Home : Players : Johnny Lodden : Live Updates
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Country of Origin: Italy
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Jul 07, '11 | 2011 42nd Annual World Series of Poker | $10,000 WSOP Main Event | 1 | + |
Level Five Update: Last Level of the NightJul 07, '11 NOTE: Day 1A has come to close with roughly 585 players remaining from the 897 who entered the main event on the first day possible. Stay tuned for a recap of the day’s events and official chip counts once they are released by the WSOP staff. Day 1B will begin at noon tomorrow and Card Player will bring you more live coverage from the biggest poker tournament of the year when cards get into the air. NOTE: Levels are two hours in length and players are starting with 30,000 in chips. Players on Day 1A: 585 of 897 Blinds: 150-300 with a 25 ante Notables in Field: Jani Sointula Card Player Chip Counts: Barry Shulman — 70,000 Notable Eliminations: Isaac Haxton Hands: Maria Ho Maria Ho moved all in preflop and one opponent made the call. Their cards: Ho: Q Board: 9 Ho doubled up to 28,000 to survive heading into the last level of the night. Scott Montgomery Eliminated by the New Chip Leader The board read 8 Berger showed down J Berger held more than 200,000 after the hand and he should end the night as the chip leader. Featured Poker Tweet — Faraz Jaka Recounts his Bustout Italian November Niner Doubles Up Filippo Candio moved all in on a 10 Candio: 7 River: 4 Candio doubled up close to 70,000 after the hand. Judah Doubles up an Opponent Mel Judah raised to 1,000 preflop from middle position and the button raised all in for a mere 2,775. Judah made the call and they flipped over their cards: Judah: A Board: K Judah doubled up his opponent but is still close to his starting stack of 30,000 near the end of the day 1A. Johnny Lodden Lays it Down Johhny Lodden was in the hi-jack and and he paid the price of admission preflop against the button. The flop fell 10 Both players checked and the river fell 8 A Tough Table for Late in the Day A tough table has come together late in the day in the Amazon Room. The table comprises the talents of Jeff Williams, John Cernuto, Florian Langmann, and Eli Elezra. Featured Poker Tweet — Bill Chen Player Tags: Mel Judah, Maria Ho, Bill Chen, Johnny Lodden, Faraz Jaka, Scott Montgomery, Filippo Candio Level Two Update: Jerry Yang EliminatedJul 07, '11 NOTE: Levels are two hours in length and players are starting with 30,000 in chips. Blinds: 100-200 Notables in Field: Brian Hastings Card Player Chip Counts: Barry Shulman — 27,500 Notable Eliminations: McLean Karr Hands: Olivier Busquet Olivier Busquet raised to 500 and was called by three opponents. The flop fell 9 Evelyn Ng Rebuilding On a board of 9 Johnny Lodden Chipping Up Johnny Lodden bet 450 with the 3 Jerry Yang Eliminated 2007 champion Jerry Yang opened up the action to 1,000 and was three-bet to just over 2,000. Yang called and the flop fell A-J-5. Yang checked and faced a continuation bet of 2,500. Yang check raised to 6,000, and his opponent made it 12,000. Yang shoved for about 22,000 and was snapped called by a set of jacks. Yang tabled top two pair and failed to improve on the turn and river. He was gone early in yet another main event. Jani Sointula at Nearly 90,000 On a board of Q Player Tags: Evelyn Ng, Jani Sointula, Jerry Yang, Johnny Lodden, Olivier Busquet |
Sep 30, '10 | 2010 PokerStars.com EPT London - Season VII | EPT London Main Event | 2 | + |
Johnny Lodden Goes Home EarlySep 30, '10
Player Tags: Johnny Lodden |
Jul 17, '10 | 2010 41st Annual World Series of Poker | $10,000 World Series of Poker Main Event | 12 | + |
Level Six Hour Two: Gavin Smith Eliminates a PlayerJul 10, '10 Blinds: 250-500 with a 50 ante Players Remaining: 2,285 out of 7,319 Chip Counts: 1. Charles Alexandre Sylvestre — 260,000 Card Player Chip Counts: Josh Brikis — 97,500 Notable Eliminations: Gavin Smith Big Hands:
Brett Richey was heads up when his opponent bet 2,500 on a flop of 10 Richey bet 6,000 and his opponent made the call. On the 5 His opponent mucked and Richey’s stack soared to 140,000. Swick Knocked Out Mike Swick of the UFC was down to his last 11,000 or so when he got all in preflop again the player in seat 1. Their hands: Swick: A Swick was trailing and the board ran 6
With the board reading 10 After asking how much Bloch had behind, Moore made the call. The river was the 3 Bloch’s Series comes to a close. He finishes with three cashes, totaling over $100,000 and a couple of near misses deep in some events. Violette Uses Some Aggression to Earn Chips Cyndy Violette called a raise from the big blind and saw a flop of 4 The turn was the 9 Kassela Flushes Opponent Frank Kassela got his opponent all-in on a flop of Q The turn was the 8
Gavin Griffin called a raise of 1,250 from a player in middle position and the player in the cutoff raised to 4,200. The original raiser folded but Griffin raised to around 20,000, enough to put the cutoff player all in. He called. Their hands: Griffin: 10 Griffin was well behind and found no help on a board that ran 5 Pavilion Room Coverage Gavin Smith Eliminates a Player Gavin Smith raised to 1300 from middle position and a player on the button move all in for about 13,000 total. Action was folded back to Smith. He insta-called with the A Chris Ferguson Makes the Wrong Call On a board of A
Johnny Lodden opened the pot from middle position and a player to his left moved all in for 5,600 total. Lodden tanked before making the call with the K Ryan D’Angelo Gets Little Respect On a flop of 8 Player Tags: Andy Bloch, Gavin Smith, Cyndy Violette, Gavin Griffin, Brett Richey, Ryan D'Angelo, Johnny Lodden, Mike Swick Level 22, Hour Two: Theo Tran Doubles UpJul 15, '10 Blinds: 10,000-20,000 with a 3,000 ante Players Remaining: 134 out of 7,319 Average Chip Count: 1,638,582 Card Player Chip Counts: Andrew Brokos – 1,305,000 Tournament Leaderboard: 1. Robert Pisano – 5,500,000 Notable Eliminations: 140. Phil Galfond — $57,102 Player Twitter Accounts Jean-Robert Bellande Big Hands:
Robert Pisano raised to 40,000 preflop and Theo Tran moved all in for 155,000. Pisano made the call and the cards were turned over. Tran: A The classic race was on and the flop fell J Savage Eliminated Matthew Schreiber raised from the button and Craig Savage moved in for 375,000. Schreiber made the call and turned over A Baldwin Needs No Flop Breeze Zuckerman raised to 61,000 and Eric Baldwin raised to 300,000 from the small blind. Zuckerman mucked her hand, flashing the A
Picking up the action after the turn, the board read J Lodden bet 300,000 and Eriquezzo looked him up one last time. Lodden turned over A Lodden scored the pot and he was at 2.6 million while Eriquezzo was at 945,000. Rainey Betters Affleck Nicholas Rainey raised to 47,000 and Matt Affleck made the call from the big blind. The flop fell J Affleck called and the river was the K
Picking up the action on the flop, the board read K The turn was the K Mizrachi’s aggression gave him the pot and he was up to 5.35 million. Brikis Knocks Out Pellegrino Picking up the action on the flop, the board read Q Brikis: 9 Brikis flopped a set to better Pellegrino’s top pair. The board finished off Q
Phil Galfond made it 48,000 to go from under the gun. Josue Sauvageau made it 128,000 and the action came back around to Galfond. Galfond then took a long tank session, resulting in the clock getting called on him. He decided to move all in and Sauvageau snapped it off. Galfond: 6 Galfond was in deep trouble and the board ran out K Card Player TV Day 6 Of The Main Event Gets Underway Player Tags: Michael Mizrachi, Phil Galfond, Theo Tran, Eric Baldwin, Johnny Lodden, Nick Rainey, Matt Affleck, Josh Brikis, Bryan Pellegrino Level 22, Hour One: Robert Mizrachi Doubles Up, Johnny Chan EliminatedJul 15, '10 Blinds: 10,000-20,000 with a 3,000 ante Players Remaining: 154 out of 7,319 Average Chip Count: 1,425,779 Card Player Chip Counts: Andrew Brokos – 1,265,000 Tournament Leaderboard: 1. Robert Pisano – 5,600,000 Notable Eliminations: 156. Johnny Chan — $57,102 Player Twitter Accounts Jean-Robert Bellande Big Hands:
Robert Mizrachi moved all in for 239,000 from the big blind and he was called by Robert Pisando from the small blind. Here were their cards. Mizrachi: A Mizrachi was dominating and the flop left him freerolling when it fell K Chamberlain Surrenders The Double Daniel Chamberlain raised to 44,000 from the cutoff and Gabriel Nassif moved in for 456,000 from the button. Chamberlain looked him up and the cards were turned over. Chamberlain: A Chamberlain was dominated and needed some help with a nine or some spades. The flop board ran out with all black cards, but they were the wrong suit for Chamberlain as it ran Q
Picking up the action after the board had run out 7 Mozheng Guan made the call and turned over 7 Guan was up to 1.4 million while Kostritsyn slipped to 2.4 million. Bracy Gets Jacked Up Tony Bracy moved all in for 97,000 preflop and Redmond Lee decided to raise to 200,000. The isolation play worked as everyone else mucked and the hands were turned over. Bracy: 6 Lee was dominating and the flop fell Q
Johnny Lodden raised to 50,000 from late position and Denis Pisarev made the call from the button. The flop fell A Pisarev fired 65,000 and Lodden made the call. The turn was the 2 Lodden took down a nice pot and he was at 2 million in chips. Affleck And Harder Tangle Matt Affleck raised to 48,000 from the cutoff and Christian Harder made the call from the button next door. The two saw a flop of 9 Harder made the call and the turn was the A Affleck took the pot and he was at 3.1 million. Harder slipped to 1.11 million.
