Feb 07, '15 |
CPPT III - Foxwoods Resort Casino |
$1,650 No-Limit Hold'em $300K GTD |
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Updates from Level 6
Feb 07, '15
 Paul Snead Shortly before the beginning of Level 6 Marsel Backa was eliminated by Je Wook Oh. With two spades on the flop, Backa was all in with two suited face cards. Oh called with two black tens and the two players waited see the following cards.
“I’ve got two overs and a draw,” Backa said, but he failed to pair his over cards or pick up the spades needed to make a flush as the board ran out.
After a quick trip around the room we noticed Paul Snead in the field. Snead is most easily remembered for the bad beat he took at the hands of Scott Montgomery extremely deep in the 2008 main event – a beat made even worse by the fact he was at a feature table and had the clock called on him, meaning the moment of his 21st place elimination would be seen and re-watched thousands of times. Snead took a break from poker after that, but told PokerNews back in 2013 he would be returning to poker full time within the next few years.
Event 5 winner Teddy Geddes has taken his seat somewhat late in the day in flight 1. Geddes recently topped a field of 216 entrants to win $11,048 in the $250 no-limit hold’em $25,000 guarantee.
Chris Tryba is wondering where Ronnie Pease is at. For those who followed along last year, Pease and Tryba played an incredibly long heads-up match that ended with an even chop for the money with the trophy going to Pease.
Player Tags: Paul Snead, Christopher Tryba, Ron Pease, Je Wook Oh, Linsford Geddes, Marsel Backa
Jul 06, '09 |
2009 40th Annual World Series of Poker |
$10,000 World Series of Poker Main Event |
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Level 4 Hour 2 Update: Ivan Demidov, Paul Snead Eliminated
Jul 06, '09
Blinds: 150-300 with a 25 ante
Chip Counts:
1. Dutch Boyd – 133,000
2. Blair Hinkle – 120,800
3. Chad Brown – 105,000
4. Adam Schoenfeld – 103,200
5. Prahlad Friedman – 92,000
6. Josh Arieh – 82,500
7. Phil Ivey – 82,000
8. John Racener – 79,000
9. Matthew Hilger – 68,000
10. Jeff Shulman – 56,000
Card Player Chip Counts:
Matthew Hilger – 68,000
Notable Eliminations:
Ivan Demidov
Paul Snead
Grant Hinkle
Mimi Tran
Jared Hamby
Big Hands
Ivan Demidov Eliminated
The player on the button raises to 1,200, Ivan Demidov reraises to 5,450, Dwayne Stacey calls from the big blind and the player on the button folds his hand. The flop comes 10 6 5 , Demidov moves all in for 225 and Stacey calls.
Demidov: 7 6
Stacey: 6 6
The case six flops, giving Demidov middle pair and Stacey middle set. The turn and river are the 5 and the 5 , no help to last year’s runner-up who is now eliminated from the tournament.
Paul Snead Eliminated
On the flop of 10 9 7 Paul Snead was all in with an unknown player versus John Racener.
Their cards:
Racener: K 2
Snead: 10 6
Unknown: Q J
The 6 fell on the turn, giving Racener his king-high flush. Snead turned two pair and had four outs to make a full house while the unknown player was drawing dead. However, the 4 hit the river and Snead was eliminated. Racener is now at 79,000
Phil Ivey Eliminates an Opponent
Phil Ivey called the 8,825 chip all in of Ketul Nathwani. Ivey tabled the A Q while Ketul exposed the A J . The board ran out 8 6 3 K 9 , as Ivey took the pot and is up to 82,000.
Cornel Cimpan Folds to All In
On a board of 8 6 6 5 8 , Cornel Cimpan called a 3,500 bet from a player in middle position. The 10 fell on the river and the same player bet all in for 15,500. Cimpan went into the tank before finally mucking. The recent winner of the L.A. Poker Classic is at 60,000 in chips.
