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Card Player Writer Bob Ciaffone Wins Award For Volunteerism

Ciaffone Honored By The Michigan Democratic Party


Bob Ciaffone

Longtime Card Player columnist Bob Ciaffone has been honored with the “Volunteer of the Year” award from the Michigan Democratic Party (MDP) for 2012. He was chosen for this award by Mark Brewer, the state party’s Chairman. He received this award at the Democratic Party’s annual Jefferson-Jackson Dinner at Cobo Hall in Detroit.

Ciaffone was picked for this award mainly because of the work he has performed on the state party’s Platform Committee in 2008, 2010, and 2012. The job of this committee is to update the party platform every two years for the new election cycle, making sure major new political issues are covered. The committee turns in their work to Mark Brewer, who then prepares the document for final approval by the Democratic State Central Committee.

Ciaffone has been very active in politics since becoming a Democrat in 2005. He was elected to be a delegate from Michigan’s 4th Congressional District to the Democratic National Convention in 2008.

“I would urge poker players to become more politically active by joining their party of choice and working for causes they believe in," Ciaffone said. "Poker players have a tendency to lay low rather than get involved. We need to protect our interests just like a lot of other people do. I applaud Card Player and the Poker Player’s Association for the work they do in promoting our game in the political world.”