Jameson Singer moved all in for 150,000 preflop and Derek Gibb decided to look him up. Here were their cards: Singer: 7 Singer had two live cards but they were as good as dead when the flop fell A The meaningless river was the 4 Jorgensen With The Knockout Diogo Borges was all in for 520,000 preflop against Theo Jorgensen preflop. Here were their cards. Jorgensen: A Borges was dominated and the board ran out A
Picking up the action on the flop, the board read Q Paulo Figueiredo moved all in for 498,000 and Bryn Kenney made the call to put him at risk. Kenney: K Kenney flopped top pair but was up against the pocket aces of his opponent. But the turn was the Q Binette Goes Boom Francois Binette and Michal Wywrot each put in three-bets before they saw a J Wywrot fired 162,000 and Binette shoved for 750,000. Wywrot made the call and he turned over A But the turn was the Q
Jonathan Driscoll raised it up to 44,000 from the hijack and Theo Tran made the call from the big blind. He then turned over his A-5, thinking he was all in. The floor was called and Tran’s hand was ruled live. The flop then came down A However, since Tran exposed his hand, he was given a one-round penalty. Siegel Eliminated Jordan Siegel moved all in for 268,000 and he was looked up by Jared Ingles in the hijack. Siegel turned over A The board ran out K
Evan Lamprea raised from the cutoff and David Benyamine put in another raise from the button. Lamprea moved enough chips into the middle to put Benyamine all in and he made the call. Benyamine: K Benyamine was dominating and the flop fell Q The river was the Q Levy Drops A Pot Gualter Salles raised to 50,000 preflop and Adam Levy made it 142,000 to go from the small blind. Salles called and the flop fell A Salles fired 100,000 and Levy made the call. The turn was the 10
Johnny Chan and pocket aces did not get along today. He lost a huge pot when he ran his kings into Robert Pisano’s aces during the first level and had a similar situation when he busted out. Chan open-shoved for 550,000 from the cutoff and Jonathan Driscoll snapped him off from the button. The blinds folded and the cards were turned over. Chan: J Chan fell victim to the aces again and the board ran out 7
Duy Le raised to 40,000 preflop and Getty Mattingsley popped it to 105,000. Mizrachi made the call from the small blind and Le also tagged along. The flop fell 10 Le bet 500,000 this time and Mattigsley fled. Mizrachi decided to look him up after a session in the tank and Le tabled J Player Tags: Robert Mizrachi, David Benyamine, Michael Mizrachi, Johnny Chan, Jordan Siegel, Gabriel Nassif, Theo Tran, Duy Le, Johnny Lodden, Bryn Kenney, Adam Levy, Alexander Kostritsyn, Robert Pisano, Mozheng Guan, Daniel Chamberlain Level 21, Hour Two: Habib Doubles Up On First Hand, Chan Takes Big HitJul 15, '10 Blinds: 8,000-16,000 with a 2,000 ante Players Remaining: 186 out of 7,319 Average Chip Count: 1,180,483 Card Player Chip Counts: Andrew Brokos – 1,265,000 Tournament Leaderboard: 1. Robert Pisano – 4,400,000 Notable Eliminations: 188. Blake Kelso — $48,847 Player Twitter Accounts Jean-Robert Bellande Big Hands:
Hasan Habib shoved for 264,000 on the very first hand of the day. Action folded to Paul Dlugozima in the hijack and he made the call. Habib: Q The race was on as Habib’s ladies were a slight favorite, until the flop came down Q Habib was not out of it, however, as he had flopped a set. The turn was the J Erkenov Doubles Up Diogo Borges raised from the button and Ismail Erkenov repopped. The two went back and forth until Erkenov found himself all in for 684,000. Borges: A Erkenov needed to fade a three outer and the flop fell J Lamprea Forced Out Evan Lamprea raised to 38,000 preflop and Pavel Milanov made the call from a couple of seats over. The two players then saw a flop of 7 Milanov made the call and the turn was the A That caused Lamprea to muck his hand and he was down to 3.3 million. Milanov improved to 830,000.
David Baker raised to 36,000 and Russell Rosenblum made it 110,000 to go from the button. Baker put in one last raise for just 8,000 more, putting Rosenblum all in. Rosenblum: K Baker held two live cards but both players caught a piece of the A Lodden With The KO Johnny Lodden raised from the cutoff and Richard Kirsch moved all in for 165,000. Lodden looked him up and they turned over their cards. Lodden: A Lodden jumped ahead in the race when the flop fell A Hougaard Doubles Through David Peters Picking up the action after the flop, Jesper Hougaard moved all in for 205,000 after the flop came down K But Hougaard had outflopped Peters as he tabled K
Picking up the action after the turn, the board read J Chan made the call and the river was the 9 Chan took down the pot and he was at 2,850,000. A few hands later, Robert Pisano and Chan got into a raising war that saw Pisano all in for 2.19 million. Chan made the call and the ultimate cooler was shown. Chan: K Chan was on the wrong end of the cold deck and the board ran out 10 Dorfman Ejects Villard David Villard was all in preflop and Randy Dorfman put him at risk. Here were their hands: Villard: 3 Villard was in bad shape against the overpair and for possible flush draws were covered. The board ran out A
We didn’t catch the action, but Matt Keikoan found himself all in after the board had run out A Matthew Pearson decided to look him up and he turned over K Pearson was up to 846,000 after the knockout. Affleck Dumped By The Ladies Jared Ingles opened for 35,000 and Daniel Chamberlain made it 85,000 to go from the hijack seat. Matt Affleck then made it 200,000 from the button and only Chamberlain stuck around. The flop then fell 8 The river was the 7
Jean-Robert Bellande and Jesper Hougaard each saw a flop of A Bellande led for 65,000 and Hougaard made the call. The 6 He eventually mucked A Player Tags: David Baker, Hasan Habib, Matt Keikoan, Johnny Chan, Russell Rosenblum, Richard Kirsch, Johnny Lodden, Jesper Hougaard, Paul Dlugozima, Randy Dorfman, Diogo Borges, Robert Pisano, Ismail Erkenov Level 30 Update: Gianni Direnzo and Bryn Kenney Eliminated, Final 27 SetJul 16, '10 Blinds: 60,000-120,000 with a 15,000 ante Players Remaining: 27 out of 7,319 Average Chip Count: 8,132,222 Tournament Leaderboard: 1. Joseph Cheong — 24,490,000 Notable Eliminations: 29. Gianni Direnzo — $255,242 Player Twitter Accounts Big Hands:
Matt Affleck bet 275,000 from under the gun. Action was folded to Michael Mizrachi in the big blind. He made the call. The flop came 7 Johnny Lodden Moves All In, Chops Michiel Sijpkens bet 315,000. Jonathan Duhamel raised to 765,000 on the button. Johnny Lodden shoved from the big blind. Sijpkens folded but Duhamel called. Lodden tabled the A Gianni Direnzo Eliminated Robert Pisano opened to 280,000. Gianni Direnzo called from the small blind. The flop came Q Bryn Kenney Eliminated, Final 27 Set Bryn Kenney bet 300,000 from under the gun. Pascal LeFrancois called from the big blind. The flop came Q However, the next hand LeFrancois got the rest of the chips. He opened to 300,000 and Kenney shoved for 850,000. LeFrancois snap-called and exposed the A Player Tags: Michael Mizrachi, Johnny Lodden, Bryn Kenney, Matt Affleck, Robert Pisano, Gianni Direnzo Level 29 Hour One Update: Hasan Habib Triples UpJul 16, '10 Blinds: 50,000-100,000 with a 10,000 ante Players Remaining: 37 out of 7,319 Average Chip Count: 5,227,857 Tournament Leaderboard: 1. Soi Nguyen — 19,520,000 Eliminations: 42. Jerry Payne — $206,395 Player Twitter Accounts Big Hands:
Johnny Lodden bet 255,000. Michiel Sijpkens called from the big blind. The flop came A Michael Mizrachi Drops One Duy Le opened to 180,000 from early position and Michael Mizrachi called from the big blind. The flop came A Jerry Payne Eliminated Jerry Payne was all in for 1,050,000 preflop with the 10 John Dolan Doubles Up Michael Skender opened to 235,000 from under the gun. John Dolan raised all in for 1,335,000 from middle position. Action was folded back around to Skender. He called with 10
Hasan Habib shoved for 460,000 from under the gun. William Thorson made the call. Action was on Damien Luis in the small blind. He moved all in for 1,100,000. Thorson called to put both players at risk. Habib exposed the A Jonathan Driscoll Doubles Up, Eliminated Shortly Thereafter Jonathan Driscoll was all in for 1,500,000 preflop with the K Scott Clements Takes One Scott Clements opened to 240,000 from late position. Bryn Kenney raised to 540,000 from the button. Clements made the call and the flop came J
Gabe Costner opened to 240,000 from the cutoff seat. Joseph Cheong raised to 720,000. Benjamin Statz shoved for 3,950,000. Costner moved all in for 5,800,000. Cheong folded the A Nicolas Babel Eliminated Nicolas Babel opened from under the gun. Joseph Cheong raised to 420,000 from the button. Babel called. The flop came Q Player Tags: Hasan Habib, Michael Mizrachi, Johnny Lodden, John Dolan, Nicolas Babel, Joseph Cheong Level 27 Hour Two Update: LeFrancois Streaking Up the Chip Counts, Brikis and Jetten Hit the RailJul 16, '10 Blinds: 30,000-60,000 with a 10,000 ante Players Remaining: 51 out of 7,319 Average Chip Count: 4,142,830 Card Player Chip Counts: Tony Dunst – 1,440,000 Tournament Leaderboard: 1. William Thorson – 10,610,000 Notable Eliminations: 56. Jared Ingles – $138,285 Player Twitter Accounts Big Hands:
Patrick Eskandar raised from middle position to 135,000. Michiel Sijpkens called, Johnny Lodden called from the button, and Matthew Berkey came along from the big blind. The flop was 9 David Benyamine Eliminated At the end of the last hour, David Benyamine was eliminated. He raised from the button and got into a preflop raising war with Pascal LeFrancois until all the money got into the middle. Benyamine was at risk for his last 1,400,000 with the Q LeFrancois Streaking Jonathan Driscoll opened on the button to 145,000 and was met with a three-bet to 455,000 from Pascal LeFrancois from the small blind. After a fold from the big blind, Driscoll made it 1,025,000 to go and LeFrancois moved all-in for 4,725,000. Driscoll made the call. LeFrancois tabled Q
Action folded to Christopher Bolt on the button and he moved all-in for 785,000 and Josh Brikis made the call from the big blind. Brikis tabled K The board ran out A Thorson Climbing John Racener raised to 140,000 under-the-gun and William Thorson made the call, as well as Michael Mizrachi and Duy Le from the blinds. Mizrachi led out for 300,000 on a flop of K The 2 Thorson showed his 10
Joseph Cheong raised in early position to 140,000 and Alexander Kostritsyn called in middle position before Gabe Costner called from the big blind. The flop came 9 Costner and Cheong both checked to Kostritsyn, who bet 825,000. Costner then put in a check-raise to 1,800,000. Cheong folded and Kostritsyn went into the tank for a while before eventually deciding to let it go and keep his 3,900,000 for another hand. Costner cracked the 10 million chip mark with the pot. Jetten Crippled and Eliminated It was a battle of the blinds and Peter Jetten somehow found all of his chips in the middle with the 9 The flop was J Thorson Forces Grinder to Fold Tony Dunst raised to 130,000 and was three-bet by William Thorson to 415,000. Michael Mizrachi made it 915,000 which got a quick fold from Dunst. Thorson quickly grabbed a stack of 100,000 denomination chips and slid them out into the middle and announced he was all-in. Mizrachi went deep into the tank for quite a while. Thorson eventually called the clock on Mizrachi. Mizrachi eventually elected to fold, but Thorson said he could pick a card to see. After Mizrachi picked one, Thorson revealed the Q
After a limp from William Thorson and Michael Mizrachi, Matt Affleck raised to 230,000. Thorson made the call and Mizrachi folded. It was checked to the river as the board came out J Bolt Eliminated Christopher Bolt got all his money in the middle preflop against Benjamin Statz. Statz held the Q The fop came 7
