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Leonardo Tarazona Leads Latin Series of Poker Final Table

American Carter Gill Made His Fifth Straight Final Table in a Latin America Tournament


Leonardo Tarazona will lead the final table of the Latin Series of Poker Millions when the final day begins at 2pm EST Mar. 15 with a stack of 2.653 million.

“It’s been a really difficult day for me. I took a bad beat earlier but I just played really well and I was confident about my game. I never got tilted and patience rewards everything in this game,” Tarazano said. "I entered the final table short in chips but a couple of hands later I’m heading out as the chip leader.”

Twenty-six hopefuls returned for day 5 but only nine were still in possession of chips when the final hand was completed.

Fernando MurrietaDay 5 came to a close with the elimination of Fernando Murrieta, who ran his pocket nines into the pocket Aces held by Team PokerStars pro Jose “Nacho” Barbero. With Murrieta’s exit, the final nine players were one step closer to the $175,070 which awaits the soon-to-be champion.

“I have played some other big tournaments, however I have never finished this deep," Tarazona said. “I played in Lima, Panama and Uruguay but this is going to be my best performance and my best payday.”

Carter Gill secured a seat at his fifth final table in a row in a Latin America tournament and will come back eighth in chips. Gill had an amazing start to the day and after eliminating Alberto Cartin in a massive hand was up to about 3.1 million in chips. For a while, it appeared Gill just could not lose a hand.

Not long after eliminating Cartin, Gill added to his stack by winning a three-way pot with Alon Raz and David El Chaak. Raz raised to 32,000 from under the gun and El Chaak called from the small blind. Gill also called from the big blind and the three saw a flop of 9Spade Suit9Diamond Suit6Diamond Suit. All three checked to see the 9Club Suit on the turn. With three nines on the board El Chaak bet 40,000 and Gill and Raz both called. The river was the 7Heart Suit and all three checked. Gill turned over KDiamond Suit6Diamond Suit to take the pot.

But in late in the day things began to change and Gill lost a sizable portion of his stack. He will return for the final table with 1.3 million.

The remainder of the final table includes online pros Guillermo Echevarria and Francis Cruz, Oscar Ortiz, Adam Reynolds, Keshaarzi Maziar and Raz.

Bolivar PalaciosTeam BetCRIS pro Engelberth Varela was the first elimination of the day, making his exit when his rivered-diamond flush was beat by Reynold’s full-house. Soon after Varela was eliminated Bolivar Palacios, the final BetCRIS pro in the field, was also sent to the rail. Palacios’s tournament came to an end in a brutal hand with Raz when his turned set of Kings was bested by Raz’s rivered set of Aces.

Other eliminations included Andres Farias, Roman Valerstein and Rafael Pardo.

Some key hands from Day 5:

Engelberth Varela versus Adam Reynolds

Engelberth Varela raised to 25,000 from under the gun, Adam Reynolds called from the cutoff and the two saw a flop of QSpade SuitQHeart Suit6Diamond Suit. Varela bet 26,000 and Reynolds called. The turn was the 5Diamond Suit and Varela again bet, this time 52,000. Reynolds called and the river was the 8Diamond Suit.

Varela moved all in for less than 325,000 and Reynolds called. Reynolds showed 6Spade Suit6Club Suit for a full house. As the chips were counted out, Varela showed ADiamond Suit9Diamond Suit and made his exit.

Andreas FariasJorge Olivos versus Andres Farias

Jorge Olivos was all-in with 9Heart Suit9Diamond Suit and Andres Farias called with AClub Suit4Diamond Suit. The board ran out ASpade Suit5Club Suit2Club SuitJSpade Suit10Diamond Suit to eliminate Olivos.

Bolivar Palacios versus Alon Raz and Alberto Cartin

Bolivar Palacios moved all-in for his last 165,000 from under the gun +1 and Alon Raz called from the hijack. Alberto Cartin raised to 440,000 from the small blind to isolate, but Raz responded by moving all-in for 953,000. Cartin tanked before ultimately letting go of his hand.

Raz showed pocket Aces to Palacios’s pocket Kings. Palacios stayed at risk after a flop of 9Club Suit8Diamond Suit3Diamond Suit but when the KSpade Suit opened on the turn Palacios looked good to earn a much needed double-up. But river would be his end when the dealer turned over the ADiamond Suit to the tune of audible gasps from the players who had gathered around the table.

