duhamel

In that hand, Cheong raised to 2,900,000 from the small blind and Duhamel reraised to 6,750,000. Cheong four bet to 14,250,000 and Duhamel reraised once again to 22,750,000. Cheong thought it over for a bit before announcing all in and Duhamel snap called.

Cheong let out a moan and turned over ASpade Suit 7Heart Suit, while Duhamel excitedly showed QClub Suit QDiamond Suit.

The flop came down 9Heart Suit 3Diamond Suit 2Club Suit and Duhamel remained in the lead. The turn was the 9Spade Suit and Cheong was left looking for one of the last three aces. The river was the 8Spade Suit and Duhamel doubled up to take a monster chip lead. Cheong was left with about 8,000,000 in chips and crippled.

Although Cheong was crippled he managed to double up once, but his run to redemption fell short the second time he was all in. Duhamel took him out and that ensured a wide chip imbalance heading into the heads-up final that will take place on Monday, Nov. 8 at 8 p.m. PDT. Duhamel is very close to becoming the first Canadian world champion in the history of poker with a chip lead worth 188,450,000. Racener holds just 30,750,000, but he has guaranteed himself $5,545,355 after putting on a clinic in poker survival skills today.

Check back on Monday to watch the final two battle for the top prize worth $8,944,138 and the chance to become a poker immortal. Blinds will begin at 600,000-1,200,000 with a 200,000 ante when they return so things should get interesting quickly. They can get really interesting if Racener scores a quick double up. For now check out how all the elimination hands fell at the final table so far at the Rio, some in very dramatic fashion. Here were the chip counts when the final nine took their seats today at noon PST:

Seat 1: Jason Senti — 7,625,000
Seat 2: Joseph Cheong — 23,525,000
Seat 3: John Dolan — 46,250,000
Seat 4: Jonathan Duhamel — 65,975,000
Seat 5: Michael Mizrachi — 14,450,000
Seat 6: Matt Jarvis — 16,700,000
Seat 7: John Racener — 19,050,000
Seat 8: Filippo Candio — 16,400,000
Seat 9: Soi Nguyen — 9,650,000

Here is a look at the elimination hands as featured on’s live updates:

Soi Nguyen

Soi Nguyen Eliminated in Ninth Place ($811,823)

Soi Nguyen moved all in from the button for his last 7,600,000. Jason Senti then reraised from the small blind to isolate and Cheong folded in the big blind.

Nguyen showed ADiamond Suit KClub Suit, but he was racing against the QDiamond Suit QSpade Suit of Senti. The board rolled out QHeart Suit 10Club Suit 3Spade Suit 9Spade Suit KSpade Suit and Nguyen was eliminated.

Matt Jarvis

Matt Jarvis Eliminated in Eighth Place ($1,045,738)

In perhaps the most exciting hand of the tournament, Matt Jarvis has been eliminated.

Jonathan Duhamel raised to 1,400,000 and Michael Mizrachi made the call. Matt Jarvis then moved all in for his 14,300,000 stack.

Duhamel folded and Mizrachi took a few moments before making the call, showing ADiamond Suit QDiamond Suit.

Jarvis showed 9Club Suit 9Heart Suit and the two were off to the races. The flop came out QSpade Suit QClub Suit 8Diamond Suit and the Mizrachi contingent exploded into celebration.

The turn, however, was the 9Spade Suit, giving Jarvis a full house. All he needed to do was dodge seven cards and he’d double up, but the river was the ASpade Suit, giving Mizrachi a better full house. Mizrachi is now up to over 42 million in chips.

Jason Senti

Jason Senti Eliminated in Seventh Place ($1,356,708)

This is gearing up to be one of the most exciting final tables ever televised.

Jason Senti raised on the button to 1,800,000 and Joseph Cheong reraised to 4,950,000 from the small blind. Senti then moved all in and Cheong snap called.

Cheong showed 10Club Suit 10Spade Suit and was racing against Senti’s ADiamond SuitKSpade Suit. Senti need to hit and he did so in a big way when the flop fell KDiamond Suit KHeart Suit QClub Suit.

The turn, however, was the JDiamond Suit, giving Cheong outs to the straight. The river was the 9Diamond Suit and the room erupted. Senti was eliminated and Cheong took a big pot to boost his stack to over 46,000,000.

John Dolan

John Dolan Eliminated in Sixth Place ($1,772,939)

John Dolan moved all in from the small blind for his last 13,500,000 and Jonathan Duhamel called from the big blind.

Dolan showed QDiamond Suit 5Diamond Suit and was happy to see Duhamel turn over 4Club Suit 4Diamond Suit for a race situation.

The board rolled out JHeart Suit 7Heart Suit 6Heart Suit 9Heart Suit 3Club Suit, giving Dolan some sweat but no help to send him to the rail.

Michael Mizrachi

Michael Mizrachi Eliminated in Fifth Place ($2,332,960)

Jonathan Duhamel completed from the small blind and Michael Mizrachi checked his option. The flop fell QClub Suit 5Diamond Suit 4Spade Suit and Duhamel checked.

Mizrachi bet 2,000,000 and Duhamel raised. Mizrachi then moved all in and Duhamel instantly called with a slow played ADiamond Suit AClub Suit. Mizrachi showed QDiamond Suit 8Heart Suit for top pair and needed help to stay alive.

The turn was the JDiamond Suit and the river was the KDiamond Suit, offering no help to the Grinder who hit the rail. Duhamel is now riding high with over 91,000,000.

Filippo Candio

Filippo Candio Eliminated in Fourth Place ($3,092,497)

Filippo Candio moved all in from the small blind and Joseph Cheong made the call from the big blind.

Candio showed KDiamond Suit QDiamond Suit, but was behind to Cheong’s AClub Suit 3Club Suit. The board ran out AHeart Suit 7Diamond Suit 2Spade Suit 5Heart Suit 4Spade Suit and Cheong’s straight knocked Candio from the tournament. After the hand, Cheong took a slight chip lead over Duhamel, with Racener rounding out the bottom of the leader board.

Joseph Cheong

Joseph Cheong Eliminated in Third Place — $4,129,979 (1:48 a.m.)

Joseph Cheong moved all in from the small blind holding QClub Suit 10Spade Suit and Jonathan Duhamel called from the big blind holding ASpade Suit 2Club Suit.

The board fell KSpade Suit 9Club Suit 6Club Suit 6Heart Suit 7Club Suit and Cheong was eliminated.

Remaining Prize Pool:

1: $8,944,138
2: $5,545,855

Final-Table Results on Saturday:

3: Joseph Cheong — $4,129,979
4: Filippo Candio — $3,092,497
5: Michael Mizrachi — $2,332,960
6: John Dolan — $1,772,939
7: Jason Senti — $1,356,708
8: Matt Jarvis — $1,045,738
9: Soi Nguyen — $811,823