On the last hand before the break, Bryn Kenney raised to 160,000 under-the-gun and Alexander Kostritsyn three-bet to 575,000 on the button. Kenney moved all-in and Kostritsyn quickly made the call. Kenney was in a world of hurt when he tabled his A The flop brought some real drama as it came J After a count down of the chips, Kostritsyn was covered by Kenney and Kostritsyn was gone in 52nd place. Player Tags: David Benyamine, Peter Jetten, Johnny Lodden, Alexander Kostritsyn, Josh Brikis, Pascal LeFrancois Level 30 Hour One Update: Johnny Lodden EliminatedJul 17, '10 NOTE: About 30 minutes of this level were played last night before action was called for the evening. Blinds: 60,000-120,000 with a 15,000 ante Players Remaining: 26 out of 7,319 Average Chip Count: 8,132,222 Tournament Leaderboard: 1. Joseph Cheong — 24,490,000 Player Twitter Accounts Eliminations: 27. Johnny Lodden — $317,161 Big Hands:
Matt Affleck bet under the gun and Johnny Lodden moved all in for 1,470,000 from the button. Affleck called with the A Lodden’s Main-Event finish was his only cash at the 2010 World Series of Poker. Pascal LeFrancois Moves All In Robert Pisano opened to 280,000 from early position. Pascal LeFrancois called. Action was folded to Adam Levy. He raised to 1,000,000. Pisano called. LeFrancois moved all in for around 15,500,000. Levy tanked for a couple minutes and folded. Pisano folded as well. LeFrancois was up to about 17,900,000 after the hand. Patrick Eskandar Moves All In Patrick Eskandar bet 275,000 from middle position. Soi Nguyen called from the cutoff. The flop came 4 Michael Mizrachi Climbing Mads Wissing limped in for the small blind. Michael Mizrachi checked from the big blind. The flop came A William Thorson Moves All In John Racener opened to 275,000. Action was folded to Thorson in the small blind. Thorson moved all in for about 4,000,000. Racener tanked before finally foldind his hand. Thorson was up to about 4,350,000 after the hand. Left in the Deck: Check out a recent video on CardPlayer TV for day 8 of the 2010 Main Event: Player Tags: Johnny Lodden, Adam Levy, Matt Affleck, Robert Pisano, Patrick Eskandar |
Jul 16, '10 | 2010 41st Annual World Series of Poker | $10,000 World Series of Poker Main Event | 11 | + |
Level Six Hour Two: Gavin Smith Eliminates a PlayerJul 10, '10 Blinds: 250-500 with a 50 ante Players Remaining: 2,285 out of 7,319 Chip Counts: 1. Charles Alexandre Sylvestre — 260,000 Card Player Chip Counts: Josh Brikis — 97,500 Notable Eliminations: Gavin Smith Big Hands:
Brett Richey was heads up when his opponent bet 2,500 on a flop of 10 Richey bet 6,000 and his opponent made the call. On the 5 His opponent mucked and Richey’s stack soared to 140,000. Swick Knocked Out Mike Swick of the UFC was down to his last 11,000 or so when he got all in preflop again the player in seat 1. Their hands: Swick: A Swick was trailing and the board ran 6
With the board reading 10 After asking how much Bloch had behind, Moore made the call. The river was the 3 Bloch’s Series comes to a close. He finishes with three cashes, totaling over $100,000 and a couple of near misses deep in some events. Violette Uses Some Aggression to Earn Chips Cyndy Violette called a raise from the big blind and saw a flop of 4 The turn was the 9 Kassela Flushes Opponent Frank Kassela got his opponent all-in on a flop of Q The turn was the 8
Gavin Griffin called a raise of 1,250 from a player in middle position and the player in the cutoff raised to 4,200. The original raiser folded but Griffin raised to around 20,000, enough to put the cutoff player all in. He called. Their hands: Griffin: 10 Griffin was well behind and found no help on a board that ran 5 Pavilion Room Coverage Gavin Smith Eliminates a Player Gavin Smith raised to 1300 from middle position and a player on the button move all in for about 13,000 total. Action was folded back to Smith. He insta-called with the A Chris Ferguson Makes the Wrong Call On a board of A
Johnny Lodden opened the pot from middle position and a player to his left moved all in for 5,600 total. Lodden tanked before making the call with the K Ryan D’Angelo Gets Little Respect On a flop of 8 Player Tags: Andy Bloch, Gavin Smith, Cyndy Violette, Gavin Griffin, Brett Richey, Ryan D'Angelo, Johnny Lodden, Mike Swick Level 22, Hour Two: Theo Tran Doubles UpJul 15, '10 Blinds: 10,000-20,000 with a 3,000 ante Players Remaining: 134 out of 7,319 Average Chip Count: 1,638,582 Card Player Chip Counts: Andrew Brokos – 1,305,000 Tournament Leaderboard: 1. Robert Pisano – 5,500,000 Notable Eliminations: 140. Phil Galfond — $57,102 Player Twitter Accounts Jean-Robert Bellande Big Hands:
Robert Pisano raised to 40,000 preflop and Theo Tran moved all in for 155,000. Pisano made the call and the cards were turned over. Tran: A The classic race was on and the flop fell J Savage Eliminated Matthew Schreiber raised from the button and Craig Savage moved in for 375,000. Schreiber made the call and turned over A Baldwin Needs No Flop Breeze Zuckerman raised to 61,000 and Eric Baldwin raised to 300,000 from the small blind. Zuckerman mucked her hand, flashing the A
Picking up the action after the turn, the board read J Lodden bet 300,000 and Eriquezzo looked him up one last time. Lodden turned over A Lodden scored the pot and he was at 2.6 million while Eriquezzo was at 945,000. Rainey Betters Affleck Nicholas Rainey raised to 47,000 and Matt Affleck made the call from the big blind. The flop fell J Affleck called and the river was the K
Picking up the action on the flop, the board read K The turn was the K Mizrachi’s aggression gave him the pot and he was up to 5.35 million. Brikis Knocks Out Pellegrino Picking up the action on the flop, the board read Q Brikis: 9 Brikis flopped a set to better Pellegrino’s top pair. The board finished off Q
Phil Galfond made it 48,000 to go from under the gun. Josue Sauvageau made it 128,000 and the action came back around to Galfond. Galfond then took a long tank session, resulting in the clock getting called on him. He decided to move all in and Sauvageau snapped it off. Galfond: 6 Galfond was in deep trouble and the board ran out K Card Player TV Day 6 Of The Main Event Gets Underway Player Tags: Michael Mizrachi, Phil Galfond, Theo Tran, Eric Baldwin, Johnny Lodden, Nick Rainey, Matt Affleck, Josh Brikis, Bryan Pellegrino Level 22, Hour One: Robert Mizrachi Doubles Up, Johnny Chan EliminatedJul 15, '10 Blinds: 10,000-20,000 with a 3,000 ante Players Remaining: 154 out of 7,319 Average Chip Count: 1,425,779 Card Player Chip Counts: Andrew Brokos – 1,265,000 Tournament Leaderboard: 1. Robert Pisano – 5,600,000 Notable Eliminations: 156. Johnny Chan — $57,102 Player Twitter Accounts Jean-Robert Bellande Big Hands:
Robert Mizrachi moved all in for 239,000 from the big blind and he was called by Robert Pisando from the small blind. Here were their cards. Mizrachi: A Mizrachi was dominating and the flop left him freerolling when it fell K Chamberlain Surrenders The Double Daniel Chamberlain raised to 44,000 from the cutoff and Gabriel Nassif moved in for 456,000 from the button. Chamberlain looked him up and the cards were turned over. Chamberlain: A Chamberlain was dominated and needed some help with a nine or some spades. The flop board ran out with all black cards, but they were the wrong suit for Chamberlain as it ran Q
Picking up the action after the board had run out 7 Mozheng Guan made the call and turned over 7 Guan was up to 1.4 million while Kostritsyn slipped to 2.4 million. Bracy Gets Jacked Up Tony Bracy moved all in for 97,000 preflop and Redmond Lee decided to raise to 200,000. The isolation play worked as everyone else mucked and the hands were turned over. Bracy: 6 Lee was dominating and the flop fell Q
Johnny Lodden raised to 50,000 from late position and Denis Pisarev made the call from the button. The flop fell A Pisarev fired 65,000 and Lodden made the call. The turn was the 2 Lodden took down a nice pot and he was at 2 million in chips. Affleck And Harder Tangle Matt Affleck raised to 48,000 from the cutoff and Christian Harder made the call from the button next door. The two saw a flop of 9 Harder made the call and the turn was the A Affleck took the pot and he was at 3.1 million. Harder slipped to 1.11 million.
Jameson Singer moved all in for 150,000 preflop and Derek Gibb decided to look him up. Here were their cards: Singer: 7 Singer had two live cards but they were as good as dead when the flop fell A The meaningless river was the 4 Jorgensen With The Knockout Diogo Borges was all in for 520,000 preflop against Theo Jorgensen preflop. Here were their cards. Jorgensen: A Borges was dominated and the board ran out A
Picking up the action on the flop, the board read Q Paulo Figueiredo moved all in for 498,000 and Bryn Kenney made the call to put him at risk. Kenney: K Kenney flopped top pair but was up against the pocket aces of his opponent. But the turn was the Q Binette Goes Boom Francois Binette and Michal Wywrot each put in three-bets before they saw a J Wywrot fired 162,000 and Binette shoved for 750,000. Wywrot made the call and he turned over A But the turn was the Q
Jonathan Driscoll raised it up to 44,000 from the hijack and Theo Tran made the call from the big blind. He then turned over his A-5, thinking he was all in. The floor was called and Tran’s hand was ruled live. The flop then came down A However, since Tran exposed his hand, he was given a one-round penalty. Siegel Eliminated Jordan Siegel moved all in for 268,000 and he was looked up by Jared Ingles in the hijack. Siegel turned over A The board ran out K
Evan Lamprea raised from the cutoff and David Benyamine put in another raise from the button. Lamprea moved enough chips into the middle to put Benyamine all in and he made the call. Benyamine: K Benyamine was dominating and the flop fell Q The river was the Q Levy Drops A Pot Gualter Salles raised to 50,000 preflop and Adam Levy made it 142,000 to go from the small blind. Salles called and the flop fell A Salles fired 100,000 and Levy made the call. The turn was the 10
Johnny Chan and pocket aces did not get along today. He lost a huge pot when he ran his kings into Robert Pisano’s aces during the first level and had a similar situation when he busted out. Chan open-shoved for 550,000 from the cutoff and Jonathan Driscoll snapped him off from the button. The blinds folded and the cards were turned over. Chan: J Chan fell victim to the aces again and the board ran out 7
Duy Le raised to 40,000 preflop and Getty Mattingsley popped it to 105,000. Mizrachi made the call from the small blind and Le also tagged along. The flop fell 10 Le bet 500,000 this time and Mattigsley fled. Mizrachi decided to look him up after a session in the tank and Le tabled J Player Tags: Robert Mizrachi, David Benyamine, Michael Mizrachi, Johnny Chan, Jordan Siegel, Gabriel Nassif, Theo Tran, Duy Le, Johnny Lodden, Bryn Kenney, Adam Levy, Alexander Kostritsyn, Robert Pisano, Mozheng Guan, Daniel Chamberlain Level 21, Hour Two: Habib Doubles Up On First Hand, Chan Takes Big HitJul 15, '10 Blinds: 8,000-16,000 with a 2,000 ante Players Remaining: 186 out of 7,319 Average Chip Count: 1,180,483 Card Player Chip Counts: Andrew Brokos – 1,265,000 Tournament Leaderboard: 1. Robert Pisano – 4,400,000 Notable Eliminations: 188. Blake Kelso — $48,847 Player Twitter Accounts Jean-Robert Bellande Big Hands:
Hasan Habib shoved for 264,000 on the very first hand of the day. Action folded to Paul Dlugozima in the hijack and he made the call. Habib: Q The race was on as Habib’s ladies were a slight favorite, until the flop came down Q Habib was not out of it, however, as he had flopped a set. The turn was the J Erkenov Doubles Up Diogo Borges raised from the button and Ismail Erkenov repopped. The two went back and forth until Erkenov found himself all in for 684,000. Borges: A Erkenov needed to fade a three outer and the flop fell J Lamprea Forced Out Evan Lamprea raised to 38,000 preflop and Pavel Milanov made the call from a couple of seats over. The two players then saw a flop of 7 Milanov made the call and the turn was the A That caused Lamprea to muck his hand and he was down to 3.3 million. Milanov improved to 830,000.