Shawn Cunix Can’t Lose
On a flop of 8 7 6 , the player in the small blind bets 1,500, the player in seat 3 calls and the dealer burns and turns the 6 . Shawn Cunix objects, calling for a floorperson as the turn card was dealt before he was able to act. The floorman comes over and makes the ruling. The turn card is pulled back, and Cunix raises all in for a total of 10,000 from the button. The small blind tanks for several minutes before releasing the hand. Seat 3 also folds as Cunix rakes the pot, revealing 9 6 for the open-ended straight flush draw.
Glen Chorny Wins Pot by Limping In
Glen Chorny was the beneficiary of perhaps the worst possible dealer miscue.
Chorny limped in for 300 and action was folded around to a player in the cutoff who raised the 800. Both blinds folded and the dealer took the cutoff’s hand and mixed the cards together, leaving Chorny with his hand. Clearly not realizing Chorny had limped in, the dealer started moving the pot over to the cutoff. When everyone realized what she was doing, she stopped and a floor person was called over. About five minutes later, after much debating and recounting of the mistake, the floor staff ruled that Chorny wins the pot since he was the only one left with a live hand after the dealer mixed the raiser’s hand in with the deck. Chorny offered to just take back his 300 and let the cutoff take his raise back and the rest of the pot, but Chorny was awarded the pot which included the 800 raise from the cutoff. The player who had 800 chips taken by the dealer looked visibly upset. The same type of ruling would happen regardless of the bet size.
Left in the Deck:
The players are currently on a 20 minute break.
Player Tags: Cornel Cimpan, Paul Snead, John Racener, Glen Chorny, Ivan Demidov, Dwayne Stacey
Jul 14, '08 |
2008 39th Annual World Series of Poker |
Event 54 - World Championship No-Limit Hold'em |
11 |
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$10,000 Main Event - Day 5 - Level 22 (Hour 1)
Jul 12, '08
Blinds/Antes: 10,000-20,000-3,000
Players Remaining: 103 out of 6,844
Average Chip Stack: 1,291,000
Chip Counts:
Recent Eliminations:
Allen Cunningham (116th place)
Kellen Hunter (115th place)
Adam York (114th place)
Steve Pestal (113th place)
Jeff Madsen (112th place)
Robert Fuller (111th place)
Reggie Lyons (110th place)
Greg Debora (109th place)
Nghia Le (108th place)
Nathan Hays (107th place)
Sylvain Coeur (106th place)
Shawn Sheikhan (105th place)
Kara Scott (104th place)
Big Hands and Storylines:
Adam York Eliminated by Mark Vos
Mark Vos raised from middle position and action folded around to Adam York who moved all in for about 310,000. Vos made the call and the two turned up their hands:
York: A K
Vos: 7 7
Vos seemed unconcerned as the dealer slapped down the burn card. He walked over to the rail and started conversing with a buddy, turning just in time to see the dealer lay out Q Q 2 . “He’s still alive,” said Vos to his friend, referencing a hand in which York drew out on his opponent, “the river is his card.” The turn was the 6 , and the river was the 9 . This time the river was Vos’s card, and that pot vaulted him up to about 2.2 million.
Kostritsyn’s Back on the Up
Reagan Silber raised to 50,000 from the cutoff and was called by young Alexander Kostritsyn in the small blind. Kostritsyn checked the Q 3 3 flop and Silber led out for 75,000. Quickly, Kostritsyn slid in a large column of orange chips, making it 125,000 to go. The raise was quickly called by Silber. The turn was the A and Kostritsyn fired a bet of 200,000 which was again quickly called. The river was the J and Kostritsyn slid in a stack of chips in no distinguishable order: some green, some orange, some gold. When asked how much, the dealer counted down the stack: 320,000. Silber considered his decision for a minute as the wall of reporters around the table grew deeper. Silber made the call and Kostritsyn showed K 8 for the flush. Silber flashed Q-10 and unhappily mucked his hand. That hand brings Kostritsyn up to about 1.8 million.
