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Mitch Schock Wins $2,500 Pot-Limit Hold'em/Omaha

North Dakota Pro Captures First Bracelet and $310,000


Credit: WSOPThe winner of this summer’s $2,500 pot-limit hold’em/Omaha is Mitch Schock, who becomes the first World Series of Poker champion from North Dakota.

He endured a grueling three-hour heads-up match early Saturday morning, all after getting to the end of the 606-player field. The 40-year-old poker pro had to fend off Rami Boukai, who won the event two years ago, as well as eventual runner-up Rodney Brown.

With the cash, Schock now has five so far at the 2011 WSOP. He also has two other final table appearances to go along with his historic win. Consequently, his lifetime earnings in tournaments are approaching $1 million.

“There are probably like 500 people following me online back in North Dakota,” Schock said in a press release. "I know a lot of different people in poker from many of the things I do. And so, I think I am the first player from North Dakota to win. There was a kid who is very good who came in second a few years ago, but I think I am the first. So, I am going to go back home with the gold bracelet and everyone is going to be patting me on the back — and buy me free drinks.”

Here are the elimination hands, as featured in Card Player’s live updates:

Rami Boukai Eliminated in 9th Place ($23,110)

Rami Boukai


Rami Boukai started the official nine-handed final table as the short stack and was the first one eliminated in 9th place during the Omaha round.

Rami Boukai opened the pot for a raise, Tyler Patterson reraised to 100,000, Boukai moved all in for about 150,000 and Patterson called.

Boukai: AHeart Suit KHeart Suit KClub Suit JSpade Suit
Patterson: ADiamond Suit AClub Suit KSpade Suit JHeart Suit

Patterson was ahead before the flop with a pair of aces against Boukai’s kings. The board came QClub Suit 8Diamond Suit 2Club Suit 10Heart Suit 2Heart Suit, no help to either player as Patterson’s aces won the pot. The former 2009 champion of this event, Rami Boukai was the first one eliminated in 9th place ($23,110).

Jonas Mackoff Eliminated in 8th Place ($30,040)

Jonas Mackoff opened for 56,000 from under the gun, Carter Gill reraised to 100,000 from the button, Mackoff moved all in for 193,000 and Gill called.

Mackoff: AClub Suit KDiamond Suit JClub Suit 7Diamond Suit
Gill: KHeart Suit KClub Suit 10Spade Suit 7Spade Suit

Gill was ahead before the flop with a pair of kings. The board came JSpade Suit 10Heart Suit 5Heart Suit 5Diamond Suit 9Heart Suit, no help to Jonas Mackoff who was eliminated in 8th place ($30,040).

David Lestock Eliminated in 7th Place ($39,539)

David Lestock

James Vanneman Eliminated in 6th Place ($52,747)

David Lestock opened the pot for 70,000 before the flop, Carter Gill called, James Vanneman moved all in for about 250,000, Lestock called all in Gill called as well and had them both covered.

Vanneman: QSpade Suit QHeart Suit JClub Suit 9Diamond Suit
Lestock: QDiamond Suit QClub Suit 5Spade Suit 5Club Suit
Gill: 9Heart Suit 7Heart Suit 5Diamond Suit 4Diamond Suit

Vanneman and Lestock both had a pair of queens before the flop. The board came 7Spade Suit 4Club Suit 2Club Suit 3Heart Suit KHeart Suit, giving Gill two pair to win the pot. Gill raked the pot and earned the double-knockout with David Lestock eliminated in 7th place ($39,539) and James Vanneman in 6th place ($52,747).

Tyler Patterson Eliminated in 5th Place ($71,317)

Tyler Patterson button-raised to 50,000 before the flop and Mitch Schock called from the big blind.

The flop came KSpade Suit 6Heart Suit 2Club Suit, Schock checked, Patterson bet 55,000 and Schock called.

the turn was the 10Spade Suit, Schock checked, Patterson bet 125,000, Schock check-raised to 450,000, Patterson moved all in and Schock called.

Patterson turned over ASpade Suit KHeart Suit for top pair but Schock showed 10Club Suit 6Club Suit for two pair on the turn.

The river was the 8Heart Suit and Tyler Patterson was eliminated in 5th place ($71,317) while Mitch Schock jumped into the chip lead with 2.5 million.

Carter Gill

Carter Gill Eliminated in 4th Place ($97,773)

On a flop of JClub Suit 7Club Suit 4Heart Suit, Rodney Brown bet 55,000, Jan Collado called, Carter Gill moved all in for 312,000, Brown re-shoved for 542,000 and Collado folded.

Gill: QHeart Suit QClub Suit JHeart Suit 9Club Suit
Brown: 8Diamond Suit 5Diamond Suit 4Spade Suit 4Club Suit

Brown was ahead with bottom set on the flop. The turn and river were the 3Spade Suit and 4Diamond Suit, giving Brown quads on the river to win the pot. Gill was eliminated in 4th place ($97,773).

Jan Collado Eliminated in 3rd Place ($135,921)

Rodney brown opened the pot for 65,000 before the flop, Jan Collado reraised to 160,000 from the small blind, Brown four-bet the size of the pot and Collado called all in.

Brown lead with AHeart Suit 9Spade Suit against Collado’s 7Diamond Suit 6Diamond Suit.

The board came 10Heart Suit 9Heart Suit 3Diamond Suit 6Spade Suit 3Heart Suit, no help for Jan Collado who was eliminated in 3rd place ($135,921).

With the elimination of Jan Collado in 3rd place, Mitch Schock began heads-up play with a chip lead of 3,245,000 to Rodney Brown’s 1,300,000.

Rodney Brown

Rodney Brown Eliminated in 2nd Place ($191,618)

Rodney Brown entered heads-up play outchipped by 3.5 million to 1.3 million but was able to steal the chip lead for himself in Level 25 after doubling up with a flopped set in the PLO round. Brown had taken the chip lead for the first time tonight with 3.5 million to Schock’s 1.3 million, turning the table on his opponent and essentially trading their starting stacks.

Brown put the pressure on Schock and even had him down to just 600,000 at one pint before Schock doubled up with a rivered straight in the PLH portion of Level 26. Schock doubled up again, this time back to even, and shortly after rivering a flush to win a huge pot in PLO, Schock took control of the tournament.

On the final hand of the night, Rodney Brown button-raised to 100,000 before the flop, Mitch Schock reraised to 300,000 from the big blind and Brown called.

The flop came 10Diamond Suit 7Club Suit 5Club Suit, Schock bet 400,000, Brown moved all in and Schock called.

Brown: ASpade Suit 10Spade Suit 9Diamond Suit 8Spade Suit
Schock: ADiamond Suit AClub Suit 6Diamond Suit 3Club Suit

Schock was ahead with a pair of aces and a flush draw against Brown’s top pair and open-ended straight draw. The turn and river were the 6Club Suit and the 9Heart Suit, giving Schock a flush on the turn.

Rodney Brown was drawing dead to the river and was eliminated in 2nd place ($191,618) while Mitch Schock won the gold bracelet in Event #39 and the $310,255 grand prize.

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