David Baker raised to 36,000 and Russell Rosenblum made it 110,000 to go from the button. Baker put in one last raise for just 8,000 more, putting Rosenblum all in. Rosenblum: K Baker held two live cards but both players caught a piece of the A Lodden With The KO Johnny Lodden raised from the cutoff and Richard Kirsch moved all in for 165,000. Lodden looked him up and they turned over their cards. Lodden: A Lodden jumped ahead in the race when the flop fell A Hougaard Doubles Through David Peters Picking up the action after the flop, Jesper Hougaard moved all in for 205,000 after the flop came down K But Hougaard had outflopped Peters as he tabled K
Picking up the action after the turn, the board read J Chan made the call and the river was the 9 Chan took down the pot and he was at 2,850,000. A few hands later, Robert Pisano and Chan got into a raising war that saw Pisano all in for 2.19 million. Chan made the call and the ultimate cooler was shown. Chan: K Chan was on the wrong end of the cold deck and the board ran out 10 Dorfman Ejects Villard David Villard was all in preflop and Randy Dorfman put him at risk. Here were their hands: Villard: 3 Villard was in bad shape against the overpair and for possible flush draws were covered. The board ran out A
We didn’t catch the action, but Matt Keikoan found himself all in after the board had run out A Matthew Pearson decided to look him up and he turned over K Pearson was up to 846,000 after the knockout. Affleck Dumped By The Ladies Jared Ingles opened for 35,000 and Daniel Chamberlain made it 85,000 to go from the hijack seat. Matt Affleck then made it 200,000 from the button and only Chamberlain stuck around. The flop then fell 8 The river was the 7
Jean-Robert Bellande and Jesper Hougaard each saw a flop of A Bellande led for 65,000 and Hougaard made the call. The 6 He eventually mucked A Player Tags: David Baker, Hasan Habib, Matt Keikoan, Johnny Chan, Russell Rosenblum, Richard Kirsch, Johnny Lodden, Jesper Hougaard, Paul Dlugozima, Randy Dorfman, Diogo Borges, Robert Pisano, Ismail Erkenov Level 30 Update: Gianni Direnzo and Bryn Kenney Eliminated, Final 27 SetJul 16, '10 Blinds: 60,000-120,000 with a 15,000 ante Players Remaining: 27 out of 7,319 Average Chip Count: 8,132,222 Tournament Leaderboard: 1. Joseph Cheong — 24,490,000 Notable Eliminations: 29. Gianni Direnzo — $255,242 Player Twitter Accounts Big Hands:
Matt Affleck bet 275,000 from under the gun. Action was folded to Michael Mizrachi in the big blind. He made the call. The flop came 7 Johnny Lodden Moves All In, Chops Michiel Sijpkens bet 315,000. Jonathan Duhamel raised to 765,000 on the button. Johnny Lodden shoved from the big blind. Sijpkens folded but Duhamel called. Lodden tabled the A Gianni Direnzo Eliminated Robert Pisano opened to 280,000. Gianni Direnzo called from the small blind. The flop came Q Bryn Kenney Eliminated, Final 27 Set Bryn Kenney bet 300,000 from under the gun. Pascal LeFrancois called from the big blind. The flop came Q However, the next hand LeFrancois got the rest of the chips. He opened to 300,000 and Kenney shoved for 850,000. LeFrancois snap-called and exposed the A Player Tags: Michael Mizrachi, Johnny Lodden, Bryn Kenney, Matt Affleck, Robert Pisano, Gianni Direnzo Level 29 Hour One Update: Hasan Habib Triples UpJul 16, '10 Blinds: 50,000-100,000 with a 10,000 ante Players Remaining: 37 out of 7,319 Average Chip Count: 5,227,857 Tournament Leaderboard: 1. Soi Nguyen — 19,520,000 Eliminations: 42. Jerry Payne — $206,395 Player Twitter Accounts Big Hands:
Johnny Lodden bet 255,000. Michiel Sijpkens called from the big blind. The flop came A Michael Mizrachi Drops One Duy Le opened to 180,000 from early position and Michael Mizrachi called from the big blind. The flop came A Jerry Payne Eliminated Jerry Payne was all in for 1,050,000 preflop with the 10 John Dolan Doubles Up Michael Skender opened to 235,000 from under the gun. John Dolan raised all in for 1,335,000 from middle position. Action was folded back around to Skender. He called with 10
Hasan Habib shoved for 460,000 from under the gun. William Thorson made the call. Action was on Damien Luis in the small blind. He moved all in for 1,100,000. Thorson called to put both players at risk. Habib exposed the A Jonathan Driscoll Doubles Up, Eliminated Shortly Thereafter Jonathan Driscoll was all in for 1,500,000 preflop with the K Scott Clements Takes One Scott Clements opened to 240,000 from late position. Bryn Kenney raised to 540,000 from the button. Clements made the call and the flop came J
Gabe Costner opened to 240,000 from the cutoff seat. Joseph Cheong raised to 720,000. Benjamin Statz shoved for 3,950,000. Costner moved all in for 5,800,000. Cheong folded the A Nicolas Babel Eliminated Nicolas Babel opened from under the gun. Joseph Cheong raised to 420,000 from the button. Babel called. The flop came Q Player Tags: Hasan Habib, Michael Mizrachi, Johnny Lodden, John Dolan, Nicolas Babel, Joseph Cheong Level 27 Hour Two Update: LeFrancois Streaking Up the Chip Counts, Brikis and Jetten Hit the RailJul 16, '10 Blinds: 30,000-60,000 with a 10,000 ante Players Remaining: 51 out of 7,319 Average Chip Count: 4,142,830 Card Player Chip Counts: Tony Dunst – 1,440,000 Tournament Leaderboard: 1. William Thorson – 10,610,000 Notable Eliminations: 56. Jared Ingles – $138,285 Player Twitter Accounts Big Hands:
Patrick Eskandar raised from middle position to 135,000. Michiel Sijpkens called, Johnny Lodden called from the button, and Matthew Berkey came along from the big blind. The flop was 9 David Benyamine Eliminated At the end of the last hour, David Benyamine was eliminated. He raised from the button and got into a preflop raising war with Pascal LeFrancois until all the money got into the middle. Benyamine was at risk for his last 1,400,000 with the Q LeFrancois Streaking Jonathan Driscoll opened on the button to 145,000 and was met with a three-bet to 455,000 from Pascal LeFrancois from the small blind. After a fold from the big blind, Driscoll made it 1,025,000 to go and LeFrancois moved all-in for 4,725,000. Driscoll made the call. LeFrancois tabled Q
Action folded to Christopher Bolt on the button and he moved all-in for 785,000 and Josh Brikis made the call from the big blind. Brikis tabled K The board ran out A Thorson Climbing John Racener raised to 140,000 under-the-gun and William Thorson made the call, as well as Michael Mizrachi and Duy Le from the blinds. Mizrachi led out for 300,000 on a flop of K The 2 Thorson showed his 10
Joseph Cheong raised in early position to 140,000 and Alexander Kostritsyn called in middle position before Gabe Costner called from the big blind. The flop came 9 Costner and Cheong both checked to Kostritsyn, who bet 825,000. Costner then put in a check-raise to 1,800,000. Cheong folded and Kostritsyn went into the tank for a while before eventually deciding to let it go and keep his 3,900,000 for another hand. Costner cracked the 10 million chip mark with the pot. Jetten Crippled and Eliminated It was a battle of the blinds and Peter Jetten somehow found all of his chips in the middle with the 9 The flop was J Thorson Forces Grinder to Fold Tony Dunst raised to 130,000 and was three-bet by William Thorson to 415,000. Michael Mizrachi made it 915,000 which got a quick fold from Dunst. Thorson quickly grabbed a stack of 100,000 denomination chips and slid them out into the middle and announced he was all-in. Mizrachi went deep into the tank for quite a while. Thorson eventually called the clock on Mizrachi. Mizrachi eventually elected to fold, but Thorson said he could pick a card to see. After Mizrachi picked one, Thorson revealed the Q
After a limp from William Thorson and Michael Mizrachi, Matt Affleck raised to 230,000. Thorson made the call and Mizrachi folded. It was checked to the river as the board came out J Bolt Eliminated Christopher Bolt got all his money in the middle preflop against Benjamin Statz. Statz held the Q The fop came 7
On the last hand before the break, Bryn Kenney raised to 160,000 under-the-gun and Alexander Kostritsyn three-bet to 575,000 on the button. Kenney moved all-in and Kostritsyn quickly made the call. Kenney was in a world of hurt when he tabled his A The flop brought some real drama as it came J After a count down of the chips, Kostritsyn was covered by Kenney and Kostritsyn was gone in 52nd place. Player Tags: David Benyamine, Peter Jetten, Johnny Lodden, Alexander Kostritsyn, Josh Brikis, Pascal LeFrancois Level 30 Hour One Update: Johnny Lodden EliminatedJul 17, '10 NOTE: About 30 minutes of this level were played last night before action was called for the evening. Blinds: 60,000-120,000 with a 15,000 ante Players Remaining: 26 out of 7,319 Average Chip Count: 8,132,222 Tournament Leaderboard: 1. Joseph Cheong — 24,490,000 Player Twitter Accounts Eliminations: 27. Johnny Lodden — $317,161 Big Hands:
Matt Affleck bet under the gun and Johnny Lodden moved all in for 1,470,000 from the button. Affleck called with the A Lodden’s Main-Event finish was his only cash at the 2010 World Series of Poker. Pascal LeFrancois Moves All In Robert Pisano opened to 280,000 from early position. Pascal LeFrancois called. Action was folded to Adam Levy. He raised to 1,000,000. Pisano called. LeFrancois moved all in for around 15,500,000. Levy tanked for a couple minutes and folded. Pisano folded as well. LeFrancois was up to about 17,900,000 after the hand. Patrick Eskandar Moves All In Patrick Eskandar bet 275,000 from middle position. Soi Nguyen called from the cutoff. The flop came 4 Michael Mizrachi Climbing Mads Wissing limped in for the small blind. Michael Mizrachi checked from the big blind. The flop came A William Thorson Moves All In John Racener opened to 275,000. Action was folded to Thorson in the small blind. Thorson moved all in for about 4,000,000. Racener tanked before finally foldind his hand. Thorson was up to about 4,350,000 after the hand. Left in the Deck: Check out a recent video on CardPlayer TV for day 8 of the 2010 Main Event: Player Tags: Johnny Lodden, Adam Levy, Matt Affleck, Robert Pisano, Patrick Eskandar |