Kostritsyn Takes Another Hit
On a flop of A 9 3 , Alexander Kostritsyn faced a bet of 150,000 from an opponent into an already large pot. Kostritsyn raised to a total of 350,000, and the remaining player folded his hand. The initial bettor went into the tank momentarily before electing to call the bet. The turn brought the J , and the player checked. Kostritsyn quickly checked behind, and the river came 6 . Again both players checked, and Kostritsyn mucked when his opponent turned over A Q for top pair.
Cunningham knocked out
Allen Cunningham, down to just 255,000 chips, moved all in from late position and was called by Tim Loecke in the small blind. Cunningham held Q J , while Loecke held pocket aces. The board came 7-6-3-8-8, and the fourth-place finisher in 2006 was drawing dead by the turn.
Caiaffa Flushes Out Hunter
Kellen Hunter was in late position and raised to 45,000, which Rafael Caiaffa in the small blind and Larry Wright in the big blind both called. The flop came down 8 7 2 , and Caiaffa led at the pot with a 105,000 bet. Wright made the call from the big blind, then Hunter moved all-in for 307,000. Caiaffa made the call and Wright mucked his hand. Hunter held Q Q and was in the lead, but needed to dodge a club as Caiaffa held Q J . Hunter didn’t dodge well enough as the 3 fell on the turn and he was drawing dead at that point. The 3 on the river made it official and Hunter was eliminated.
Benefield Collects Nice Pot
David Benefield was in the cut-off and raised to 55,000, which was enough to lure both Paul Snead and Chris Klodnicki into the pot from the blinds. The flop came 6 5 3 , and when Snead checked, Klodnicki stabbed at the pot with a 100,000 bet. Benefield called while Snead folded. The Q came on the turn and Klodnicki checked his option, before calling a 175,000 bet from Benefield. The action, and the 10 on the river, was enough to slow both players who checked at the end. Benefield announced a pair of sixes and showed 8 6 , which was enough to take down the pot.
Whoops for Osterland
Robert Hwang was under the gun and raised to 53,000. Play was folded to Felix Osterland on the button, who announced raise and then put out 60,000, unaware that Hwang had already raised. The floor was called and Osterland was forced to make the minimum raise, which resulted in 86,000 being put forward. Hwang used the opportunity to reraise to 280,000, and Osterland was forced to muck his hand.
Wilds Survives All-In
Mark Wilds was all-in for 199,000 while holding K Q on a flop of 10 8 5 . He was called by Tri Nguyen who held 7 6 for the open-ended straight draw. The 3 on the turn didn’t help, and the Q on the river gave Wilds the insurance he needed as he doubled up.
Player Tags: Allen Cunningham, Paul Snead, Robert Hwang, Chris Klodnicki, David Benefield, Keller Hunter, Alexander Kostritsyn, Felix Osterland, Rafael Caiaffa
$10,000 Main Event - The Final 27
Jul 13, '08
Day 6 is over. At the start of the day, 79 players duked it out to make it to the final 27. After notables such as Victor Ramdin, Phil Hellmuth, Kido Pham and Mike Matusow busted, we finally have our final three tables set for Day 7 on Monday. Players will return to play down to a final table Monday at noon.