“It’s ok,” Palacios told Raz as the two shook hands and the Panamanian pro made his exit.

After the hand Cartin told the table he had folded Queens.

Manne Ravi versus Fernando Murrieta

Down to less than five big blinds, Manne Ravi was all-in with KDiamond Suit6Diamond Suit and Fernando Murrieta called with JSpade SuitJClub Suit. After a flop of QSpade Suit10Spade Suit2Heart Suit, Ravi stood to gather his things, but the KSpade Suit on the turn gave him a chance for a small double-up. However, the JDiamond Suit on the river bested Ravi’s pair of Kings and he made his exit.

Zennawi PetrosZennawi Petros versus Andres Farias and Maziar Keshavarzi

Andres Farias raised to 50,000 from under the gun +1 and Petros Zennawi moved all-in for 281,000 from the button. Action rested on Maziar Keshavarzi in the big blind and after several minutes Farias asked for the clock to be called.

As soon as the tournament director told Keshavarzi he had one minute to act he immediately announced he was all-in for about 650,000. Farias snap-called and all hands were tabled. Farias showed 6Club Suit6Heart Suit, Keshavarzi held QSpade SuitQHeart Suit and Petros tabled ASpade Suit9Diamond Suit. Farias slapped the table in celebration after a flop of 6Diamond Suit5Heart Suit3Diamond Suit and continued to celebrate after the 8Spade Suit fell on the turn. But it would end up being Keshavarzi who celebrated the most when the QDiamond Suit turned up on the river.

Farias slapped the table again, this time in anger, Keshavarzi busted into a song and dance number of “Eye of the Tiger” and Petros quietly made his exit.

Rafael Pardo versus Guillermo Echevarria

Rafael Pardo was all in with pocket jacks and called by Guillermo Echevarria with pocket tens. A ten on the board would prove to be Pardo’s downfall.

Chris Wolters versus Jose “Nacho’ Barbero

Chris Wolters all-in for 300,000 with QHeart Suit JHeart Suit and was called by Jose “Nacho” Barbero with AHeart SuitKDiamond Suit. The board ran out 9Heart Suit6Diamond Suit5Heart Suit5Diamond Suit10Spade Suit and Wolters was eliminated.

Fernando Murrieta versus Adam Reynolds and Jose “Nacho” Barbero

Adam Reynolds raised to 60,000 from under the gun and Fernando Murrieta moved all-in for 270,000. Jose “Nacho” Barbero called, Reynolds relased and the hands were tabled. Murrieta held pocket nines but was far behind Barbero’s pocket Aces and never improved on a KSpade Suit6Diamond Suit2Diamond SuitQClub Suit10Heart Suit board.

Final Table Chip Counts

Leonardo Tarazona 2,653,000
Alon Raz 2,470,000
Oscar Ortiz 2,350,000
Nacho Barbero 2,249,000
Francis Cruz 1,670,000
Keshavarzi Maziar 1,600,000
Guillermo Echevvaria 1,489,000
Carter Gill 1,301,000
Adam Reynolds 631,000

Final Table Payouts

1 $175,070
2 $100,600
3 $75,675
4 $57,250
5 $43,625
6 $33,950
7 $26,190
8 $20,370
9 $16,490

Day 5 Eliminations

10 Fernando Murrieta  $ 13,095.00
11 Roger Nordgren $13,095.00
12 Chris Wolters  $ 13,095.00
13 Andres Farias $10,670.00
14 Ryan Morrell  $ 10,670.00
15 David El Chaak $10,670.00
16 Rafael Pardo $8,730.00
17 Zennawi Petros $8,730.00
18 Amos Ben $8,730.00
19 Manne Ravi $7,470.00
20 Roman Valerstein  $ 7,470.00
21 Alberto Cartin $7,470.00
22 Bolivar Palcios $6,305.00
23 Ryan Smith $6,305.00
24 Jorge Olivos $6,305.00
25 John Abello $5,335.00
26 Engelberth Varela $5,335.00

For live updates from the final table, visit To view the lives stream, click here.