Jul 15, '10 | 2010 41st Annual World Series of Poker | $10,000 World Series of Poker Main Event | 10 | + |
Level Six Hour Two: Gavin Smith Eliminates a PlayerJul 10, '10 Blinds: 250-500 with a 50 ante Players Remaining: 2,285 out of 7,319 Chip Counts: 1. Charles Alexandre Sylvestre — 260,000 Card Player Chip Counts: Josh Brikis — 97,500 Notable Eliminations: Gavin Smith Big Hands:
Brett Richey was heads up when his opponent bet 2,500 on a flop of 10 Richey bet 6,000 and his opponent made the call. On the 5 His opponent mucked and Richey’s stack soared to 140,000. Swick Knocked Out Mike Swick of the UFC was down to his last 11,000 or so when he got all in preflop again the player in seat 1. Their hands: Swick: A Swick was trailing and the board ran 6
With the board reading 10 After asking how much Bloch had behind, Moore made the call. The river was the 3 Bloch’s Series comes to a close. He finishes with three cashes, totaling over $100,000 and a couple of near misses deep in some events. Violette Uses Some Aggression to Earn Chips Cyndy Violette called a raise from the big blind and saw a flop of 4 The turn was the 9 Kassela Flushes Opponent Frank Kassela got his opponent all-in on a flop of Q The turn was the 8
Gavin Griffin called a raise of 1,250 from a player in middle position and the player in the cutoff raised to 4,200. The original raiser folded but Griffin raised to around 20,000, enough to put the cutoff player all in. He called. Their hands: Griffin: 10 Griffin was well behind and found no help on a board that ran 5 Pavilion Room Coverage Gavin Smith Eliminates a Player Gavin Smith raised to 1300 from middle position and a player on the button move all in for about 13,000 total. Action was folded back to Smith. He insta-called with the A Chris Ferguson Makes the Wrong Call On a board of A
Johnny Lodden opened the pot from middle position and a player to his left moved all in for 5,600 total. Lodden tanked before making the call with the K Ryan D’Angelo Gets Little Respect On a flop of 8 Player Tags: Andy Bloch, Gavin Smith, Cyndy Violette, Gavin Griffin, Brett Richey, Ryan D'Angelo, Johnny Lodden, Mike Swick Level 22, Hour Two: Theo Tran Doubles UpJul 15, '10 Blinds: 10,000-20,000 with a 3,000 ante Players Remaining: 134 out of 7,319 Average Chip Count: 1,638,582 Card Player Chip Counts: Andrew Brokos – 1,305,000 Tournament Leaderboard: 1. Robert Pisano – 5,500,000 Notable Eliminations: 140. Phil Galfond — $57,102 Player Twitter Accounts Jean-Robert Bellande Big Hands:
Robert Pisano raised to 40,000 preflop and Theo Tran moved all in for 155,000. Pisano made the call and the cards were turned over. Tran: A The classic race was on and the flop fell J Savage Eliminated Matthew Schreiber raised from the button and Craig Savage moved in for 375,000. Schreiber made the call and turned over A Baldwin Needs No Flop Breeze Zuckerman raised to 61,000 and Eric Baldwin raised to 300,000 from the small blind. Zuckerman mucked her hand, flashing the A
Picking up the action after the turn, the board read J Lodden bet 300,000 and Eriquezzo looked him up one last time. Lodden turned over A Lodden scored the pot and he was at 2.6 million while Eriquezzo was at 945,000. Rainey Betters Affleck Nicholas Rainey raised to 47,000 and Matt Affleck made the call from the big blind. The flop fell J Affleck called and the river was the K
Picking up the action on the flop, the board read K The turn was the K Mizrachi’s aggression gave him the pot and he was up to 5.35 million. Brikis Knocks Out Pellegrino Picking up the action on the flop, the board read Q Brikis: 9 Brikis flopped a set to better Pellegrino’s top pair. The board finished off Q
Phil Galfond made it 48,000 to go from under the gun. Josue Sauvageau made it 128,000 and the action came back around to Galfond. Galfond then took a long tank session, resulting in the clock getting called on him. He decided to move all in and Sauvageau snapped it off. Galfond: 6 Galfond was in deep trouble and the board ran out K Card Player TV Day 6 Of The Main Event Gets Underway Player Tags: Michael Mizrachi, Phil Galfond, Theo Tran, Eric Baldwin, Johnny Lodden, Nick Rainey, Matt Affleck, Josh Brikis, Bryan Pellegrino Level 22, Hour One: Robert Mizrachi Doubles Up, Johnny Chan EliminatedJul 15, '10 Blinds: 10,000-20,000 with a 3,000 ante Players Remaining: 154 out of 7,319 Average Chip Count: 1,425,779 Card Player Chip Counts: Andrew Brokos – 1,265,000 Tournament Leaderboard: 1. Robert Pisano – 5,600,000 Notable Eliminations: 156. Johnny Chan — $57,102 Player Twitter Accounts Jean-Robert Bellande Big Hands:
Robert Mizrachi moved all in for 239,000 from the big blind and he was called by Robert Pisando from the small blind. Here were their cards. Mizrachi: A Mizrachi was dominating and the flop left him freerolling when it fell K Chamberlain Surrenders The Double Daniel Chamberlain raised to 44,000 from the cutoff and Gabriel Nassif moved in for 456,000 from the button. Chamberlain looked him up and the cards were turned over. Chamberlain: A Chamberlain was dominated and needed some help with a nine or some spades. The flop board ran out with all black cards, but they were the wrong suit for Chamberlain as it ran Q
Picking up the action after the board had run out 7 Mozheng Guan made the call and turned over 7 Guan was up to 1.4 million while Kostritsyn slipped to 2.4 million. Bracy Gets Jacked Up Tony Bracy moved all in for 97,000 preflop and Redmond Lee decided to raise to 200,000. The isolation play worked as everyone else mucked and the hands were turned over. Bracy: 6 Lee was dominating and the flop fell Q
Johnny Lodden raised to 50,000 from late position and Denis Pisarev made the call from the button. The flop fell A Pisarev fired 65,000 and Lodden made the call. The turn was the 2 Lodden took down a nice pot and he was at 2 million in chips. Affleck And Harder Tangle Matt Affleck raised to 48,000 from the cutoff and Christian Harder made the call from the button next door. The two saw a flop of 9 Harder made the call and the turn was the A Affleck took the pot and he was at 3.1 million. Harder slipped to 1.11 million.
Jameson Singer moved all in for 150,000 preflop and Derek Gibb decided to look him up. Here were their cards: Singer: 7 Singer had two live cards but they were as good as dead when the flop fell A The meaningless river was the 4 Jorgensen With The Knockout Diogo Borges was all in for 520,000 preflop against Theo Jorgensen preflop. Here were their cards. Jorgensen: A Borges was dominated and the board ran out A
Picking up the action on the flop, the board read Q Paulo Figueiredo moved all in for 498,000 and Bryn Kenney made the call to put him at risk. Kenney: K Kenney flopped top pair but was up against the pocket aces of his opponent. But the turn was the Q Binette Goes Boom Francois Binette and Michal Wywrot each put in three-bets before they saw a J Wywrot fired 162,000 and Binette shoved for 750,000. Wywrot made the call and he turned over A But the turn was the Q
Jonathan Driscoll raised it up to 44,000 from the hijack and Theo Tran made the call from the big blind. He then turned over his A-5, thinking he was all in. The floor was called and Tran’s hand was ruled live. The flop then came down A However, since Tran exposed his hand, he was given a one-round penalty. Siegel Eliminated Jordan Siegel moved all in for 268,000 and he was looked up by Jared Ingles in the hijack. Siegel turned over A The board ran out K
Evan Lamprea raised from the cutoff and David Benyamine put in another raise from the button. Lamprea moved enough chips into the middle to put Benyamine all in and he made the call. Benyamine: K Benyamine was dominating and the flop fell Q The river was the Q Levy Drops A Pot Gualter Salles raised to 50,000 preflop and Adam Levy made it 142,000 to go from the small blind. Salles called and the flop fell A Salles fired 100,000 and Levy made the call. The turn was the 10
Johnny Chan and pocket aces did not get along today. He lost a huge pot when he ran his kings into Robert Pisano’s aces during the first level and had a similar situation when he busted out. Chan open-shoved for 550,000 from the cutoff and Jonathan Driscoll snapped him off from the button. The blinds folded and the cards were turned over. Chan: J Chan fell victim to the aces again and the board ran out 7
Duy Le raised to 40,000 preflop and Getty Mattingsley popped it to 105,000. Mizrachi made the call from the small blind and Le also tagged along. The flop fell 10 Le bet 500,000 this time and Mattigsley fled. Mizrachi decided to look him up after a session in the tank and Le tabled J Player Tags: Robert Mizrachi, David Benyamine, Michael Mizrachi, Johnny Chan, Jordan Siegel, Gabriel Nassif, Theo Tran, Duy Le, Johnny Lodden, Bryn Kenney, Adam Levy, Alexander Kostritsyn, Robert Pisano, Mozheng Guan, Daniel Chamberlain Level 21, Hour Two: Habib Doubles Up On First Hand, Chan Takes Big HitJul 15, '10 Blinds: 8,000-16,000 with a 2,000 ante Players Remaining: 186 out of 7,319 Average Chip Count: 1,180,483 Card Player Chip Counts: Andrew Brokos – 1,265,000 Tournament Leaderboard: 1. Robert Pisano – 4,400,000 Notable Eliminations: 188. Blake Kelso — $48,847 Player Twitter Accounts Jean-Robert Bellande Big Hands:
Hasan Habib shoved for 264,000 on the very first hand of the day. Action folded to Paul Dlugozima in the hijack and he made the call. Habib: Q The race was on as Habib’s ladies were a slight favorite, until the flop came down Q Habib was not out of it, however, as he had flopped a set. The turn was the J Erkenov Doubles Up Diogo Borges raised from the button and Ismail Erkenov repopped. The two went back and forth until Erkenov found himself all in for 684,000. Borges: A Erkenov needed to fade a three outer and the flop fell J Lamprea Forced Out Evan Lamprea raised to 38,000 preflop and Pavel Milanov made the call from a couple of seats over. The two players then saw a flop of 7 Milanov made the call and the turn was the A That caused Lamprea to muck his hand and he was down to 3.3 million. Milanov improved to 830,000.