Blinds/Antes: 40,000-80,000 with a 10,000 ante
Players Left: 27 of 6,844
Chip Leaders:
Craig Marquis: 11,300,000
Dennis Phillips: 11,150,000
Tiffany Michelle: 9,900,000
Peter Eastgate: 8,720,000
Gert Andersen: 8,350,000
Kelly Kim: 7,850,000
Chris Klodnicki: 7,800,000
David Rheem: 6,800,000
Ivan Demidov: 5,800,000
Paul Snead: 5,600,000
Average Stack: 5,069,630
30th: Mike "The Mouth" Matusow: $193,000
29th: Cristian Dragomir: $193,000
28th: Nikolay Losev: $193,000
Big Hands:
Matusow Takes a Wrong Turn, Eliminated in 30th Place ($193,000)
Right before the players went on break, Paul Snead raised to 200,000 and Mike Matusow repopped it to 660,000 from the big blind. Snead made the call and the flop came A A 5 . Both players checked and the turn brought the 9 , the death card as far as Matusow was concerned. He bet 500,000 and Snead shoved all in. Matusow made the call and showed down A J for a set. Unfortunately for "The Mouth," Snead turned over A 9 for a full boat on the turn. Matusow needed a jack to survive, but the K fell on the river and the biggest name left in the main event took a sick beat and made his exit in 30th place.
Cristian Dragomir Out in 29th Place ($193,000)
Dragomir shoved all in preflop and Joe Bishop made the call. Both players then turned over their hands.
Dragomir: 10 10
Bishop: A A
The flop came down Q 2 6 and Dragomir received no help. He needed to hit one of the remaining tens to stay alive. The turn was the 5 and Dragomir was down to his last card. The river was the J and Dragomir made his exit in 29th place.
Nikolay Losev Gets Crippled, Then Busted in 28th Place By Nicholas Sliwinski
Sliwinski raised to 240,000 from the small blind and Losev popped it to around 3 million. Sliwinski took some time before making the call and turning over A 10 . Losev showed Q 3 , clearly caught trying to steal. The board ran out 9 7 5 K 7 and Sliwinski doubled to about 3.5 million. Losev was down to just 1.5 million. Soon, he would have much less than that.
A few hands later, both players were again in the blinds and Sliwinski completed the bet. Losev popped it to 775,000. Sliwinski then moved all in, putting Losev to a decision. The decision was to make the call, and Losev showed 8 3 . Sliwinski showed A 5 and the board ran out 10 10 4 9 4 and Losev was the final elimination of the night.
Player Tags: Mike Matusow, Paul Snead, Nikolay Losev, Cristian Dragomir, Nicholas Sliwinski, Joe Bishop
$10,000 Main Event - Day 6 - Level 24 (Hour 2)
Jul 13, '08
Players are now on a break. Play will resume at about 2:45 p.m.
Blinds/Antes: 15,000-30,000-4,000
Players Remaining: 58 of 6,844
Chip Leaders:
Gert Andersen - 9,000,000
Brandon Cantu - 6,200,000
Nikolay Losev - 6,000,000
Albert Kim - 5,500,000
Chris Klodnicki - 4,800,000
Aaron Gordon - 4,800,000
Ivan Demidov - 4,400,000
Kelly Kim - 4,000,000
Nicholas Sliwinski - 3,900,000
Andrew Rosskamm - 3,750,000
59th place - Justin Sadauskas - $115,800
60th place - Mark Owens - $115,800
61st place - Thomas Keller - $115,800
62nd place - Geert Jans - $115,800
63rd place - Brian Tatum - $115,800
64th place- Victor Ramdin - $96,500
65th place - Larry Wright - $96,500
66th place - Chris Zapf - $96,500
67th place - Justin Scott - $96,500
68th place - Suresh Prabhu - $96,500
69th place - Sean davis - $96,500
70th place - Terry Lade - $96,500
71st place - James McManus - $96,500
Big Hands and Storylines
Jason Glass Doubles Through Paul Snead
Jason Glass moved all-in from middle position for his final 280,000 and action folded around to Paul Snead in the big blind. Snead thought for a bit and eventually spoke up: “I will give you some action and.... call.” The cards were turned up: Snead had 4 4 and Glass had A 4 . The camera crew shrouded the table from the view of spectators, so Snead called out to his family that he was way ahead. The flop was K 9 5 , and Snead remained way ahead. The turn was the 3 . Before the river card was dealt, Snead requested of the dealer, “Don’t make it a red deuce!” The river? The 2 .
