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Borgata Winter Poker Open Day 1B

Second Starting Day Draws Huge Field


Mark SeifTournament officials predicted a small increase in turnout for day 1B of the Borgata Winter Poker Open, but instead they got a field much larger than anyone anticipated. A total of 579 players showed up for the second starting day, bringing the overall field number to 1,017. In all, the final prize pool came to $3,051,000, over 50 percent higher than the originally slated guarantee.

Here are the official final table payouts:

1st: $658,405
2nd: $434,767
3rd: $236,452
4th: $205,942
5th: $175,432
6th: $144,922
7th: $114,412
8th: $83,902
9th: $61,020

Among the notables in the field were Ted Forrest, Lacey Jones, Mark Seif, Mike Leah, Tony Cousineau, Matt Stout, Joe Brooks, Steve Dannenmann, Thayer Rasmussen, Cliff Josephy, Svetlana Gromenkova, Bernard Lee, Hevad Khan, Raj Patel, John Racener, Tiffany Michelle, Eugene Todd, Shaun Deeb, Allen Bari, Bill Gazes, Kevin Saul and Kathy Liebert.

Shaun DeebHand of the Day:

On a flop of 964, Shaun Deeb bets 6,500 and Estaban Rodriguez puts him all in. Deeb made the call and showed 66 for middle set and Rodriguez needed a lot of help with pocket queens. The turn and river came QJ and Deeb was eliminated from the tournament.

Play continued for eight levels and after it was all over, 710 players had survived the starting days, meaning a very cramped day 2 scheduled for 11 a.m. EST on Tuesday.

Here are the overall chip leaders:

  1. George Madrano -- 242,900
  2. Hamid Kashvari -- 237,100
  3. Jerry Maher -- 226,000
  4. Jason Cossifos -- 222,700
  5. Joel Shulruf -- 221,700
  6. Michael Contessa -- 221,400
  7. Alex Kuchik -- 215,100
  8. Philip Gurian -- 213,100
  9. Kyle Burnside -- 202,400