David Baker raised to 36,000 and Russell Rosenblum made it 110,000 to go from the button. Baker put in one last raise for just 8,000 more, putting Rosenblum all in. Rosenblum: K Baker held two live cards but both players caught a piece of the A Lodden With The KO Johnny Lodden raised from the cutoff and Richard Kirsch moved all in for 165,000. Lodden looked him up and they turned over their cards. Lodden: A Lodden jumped ahead in the race when the flop fell A Hougaard Doubles Through David Peters Picking up the action after the flop, Jesper Hougaard moved all in for 205,000 after the flop came down K But Hougaard had outflopped Peters as he tabled K
Picking up the action after the turn, the board read J Chan made the call and the river was the 9 Chan took down the pot and he was at 2,850,000. A few hands later, Robert Pisano and Chan got into a raising war that saw Pisano all in for 2.19 million. Chan made the call and the ultimate cooler was shown. Chan: K Chan was on the wrong end of the cold deck and the board ran out 10 Dorfman Ejects Villard David Villard was all in preflop and Randy Dorfman put him at risk. Here were their hands: Villard: 3 Villard was in bad shape against the overpair and for possible flush draws were covered. The board ran out A
We didn’t catch the action, but Matt Keikoan found himself all in after the board had run out A Matthew Pearson decided to look him up and he turned over K Pearson was up to 846,000 after the knockout. Affleck Dumped By The Ladies Jared Ingles opened for 35,000 and Daniel Chamberlain made it 85,000 to go from the hijack seat. Matt Affleck then made it 200,000 from the button and only Chamberlain stuck around. The flop then fell 8 The river was the 7
Jean-Robert Bellande and Jesper Hougaard each saw a flop of A Bellande led for 65,000 and Hougaard made the call. The 6 He eventually mucked A Player Tags: David Baker, Hasan Habib, Matt Keikoan, Johnny Chan, Russell Rosenblum, Richard Kirsch, Johnny Lodden, Jesper Hougaard, Paul Dlugozima, Randy Dorfman, Diogo Borges, Robert Pisano, Ismail Erkenov Level 30 Update: Gianni Direnzo and Bryn Kenney Eliminated, Final 27 SetJul 16, '10 Blinds: 60,000-120,000 with a 15,000 ante Players Remaining: 27 out of 7,319 Average Chip Count: 8,132,222 Tournament Leaderboard: 1. Joseph Cheong — 24,490,000 Notable Eliminations: 29. Gianni Direnzo — $255,242 Player Twitter Accounts Big Hands:
Matt Affleck bet 275,000 from under the gun. Action was folded to Michael Mizrachi in the big blind. He made the call. The flop came 7 Johnny Lodden Moves All In, Chops Michiel Sijpkens bet 315,000. Jonathan Duhamel raised to 765,000 on the button. Johnny Lodden shoved from the big blind. Sijpkens folded but Duhamel called. Lodden tabled the A Gianni Direnzo Eliminated Robert Pisano opened to 280,000. Gianni Direnzo called from the small blind. The flop came Q Bryn Kenney Eliminated, Final 27 Set Bryn Kenney bet 300,000 from under the gun. Pascal LeFrancois called from the big blind. The flop came Q However, the next hand LeFrancois got the rest of the chips. He opened to 300,000 and Kenney shoved for 850,000. LeFrancois snap-called and exposed the A Player Tags: Michael Mizrachi, Johnny Lodden, Bryn Kenney, Matt Affleck, Robert Pisano, Gianni Direnzo Level 29 Hour One Update: Hasan Habib Triples UpJul 16, '10 Blinds: 50,000-100,000 with a 10,000 ante Players Remaining: 37 out of 7,319 Average Chip Count: 5,227,857 Tournament Leaderboard: 1. Soi Nguyen — 19,520,000 Eliminations: 42. Jerry Payne — $206,395 Player Twitter Accounts Big Hands:
Johnny Lodden bet 255,000. Michiel Sijpkens called from the big blind. The flop came A Michael Mizrachi Drops One Duy Le opened to 180,000 from early position and Michael Mizrachi called from the big blind. The flop came A Jerry Payne Eliminated Jerry Payne was all in for 1,050,000 preflop with the 10 John Dolan Doubles Up Michael Skender opened to 235,000 from under the gun. John Dolan raised all in for 1,335,000 from middle position. Action was folded back around to Skender. He called with 10
Hasan Habib shoved for 460,000 from under the gun. William Thorson made the call. Action was on Damien Luis in the small blind. He moved all in for 1,100,000. Thorson called to put both players at risk. Habib exposed the A Jonathan Driscoll Doubles Up, Eliminated Shortly Thereafter Jonathan Driscoll was all in for 1,500,000 preflop with the K Scott Clements Takes One Scott Clements opened to 240,000 from late position. Bryn Kenney raised to 540,000 from the button. Clements made the call and the flop came J
Gabe Costner opened to 240,000 from the cutoff seat. Joseph Cheong raised to 720,000. Benjamin Statz shoved for 3,950,000. Costner moved all in for 5,800,000. Cheong folded the A Nicolas Babel Eliminated Nicolas Babel opened from under the gun. Joseph Cheong raised to 420,000 from the button. Babel called. The flop came Q Player Tags: Hasan Habib, Michael Mizrachi, Johnny Lodden, John Dolan, Nicolas Babel, Joseph Cheong Level 27 Hour Two Update: LeFrancois Streaking Up the Chip Counts, Brikis and Jetten Hit the RailJul 16, '10 Blinds: 30,000-60,000 with a 10,000 ante Players Remaining: 51 out of 7,319 Average Chip Count: 4,142,830 Card Player Chip Counts: Tony Dunst – 1,440,000 Tournament Leaderboard: 1. William Thorson – 10,610,000 Notable Eliminations: 56. Jared Ingles – $138,285 Player Twitter Accounts Big Hands:
Patrick Eskandar raised from middle position to 135,000. Michiel Sijpkens called, Johnny Lodden called from the button, and Matthew Berkey came along from the big blind. The flop was 9 David Benyamine Eliminated At the end of the last hour, David Benyamine was eliminated. He raised from the button and got into a preflop raising war with Pascal LeFrancois until all the money got into the middle. Benyamine was at risk for his last 1,400,000 with the Q LeFrancois Streaking Jonathan Driscoll opened on the button to 145,000 and was met with a three-bet to 455,000 from Pascal LeFrancois from the small blind. After a fold from the big blind, Driscoll made it 1,025,000 to go and LeFrancois moved all-in for 4,725,000. Driscoll made the call. LeFrancois tabled Q
Action folded to Christopher Bolt on the button and he moved all-in for 785,000 and Josh Brikis made the call from the big blind. Brikis tabled K The board ran out A Thorson Climbing John Racener raised to 140,000 under-the-gun and William Thorson made the call, as well as Michael Mizrachi and Duy Le from the blinds. Mizrachi led out for 300,000 on a flop of K The 2 Thorson showed his 10
Joseph Cheong raised in early position to 140,000 and Alexander Kostritsyn called in middle position before Gabe Costner called from the big blind. The flop came 9 Costner and Cheong both checked to Kostritsyn, who bet 825,000. Costner then put in a check-raise to 1,800,000. Cheong folded and Kostritsyn went into the tank for a while before eventually deciding to let it go and keep his 3,900,000 for another hand. Costner cracked the 10 million chip mark with the pot. Jetten Crippled and Eliminated It was a battle of the blinds and Peter Jetten somehow found all of his chips in the middle with the 9 The flop was J Thorson Forces Grinder to Fold Tony Dunst raised to 130,000 and was three-bet by William Thorson to 415,000. Michael Mizrachi made it 915,000 which got a quick fold from Dunst. Thorson quickly grabbed a stack of 100,000 denomination chips and slid them out into the middle and announced he was all-in. Mizrachi went deep into the tank for quite a while. Thorson eventually called the clock on Mizrachi. Mizrachi eventually elected to fold, but Thorson said he could pick a card to see. After Mizrachi picked one, Thorson revealed the Q
After a limp from William Thorson and Michael Mizrachi, Matt Affleck raised to 230,000. Thorson made the call and Mizrachi folded. It was checked to the river as the board came out J Bolt Eliminated Christopher Bolt got all his money in the middle preflop against Benjamin Statz. Statz held the Q The fop came 7
On the last hand before the break, Bryn Kenney raised to 160,000 under-the-gun and Alexander Kostritsyn three-bet to 575,000 on the button. Kenney moved all-in and Kostritsyn quickly made the call. Kenney was in a world of hurt when he tabled his A The flop brought some real drama as it came J After a count down of the chips, Kostritsyn was covered by Kenney and Kostritsyn was gone in 52nd place. Player Tags: David Benyamine, Peter Jetten, Johnny Lodden, Alexander Kostritsyn, Josh Brikis, Pascal LeFrancois Level 30 Hour One Update: Johnny Lodden EliminatedJul 17, '10 NOTE: About 30 minutes of this level were played last night before action was called for the evening. Blinds: 60,000-120,000 with a 15,000 ante Players Remaining: 26 out of 7,319 Average Chip Count: 8,132,222 Tournament Leaderboard: 1. Joseph Cheong — 24,490,000 Player Twitter Accounts Eliminations: 27. Johnny Lodden — $317,161 Big Hands:
Matt Affleck bet under the gun and Johnny Lodden moved all in for 1,470,000 from the button. Affleck called with the A Lodden’s Main-Event finish was his only cash at the 2010 World Series of Poker. Pascal LeFrancois Moves All In Robert Pisano opened to 280,000 from early position. Pascal LeFrancois called. Action was folded to Adam Levy. He raised to 1,000,000. Pisano called. LeFrancois moved all in for around 15,500,000. Levy tanked for a couple minutes and folded. Pisano folded as well. LeFrancois was up to about 17,900,000 after the hand. Patrick Eskandar Moves All In Patrick Eskandar bet 275,000 from middle position. Soi Nguyen called from the cutoff. The flop came 4 Michael Mizrachi Climbing Mads Wissing limped in for the small blind. Michael Mizrachi checked from the big blind. The flop came A William Thorson Moves All In John Racener opened to 275,000. Action was folded to Thorson in the small blind. Thorson moved all in for about 4,000,000. Racener tanked before finally foldind his hand. Thorson was up to about 4,350,000 after the hand. Left in the Deck: Check out a recent video on CardPlayer TV for day 8 of the 2010 Main Event: Player Tags: Johnny Lodden, Adam Levy, Matt Affleck, Robert Pisano, Patrick Eskandar |