Snead rose from his chair, ripped the temporary Full-Tilt logo from his hat, and emphatically slammed both the logo and his hat into a nearby garbage can. Snead took his seat only to realize that he had another Full-Tilt logo on his shirt. He stood from his chair a second time, folded up the Full-Tilt logo, and calmly dispensed it in the garbage.
After the hand Snead was down to 650,000.
Geert Jans Eliminated in 62nd Place
Geert Jans found himself in prime position to double up when he was all-in with AAcs against Nikolay Losev’s QJdh on a board of Q76hch. His happiness did not last long though. The turn card was the Qc, and when the river came the 9s, Jans found himself taking the slow walk away from the playing area. For his 62nd place finish he will take home $115,800.
Marquis Makes Nines Work
Brian Tatum was operating with a shortstack and was under the gun when he raised to 125,000. Play folded around to Craig Marquis who reraised to 325,000. Tatum then moved all-in for another 385,000 and Marquis called, showing 9 9 . Tatum was live with A J , but missed the flop that came K K 3 . The 3 on the turn was another miss, and the K filled the board but improved Marquis’ hand at the same time. Tatum was eliminated in 63rd place.
Chris Zapf Doubles, Then Busts
Garret Beckman raised from middle position to 80,000 and Chris Zapf moved all-in for about 250,000. Beckman made the call with Q J and his cards were live against Zapf’s A K . The board kept Zapf’s lead safe, however, and he managed to double up to 520,000. Later in the level, however, Zapf's luck would come to an end and he would be eliminated in 66th place.
Osterland Stands his Ground
Felix Osterland raised to 100,000 and David Rheem was quick to call from the next seat in the cut-off position. The rest of the field folded, and the flop came down Q 7 5 . Osterland bet 100,000 and Rheem again followed him into the pot. Osterland then checked when the 10 showed on the turn, and Rheem took the opportunity to bet 200,000. Osterland then fired back with an all-in check-raise for another 875,000. Rheem decided to lay his hand down.
Michelle Hits and Runs, and Runs
Tiffany Michelle raised to 90,000 preflop, and was called by Marquis in the cut-off and Jamal Kunbuz in the big blind. The flop came 8 6 5 , and after Kunbuz checked, Michelle bet 275,000. Both of her opponents folded. A few hands later Michelle was moved to another table to balance the field. Then a few hands after that, her new table was broken down and she was moved once again.
Player Tags: Paul Snead, Chino Rheem, Tiffany Michelle, Jason Glass, Craig Marquis, Brian Tatum, Christopher Zapf
$10,000 Main Event - Day 7 - Level 29 (Hr. 2)
Jul 14, '08
Note: Players will be going on a 20 minute break. Play will resume at around 4:50
Blinds/Antes: 50,000-100,000-10,000
Players Remaining: 18 out of 6,844
Average Chip Stack: 7.6 million
18th place - Jason Riesenberg - $334,535 19th place - Albert Kim - $257,334
20th place - Brandon Cantu - $257,334
21st place - Paul Snead - $257,334
Big Hands and Storylines:
Montgomery Gets Miracle and 11 Million Pot, Snead Eliminated in 21st ($257,334)
Paul Snead raised to 300,000 from the button and then called a reraise to 800,000 from Scott Montgomery in the big blind. The flop was J T 3 and Montgomery bet 1.5 million. Then Snead raised to three million, and then Montgomery reraised all in for 1.76 million more. Snead took over five minutes to deliberate, and said multiple times he might have to call because of the odds he was getting and that he has outs. Then Tiffany Michelle called the clock, and as the tournament director counted down to one he called.
Snead: J 7
Montgomery: A 4
Incredibly, Montgomery tried to bluff Snead out of the hand when he would have to call if he hit the board in any way. With over 11 million chips on the line, the turn was the 8 , meaning the A was no longer an out for Montgomery. But he caught the A on the river to the amazement of everyone at the table and in the crowd.
With about 400,000 chips left, Snead pushed all in with A-T and was up against Craig Marquis's A-K. The board didn't bring any help, and Snead will head out with a lot of money, but a lot of "what ifs" as well.
Cantu Can't Cut It - Eliminated in 20th Place ($257,334)
Peter Eastgate opened with a raise to 300,000, and Brandon Cantu shoved from the button for 2.3 million. Eastgate made the call, tabling A Q against Cantu's 9 9 . The flop gave Cantu good reason to sweat, running out 8 6 3 . The turn improved Cantu's chances of doubling up with the 8 , but the 4 sealed his fate and sent him to the rail in 20th place. Eastgate climbed to over 9 million after the hand.
Tough Start for Rheem
Play was delayed for several minutes as players redrew their seat assignments once the field was narrowed down to the final two tables. Chino Rheem may wish they had delayed even longer, as he now sits behind the smallest stack in the tournament with only 2.3 million.
In a heads-up battle with Craig Marquis, Rheem greeted a preflop raise with a reraise to 450,000 which Marquis called. The flop came 9 5 3 , and Marquis stepped out for 700,000. Rheem came over the top, raising to 1.7 million. Unafraid of the power move, Marquis then announced all-in, and Rheem was forced to lay his hand down.
The significant damage came a few hands later, however. Ivan Demidov raised to 300,000 from under the gun, and both Rheem and Joe Bishop made the call. The flop came J 10 6 , and after Demidov checked, Rheem bet 400,000. Bishop called and Demidov folded. The turn paired the board with the 6 , and Rheem stabbed again with a 900,000 bet. Bishop then reraised to 2 million, and Rheem made the call. The Q on the river completed a potential flush draw, and Rheem checked. Bishop stepped out for 1.5 million and Rheem called. Bishop then showed him the bad news, 6 6 for quads hit on the turn.
Tiffany Michelle Gets No Respect
Jason Riesenberg raised to 275,000 from late position, and Tiffany Michelle reraised to 775,000 from the button. Scott Montgomery then moved all in from the big blind, forcing both players out of the pot.
On the very next hand, Tiffany Michelle opened with a raise to 300,000. She was called by both Dennis and Scott Montgomery in the small blind. Montgomery checked the flop of A K J , and Tiffany continued firing, this time for 500,000. Dennis then reraised to a total of 1.3 million. Tiffany went into the tank for some time, but eventually surrendered the hand, dropping down to a total count of around 4.6 million.
Jason Riesenberg eliminated in 18th place ($334,534)
Jason Riesenberg raised to 275,000 and was called by Dennis Phillips and Dean Hamrick. The flop was Q Q 3 and Riesenberg bet 350,000. Only Hamrick called, and the 9 came on the turn. Riesenberg bet 675,000 and Hamrick again called. The river was the K and this time Riesenberg checked. Hamrick then moved all in and Riesenberg called all in. Hamrick showed pocket nines for a full house, and Riesenberg immediately sunk in his seat. He flipped over Q 8 for trips, shook some hands and left the table.
Player Tags: Dean Hamrick, Paul Snead, Brandon Cantu, Tiffany Michelle, Peter Eastgate, Jason Riesenberg, Scott Montgomery, Joe Bishop
$10,000 Main Event - Day 7 - Level 28 (Hr.2)
Jul 14, '08
Players have returned from a 20-minute break.
Blinds/Antes: 20,000-40,000 with 2,000 ante
Players Left: 24 of 6844
Chip Leaders:
Dennis Phillips - 14,430,000
Peter Eastgate - 12,000,000
Craig Marquis - 9,500,000
Joe Bishop - 9,300,000
Kelly Kim - 8,930,000
Ylon Schwartz - 7,300,000
David Rheem - 7,000,000
Scott Montgomery - 5,700,000
Darus Suharto - 5,700,000
Paul Snead - 5,600,000
Player Eliminations: Niklas Flisberg (25th), Aaron Gordon (24th).