Jul 10, '10 | 2010 41st Annual World Series of Poker | $10,000 World Series of Poker Main Event | 6 | + |
Level Six Hour Two: Gavin Smith Eliminates a PlayerJul 10, '10 Blinds: 250-500 with a 50 ante Players Remaining: 2,285 out of 7,319 Chip Counts: 1. Charles Alexandre Sylvestre — 260,000 Card Player Chip Counts: Josh Brikis — 97,500 Notable Eliminations: Gavin Smith Big Hands:
Brett Richey was heads up when his opponent bet 2,500 on a flop of 10 Richey bet 6,000 and his opponent made the call. On the 5 His opponent mucked and Richey’s stack soared to 140,000. Swick Knocked Out Mike Swick of the UFC was down to his last 11,000 or so when he got all in preflop again the player in seat 1. Their hands: Swick: A Swick was trailing and the board ran 6
With the board reading 10 After asking how much Bloch had behind, Moore made the call. The river was the 3 Bloch’s Series comes to a close. He finishes with three cashes, totaling over $100,000 and a couple of near misses deep in some events. Violette Uses Some Aggression to Earn Chips Cyndy Violette called a raise from the big blind and saw a flop of 4 The turn was the 9 Kassela Flushes Opponent Frank Kassela got his opponent all-in on a flop of Q The turn was the 8
Gavin Griffin called a raise of 1,250 from a player in middle position and the player in the cutoff raised to 4,200. The original raiser folded but Griffin raised to around 20,000, enough to put the cutoff player all in. He called. Their hands: Griffin: 10 Griffin was well behind and found no help on a board that ran 5 Pavilion Room Coverage Gavin Smith Eliminates a Player Gavin Smith raised to 1300 from middle position and a player on the button move all in for about 13,000 total. Action was folded back to Smith. He insta-called with the A Chris Ferguson Makes the Wrong Call On a board of A
Johnny Lodden opened the pot from middle position and a player to his left moved all in for 5,600 total. Lodden tanked before making the call with the K Ryan D’Angelo Gets Little Respect On a flop of 8 Player Tags: Andy Bloch, Gavin Smith, Cyndy Violette, Gavin Griffin, Brett Richey, Ryan D'Angelo, Johnny Lodden, Mike Swick Level 22, Hour Two: Theo Tran Doubles UpJul 15, '10 Blinds: 10,000-20,000 with a 3,000 ante Players Remaining: 134 out of 7,319 Average Chip Count: 1,638,582 Card Player Chip Counts: Andrew Brokos – 1,305,000 Tournament Leaderboard: 1. Robert Pisano – 5,500,000 Notable Eliminations: 140. Phil Galfond — $57,102 Player Twitter Accounts Jean-Robert Bellande Big Hands:
Robert Pisano raised to 40,000 preflop and Theo Tran moved all in for 155,000. Pisano made the call and the cards were turned over. Tran: A The classic race was on and the flop fell J Savage Eliminated Matthew Schreiber raised from the button and Craig Savage moved in for 375,000. Schreiber made the call and turned over A Baldwin Needs No Flop Breeze Zuckerman raised to 61,000 and Eric Baldwin raised to 300,000 from the small blind. Zuckerman mucked her hand, flashing the A
Picking up the action after the turn, the board read J Lodden bet 300,000 and Eriquezzo looked him up one last time. Lodden turned over A Lodden scored the pot and he was at 2.6 million while Eriquezzo was at 945,000. Rainey Betters Affleck Nicholas Rainey raised to 47,000 and Matt Affleck made the call from the big blind. The flop fell J Affleck called and the river was the K
Picking up the action on the flop, the board read K The turn was the K Mizrachi’s aggression gave him the pot and he was up to 5.35 million. Brikis Knocks Out Pellegrino Picking up the action on the flop, the board read Q Brikis: 9 Brikis flopped a set to better Pellegrino’s top pair. The board finished off Q
Phil Galfond made it 48,000 to go from under the gun. Josue Sauvageau made it 128,000 and the action came back around to Galfond. Galfond then took a long tank session, resulting in the clock getting called on him. He decided to move all in and Sauvageau snapped it off. Galfond: 6 Galfond was in deep trouble and the board ran out K Card Player TV Day 6 Of The Main Event Gets Underway Player Tags: Michael Mizrachi, Phil Galfond, Theo Tran, Eric Baldwin, Johnny Lodden, Nick Rainey, Matt Affleck, Josh Brikis, Bryan Pellegrino Level 22, Hour One: Robert Mizrachi Doubles Up, Johnny Chan EliminatedJul 15, '10 Blinds: 10,000-20,000 with a 3,000 ante Players Remaining: 154 out of 7,319 Average Chip Count: 1,425,779 Card Player Chip Counts: Andrew Brokos – 1,265,000 Tournament Leaderboard: 1. Robert Pisano – 5,600,000 Notable Eliminations: 156. Johnny Chan — $57,102 Player Twitter Accounts Jean-Robert Bellande Big Hands:
Robert Mizrachi moved all in for 239,000 from the big blind and he was called by Robert Pisando from the small blind. Here were their cards. Mizrachi: A Mizrachi was dominating and the flop left him freerolling when it fell K Chamberlain Surrenders The Double Daniel Chamberlain raised to 44,000 from the cutoff and Gabriel Nassif moved in for 456,000 from the button. Chamberlain looked him up and the cards were turned over. Chamberlain: A Chamberlain was dominated and needed some help with a nine or some spades. The flop board ran out with all black cards, but they were the wrong suit for Chamberlain as it ran Q
Picking up the action after the board had run out 7 Mozheng Guan made the call and turned over 7 Guan was up to 1.4 million while Kostritsyn slipped to 2.4 million. Bracy Gets Jacked Up Tony Bracy moved all in for 97,000 preflop and Redmond Lee decided to raise to 200,000. The isolation play worked as everyone else mucked and the hands were turned over. Bracy: 6 Lee was dominating and the flop fell Q
Johnny Lodden raised to 50,000 from late position and Denis Pisarev made the call from the button. The flop fell A Pisarev fired 65,000 and Lodden made the call. The turn was the 2 Lodden took down a nice pot and he was at 2 million in chips. Affleck And Harder Tangle Matt Affleck raised to 48,000 from the cutoff and Christian Harder made the call from the button next door. The two saw a flop of 9 Harder made the call and the turn was the A Affleck took the pot and he was at 3.1 million. Harder slipped to 1.11 million.
Jameson Singer moved all in for 150,000 preflop and Derek Gibb decided to look him up. Here were their cards: Singer: 7 Singer had two live cards but they were as good as dead when the flop fell A The meaningless river was the 4 Jorgensen With The Knockout Diogo Borges was all in for 520,000 preflop against Theo Jorgensen preflop. Here were their cards. Jorgensen: A Borges was dominated and the board ran out A
Picking up the action on the flop, the board read Q Paulo Figueiredo moved all in for 498,000 and Bryn Kenney made the call to put him at risk. Kenney: K Kenney flopped top pair but was up against the pocket aces of his opponent. But the turn was the Q Binette Goes Boom Francois Binette and Michal Wywrot each put in three-bets before they saw a J Wywrot fired 162,000 and Binette shoved for 750,000. Wywrot made the call and he turned over A But the turn was the Q
Jonathan Driscoll raised it up to 44,000 from the hijack and Theo Tran made the call from the big blind. He then turned over his A-5, thinking he was all in. The floor was called and Tran’s hand was ruled live. The flop then came down A However, since Tran exposed his hand, he was given a one-round penalty. Siegel Eliminated Jordan Siegel moved all in for 268,000 and he was looked up by Jared Ingles in the hijack. Siegel turned over A The board ran out K
Evan Lamprea raised from the cutoff and David Benyamine put in another raise from the button. Lamprea moved enough chips into the middle to put Benyamine all in and he made the call. Benyamine: K Benyamine was dominating and the flop fell Q The river was the Q Levy Drops A Pot Gualter Salles raised to 50,000 preflop and Adam Levy made it 142,000 to go from the small blind. Salles called and the flop fell A Salles fired 100,000 and Levy made the call. The turn was the 10
Johnny Chan and pocket aces did not get along today. He lost a huge pot when he ran his kings into Robert Pisano’s aces during the first level and had a similar situation when he busted out. Chan open-shoved for 550,000 from the cutoff and Jonathan Driscoll snapped him off from the button. The blinds folded and the cards were turned over. Chan: J Chan fell victim to the aces again and the board ran out 7
Duy Le raised to 40,000 preflop and Getty Mattingsley popped it to 105,000. Mizrachi made the call from the small blind and Le also tagged along. The flop fell 10 Le bet 500,000 this time and Mattigsley fled. Mizrachi decided to look him up after a session in the tank and Le tabled J Player Tags: Robert Mizrachi, David Benyamine, Michael Mizrachi, Johnny Chan, Jordan Siegel, Gabriel Nassif, Theo Tran, Duy Le, Johnny Lodden, Bryn Kenney, Adam Levy, Alexander Kostritsyn, Robert Pisano, Mozheng Guan, Daniel Chamberlain Level 21, Hour Two: Habib Doubles Up On First Hand, Chan Takes Big HitJul 15, '10 Blinds: 8,000-16,000 with a 2,000 ante Players Remaining: 186 out of 7,319 Average Chip Count: 1,180,483 Card Player Chip Counts: Andrew Brokos – 1,265,000 Tournament Leaderboard: 1. Robert Pisano – 4,400,000 Notable Eliminations: 188. Blake Kelso — $48,847 Player Twitter Accounts Jean-Robert Bellande Big Hands:
Hasan Habib shoved for 264,000 on the very first hand of the day. Action folded to Paul Dlugozima in the hijack and he made the call. Habib: Q The race was on as Habib’s ladies were a slight favorite, until the flop came down Q Habib was not out of it, however, as he had flopped a set. The turn was the J Erkenov Doubles Up Diogo Borges raised from the button and Ismail Erkenov repopped. The two went back and forth until Erkenov found himself all in for 684,000. Borges: A Erkenov needed to fade a three outer and the flop fell J Lamprea Forced Out Evan Lamprea raised to 38,000 preflop and Pavel Milanov made the call from a couple of seats over. The two players then saw a flop of 7 Milanov made the call and the turn was the A That caused Lamprea to muck his hand and he was down to 3.3 million. Milanov improved to 830,000.