Big Hands/Storylines
Schwartz catches fortunate turn, doubles up
Ylon Schwartz raised from late position and was called by Paul Snead on the button and Scott Montgomery in the big blind. The flop came K J J and Schwartz bet 380,000. Snead raised to 1.2 million and after Montgomery folded Schwartz made the call. The turn was the K and Schwartz bet out 900,000. Snead moved all in and Schwartz called all in.
Snead: A J
Schwartz: A K
Schwartz got the king he needed on the turn. The river was the 7 and Schwartz doubled up to over seven million chips.
Rheem Makes his Move
Chino Rheem was in the small blind and was the second player to call a raise to 220,000. Dennis Phillips also called from the big blind and four players saw the flop come 9 8 7 . Rheem checked and Phillips stepped out for 500,000. Chris Klodnicki, the original raiser, made the call, and after Judet Toni Cristian folded, Rheem then put in a check-raise for 1.5 million more. Both his opponents folded and Rheem took down the pot of over two million.
Suharto Successfully Uses All-in Twice
Darus Suharto had play folded to him on the button and raised to 210,000, which Judet Toni Cristian called from the big blind. The flop came 10 9 6 , and Cristian check-called a bet of 310,000 from Suharto. Both players checked after the K fell on the turn, and then the Q completed the board on the river. Cristian stepped out for a 500,000 bet, and Suharto then announced all-in. Cristian folded and showed A 7 , while Suharto revealed the K 10 for two pair.
In an earlier hand, Aaron Gordon had raised to 225,000 and Suharto called. Chris Klodnicki then reraised to 800,000 from the cut-off. Gordon folded, but Suharto then announced all-in for another 2.5 million. Klodnicki folded and Suharto took down the pot.
Suharto Eliminates Gordon
Aaron Gordon was all-in for his tournament life with the Q 10 , and found himself up against the pocket jacks of Darus Suharto. The flop came K 6 2 , with the 5 on the turn giving Gordon the flush draw. But the 7 on the river ended his main event and Suharto took the chips.
Riesenberg Shows the Bluff
Judet Toni Cristian raised to 230,000 preflop and was called by Dennis Phillips, chip leader to begin the day. Jason Riesenberg then called from the big blind and the flop came A Q J . All three players checked and the 10 created an even more interesting board. Riesenberg bet 250,000 at the pot, Cristian folded, and Phillips called. The 3 was the river and Riesenberg bet 800,000. Phillips folded, then at the loud encouragement from his supporters on the rail to “show the bluff” Riesenberg did exactly that, flashing the 10 7 .
Nice Start for Phillips
In one of the first hands of the level, chip leade Dennis Phillips called an initial raise to 225,000 from Chino Rheem. Darus Suharto on the button then reraised to 825,000, Rheem folded and Phillips called. The flop came A 8 7 , and Phillips bet 700,000 at the pot. Suharto folded.
Player Tags: Ylon Schwartz, Paul Snead, Aaron Gordon, Darus Suharto, Dennis Phillips, Jason Riesenberg
Main Event - Day 7 - Level 28
Jul 14, '08
Blinds/Antes: 40,000-80,000-10,000
Players Remaining: 25 out of 6,844
Chip Leaders:
Peter Eastgate - 12,830,000
Dennis Phillips 12,250,000
Craig Marquis 10,300,000
Paul Snead - 10,200,000
Kelly Kim - 8,650,000
David 'Chino' Rheem - 7,600,000
Tiffany Michelle - 7,400,000
Gert Andersen - 5,920,000
Toni Judet - 5,900,000
Joe Bishop - 5,050,000
Average Chip Stack: 5.26 million
26th place - Phi Nguyen - $257,334
27th place - Michael Carroll - $257,334
Big Hands and Storylines
Michael Carroll Eliminated in 27th place ($257,334)
Three players saw a flop of A 5 4 . Gert Andersen checked, and Michael Carroll moved all in for his last 735,000. Joe Bishop made the call, and was quite unhappy to see Gert Andersen move all in over the top behind him. Bishop folded his hand in frustration, but saw that he had made a good laydown as Gert Andersen flipped over 4 4 for flopped bottom set. Carroll was far behind with only A 9 , and failed to improve as the turn and river came J 10 , bringing his Main Event run to an end in 27th place.