David Baker raised to 36,000 and Russell Rosenblum made it 110,000 to go from the button. Baker put in one last raise for just 8,000 more, putting Rosenblum all in. Rosenblum: K Baker held two live cards but both players caught a piece of the A Lodden With The KO Johnny Lodden raised from the cutoff and Richard Kirsch moved all in for 165,000. Lodden looked him up and they turned over their cards. Lodden: A Lodden jumped ahead in the race when the flop fell A Hougaard Doubles Through David Peters Picking up the action after the flop, Jesper Hougaard moved all in for 205,000 after the flop came down K But Hougaard had outflopped Peters as he tabled K
Picking up the action after the turn, the board read J Chan made the call and the river was the 9 Chan took down the pot and he was at 2,850,000. A few hands later, Robert Pisano and Chan got into a raising war that saw Pisano all in for 2.19 million. Chan made the call and the ultimate cooler was shown. Chan: K Chan was on the wrong end of the cold deck and the board ran out 10 Dorfman Ejects Villard David Villard was all in preflop and Randy Dorfman put him at risk. Here were their hands: Villard: 3 Villard was in bad shape against the overpair and for possible flush draws were covered. The board ran out A
We didn’t catch the action, but Matt Keikoan found himself all in after the board had run out A Matthew Pearson decided to look him up and he turned over K Pearson was up to 846,000 after the knockout. Affleck Dumped By The Ladies Jared Ingles opened for 35,000 and Daniel Chamberlain made it 85,000 to go from the hijack seat. Matt Affleck then made it 200,000 from the button and only Chamberlain stuck around. The flop then fell 8 The river was the 7
Jean-Robert Bellande and Jesper Hougaard each saw a flop of A Bellande led for 65,000 and Hougaard made the call. The 6 He eventually mucked A Player Tags: David Baker, Hasan Habib, Matt Keikoan, Johnny Chan, Russell Rosenblum, Richard Kirsch, Johnny Lodden, Jesper Hougaard, Paul Dlugozima, Randy Dorfman, Diogo Borges, Robert Pisano, Ismail Erkenov Level 30 Update: Gianni Direnzo and Bryn Kenney Eliminated, Final 27 SetJul 16, '10 Blinds: 60,000-120,000 with a 15,000 ante Players Remaining: 27 out of 7,319 Average Chip Count: 8,132,222 Tournament Leaderboard: 1. Joseph Cheong — 24,490,000 Notable Eliminations: 29. Gianni Direnzo — $255,242 Player Twitter Accounts Big Hands:
Matt Affleck bet 275,000 from under the gun. Action was folded to Michael Mizrachi in the big blind. He made the call. The flop came 7 Johnny Lodden Moves All In, Chops Michiel Sijpkens bet 315,000. Jonathan Duhamel raised to 765,000 on the button. Johnny Lodden shoved from the big blind. Sijpkens folded but Duhamel called. Lodden tabled the A Gianni Direnzo Eliminated Robert Pisano opened to 280,000. Gianni Direnzo called from the small blind. The flop came Q Bryn Kenney Eliminated, Final 27 Set Bryn Kenney bet 300,000 from under the gun. Pascal LeFrancois called from the big blind. The flop came Q However, the next hand LeFrancois got the rest of the chips. He opened to 300,000 and Kenney shoved for 850,000. LeFrancois snap-called and exposed the A Player Tags: Michael Mizrachi, Johnny Lodden, Bryn Kenney, Matt Affleck, Robert Pisano, Gianni Direnzo Level 29 Hour One Update: Hasan Habib Triples UpJul 16, '10 Blinds: 50,000-100,000 with a 10,000 ante Players Remaining: 37 out of 7,319 Average Chip Count: 5,227,857 Tournament Leaderboard: 1. Soi Nguyen — 19,520,000 Eliminations: 42. Jerry Payne — $206,395 Player Twitter Accounts Big Hands:
Johnny Lodden bet 255,000. Michiel Sijpkens called from the big blind. The flop came A Michael Mizrachi Drops One Duy Le opened to 180,000 from early position and Michael Mizrachi called from the big blind. The flop came A Jerry Payne Eliminated Jerry Payne was all in for 1,050,000 preflop with the 10 John Dolan Doubles Up Michael Skender opened to 235,000 from under the gun. John Dolan raised all in for 1,335,000 from middle position. Action was folded back around to Skender. He called with 10
Hasan Habib shoved for 460,000 from under the gun. William Thorson made the call. Action was on Damien Luis in the small blind. He moved all in for 1,100,000. Thorson called to put both players at risk. Habib exposed the A Jonathan Driscoll Doubles Up, Eliminated Shortly Thereafter Jonathan Driscoll was all in for 1,500,000 preflop with the K Scott Clements Takes One Scott Clements opened to 240,000 from late position. Bryn Kenney raised to 540,000 from the button. Clements made the call and the flop came J
Gabe Costner opened to 240,000 from the cutoff seat. Joseph Cheong raised to 720,000. Benjamin Statz shoved for 3,950,000. Costner moved all in for 5,800,000. Cheong folded the A Nicolas Babel Eliminated Nicolas Babel opened from under the gun. Joseph Cheong raised to 420,000 from the button. Babel called. The flop came Q Player Tags: Hasan Habib, Michael Mizrachi, Johnny Lodden, John Dolan, Nicolas Babel, Joseph Cheong Level 27 Hour Two Update: LeFrancois Streaking Up the Chip Counts, Brikis and Jetten Hit the RailJul 16, '10 Blinds: 30,000-60,000 with a 10,000 ante Players Remaining: 51 out of 7,319 Average Chip Count: 4,142,830 Card Player Chip Counts: Tony Dunst – 1,440,000 Tournament Leaderboard: 1. William Thorson – 10,610,000 Notable Eliminations: 56. Jared Ingles – $138,285 Player Twitter Accounts Big Hands:
Patrick Eskandar raised from middle position to 135,000. Michiel Sijpkens called, Johnny Lodden called from the button, and Matthew Berkey came along from the big blind. The flop was 9 David Benyamine Eliminated At the end of the last hour, David Benyamine was eliminated. He raised from the button and got into a preflop raising war with Pascal LeFrancois until all the money got into the middle. Benyamine was at risk for his last 1,400,000 with the Q LeFrancois Streaking Jonathan Driscoll opened on the button to 145,000 and was met with a three-bet to 455,000 from Pascal LeFrancois from the small blind. After a fold from the big blind, Driscoll made it 1,025,000 to go and LeFrancois moved all-in for 4,725,000. Driscoll made the call. LeFrancois tabled Q
Action folded to Christopher Bolt on the button and he moved all-in for 785,000 and Josh Brikis made the call from the big blind. Brikis tabled K The board ran out A Thorson Climbing John Racener raised to 140,000 under-the-gun and William Thorson made the call, as well as Michael Mizrachi and Duy Le from the blinds. Mizrachi led out for 300,000 on a flop of K The 2 Thorson showed his 10
Joseph Cheong raised in early position to 140,000 and Alexander Kostritsyn called in middle position before Gabe Costner called from the big blind. The flop came 9 Costner and Cheong both checked to Kostritsyn, who bet 825,000. Costner then put in a check-raise to 1,800,000. Cheong folded and Kostritsyn went into the tank for a while before eventually deciding to let it go and keep his 3,900,000 for another hand. Costner cracked the 10 million chip mark with the pot. Jetten Crippled and Eliminated It was a battle of the blinds and Peter Jetten somehow found all of his chips in the middle with the 9 The flop was J Thorson Forces Grinder to Fold Tony Dunst raised to 130,000 and was three-bet by William Thorson to 415,000. Michael Mizrachi made it 915,000 which got a quick fold from Dunst. Thorson quickly grabbed a stack of 100,000 denomination chips and slid them out into the middle and announced he was all-in. Mizrachi went deep into the tank for quite a while. Thorson eventually called the clock on Mizrachi. Mizrachi eventually elected to fold, but Thorson said he could pick a card to see. After Mizrachi picked one, Thorson revealed the Q
After a limp from William Thorson and Michael Mizrachi, Matt Affleck raised to 230,000. Thorson made the call and Mizrachi folded. It was checked to the river as the board came out J Bolt Eliminated Christopher Bolt got all his money in the middle preflop against Benjamin Statz. Statz held the Q The fop came 7
On the last hand before the break, Bryn Kenney raised to 160,000 under-the-gun and Alexander Kostritsyn three-bet to 575,000 on the button. Kenney moved all-in and Kostritsyn quickly made the call. Kenney was in a world of hurt when he tabled his A The flop brought some real drama as it came J After a count down of the chips, Kostritsyn was covered by Kenney and Kostritsyn was gone in 52nd place. Player Tags: David Benyamine, Peter Jetten, Johnny Lodden, Alexander Kostritsyn, Josh Brikis, Pascal LeFrancois Level 30 Hour One Update: Johnny Lodden EliminatedJul 17, '10 NOTE: About 30 minutes of this level were played last night before action was called for the evening. Blinds: 60,000-120,000 with a 15,000 ante Players Remaining: 26 out of 7,319 Average Chip Count: 8,132,222 Tournament Leaderboard: 1. Joseph Cheong — 24,490,000 Player Twitter Accounts Eliminations: 27. Johnny Lodden — $317,161 Big Hands:
Matt Affleck bet under the gun and Johnny Lodden moved all in for 1,470,000 from the button. Affleck called with the A Lodden’s Main-Event finish was his only cash at the 2010 World Series of Poker. Pascal LeFrancois Moves All In Robert Pisano opened to 280,000 from early position. Pascal LeFrancois called. Action was folded to Adam Levy. He raised to 1,000,000. Pisano called. LeFrancois moved all in for around 15,500,000. Levy tanked for a couple minutes and folded. Pisano folded as well. LeFrancois was up to about 17,900,000 after the hand. Patrick Eskandar Moves All In Patrick Eskandar bet 275,000 from middle position. Soi Nguyen called from the cutoff. The flop came 4 Michael Mizrachi Climbing Mads Wissing limped in for the small blind. Michael Mizrachi checked from the big blind. The flop came A William Thorson Moves All In John Racener opened to 275,000. Action was folded to Thorson in the small blind. Thorson moved all in for about 4,000,000. Racener tanked before finally foldind his hand. Thorson was up to about 4,350,000 after the hand. Left in the Deck: Check out a recent video on CardPlayer TV for day 8 of the 2010 Main Event: Player Tags: Johnny Lodden, Adam Levy, Matt Affleck, Robert Pisano, Patrick Eskandar |
Jan 09, '10 | 2010 PokerStars.com EPT Caribbean Adventure - Season VI | PokerStars Caribbean Adventure Main Event | 5 | + |
Johnny Lodden Takes a HitJan 07, '10
Lodden: J Dyer won the hand with a higher full house and Lodden took a hit. Dyer held 300,000 after the hand. Player Tags: Johnny Lodden Johnny Lodden EliminatedJan 09, '10
The board came 7 Player Tags: Peter Feldman, Johnny Lodden |
Jan 07, '10 | 2010 PokerStars.com EPT Caribbean Adventure - Season VI | PokerStars Caribbean Adventure Main Event | 3 | + |
Johnny Lodden Takes a HitJan 07, '10
Lodden: J Dyer won the hand with a higher full house and Lodden took a hit. Dyer held 300,000 after the hand. Player Tags: Johnny Lodden Johnny Lodden EliminatedJan 09, '10
The board came 7 Player Tags: Peter Feldman, Johnny Lodden |
Oct 02, '09 | 2009 PokerStars.com EPT London - Season VI | PokerStars EPT London Main Event | 1 | + |
Level 7 Update -- Where Will Johnny Lodden Go?Oct 02, '09 Blinds: 300-600 with a 50 ante Players Remaining: 210 out of 305 (Unofficial) Average Chip Count: 44,000 Notable Eliminations: Johnny Lodden Hand of the Level:
Sida Yuen is now atop the leader board thanks to a bit of luck at the expense of Johnny Lodden. Yuen raised to 1,500 and was called behind him. Johnny Lodden then reraised, moving all in for his last 10,500. Yuen decided to call and the other player mucked his hand. Yuen showed A-J, but was behind to Lodden’s pocket jacks, but the board brought an ace, making Lodden head for the exits. Left In The Deck: Slow and Sluggish Compared to the earlier levels, play has dragged on slowly for the majority of level seven. It seems that the post dinner rush has been skipped and that the players are content with surviving the day. PokerStars TV Take a look at last night’s PokerStars party in Leicester Square. It was a night filled with poker players and an open bar, so a good time was had by all. That’s good news for the hotel, which will enjoy a few more nights of complete occupancy before the series clears out mid-next week.
Player Tags: Johnny Lodden |
Sep 04, '09 | 2009 PokerStars.com EPT Barcelona - Season VI | PokerStars EPT Barcelona Main Event | 1 | + |
Finishing High - Finishing LowSep 04, '09
Roland de Wolfe had an opposite story. He had a fantastic day, ending with just under 90,000 in chips. Earlier today, Arnaud Mattern, who is also no longer in this event, spoke highly of his table mate, commenting that he was playing very well and deserved the chips. Player Tags: Roland de Wolfe, Johnny Lodden Lodden Flops a StraightSep 04, '09
Player Tags: Johnny Lodden |
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