Phi Nguyen Eliminated in 26th Place ($257,334)
After Paul Snead entered the pot and was called by Tiffany Michelle, Phi Nguyen moved all in for under one million. Snead was the only caller.
Nguyen: A T
Snead: J J
Board: 9 3 2 5 8
Michelle Drops Three Million Early in Level
On the first hand of the day, Owen Crowe raised from middle position and Tiffany Michelle called from late position. The two saw a 8 7 5 flop and Crowe bet 375,000. Michelle called and the turn was the 3 . Crowe checked and Michelle bet 500,000. Crowe then reraised 1.075 million more. Michelle folded and Crowe flipped over J 9 .
Paul Snead raised from early position and was called by three players. The flop came 6 4 3 and Snead bet 600,000. Michelle, sitting to her immediate left, then raised to 1.6 million. It folded around to Snead, and he quickly moved all in, a raise of about four million. Michelle took a few minutes to think, and while she did Snead paced around and talked to his wife and Joe Awada a few feet from the table. Finally Michelle folded and Snead took down the pot. Michelle began the day with nearly 10 million and now has under seven million.
Player Tags: Phi Nguyen, Paul Snead, Owen Crowe, Tiffany Michelle
Jul 13, '08 |
2008 39th Annual World Series of Poker |
Event 54 - World Championship No-Limit Hold'em |
10 |
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$10,000 Main Event - Day 5 - Level 22 (Hour 1)
Jul 12, '08
Blinds/Antes: 10,000-20,000-3,000
Players Remaining: 103 out of 6,844
Average Chip Stack: 1,291,000
Chip Counts:
Recent Eliminations:
Allen Cunningham (116th place)
Kellen Hunter (115th place)
Adam York (114th place)
Steve Pestal (113th place)
Jeff Madsen (112th place)
Robert Fuller (111th place)
Reggie Lyons (110th place)
Greg Debora (109th place)
Nghia Le (108th place)
Nathan Hays (107th place)
Sylvain Coeur (106th place)
Shawn Sheikhan (105th place)
Kara Scott (104th place)
Big Hands and Storylines:
Adam York Eliminated by Mark Vos
Mark Vos raised from middle position and action folded around to Adam York who moved all in for about 310,000. Vos made the call and the two turned up their hands:
York: A K
Vos: 7 7
Vos seemed unconcerned as the dealer slapped down the burn card. He walked over to the rail and started conversing with a buddy, turning just in time to see the dealer lay out Q Q 2 . “He’s still alive,” said Vos to his friend, referencing a hand in which York drew out on his opponent, “the river is his card.” The turn was the 6 , and the river was the 9 . This time the river was Vos’s card, and that pot vaulted him up to about 2.2 million.
Kostritsyn’s Back on the Up
Reagan Silber raised to 50,000 from the cutoff and was called by young Alexander Kostritsyn in the small blind. Kostritsyn checked the Q 3 3 flop and Silber led out for 75,000. Quickly, Kostritsyn slid in a large column of orange chips, making it 125,000 to go. The raise was quickly called by Silber. The turn was the A and Kostritsyn fired a bet of 200,000 which was again quickly called. The river was the J and Kostritsyn slid in a stack of chips in no distinguishable order: some green, some orange, some gold. When asked how much, the dealer counted down the stack: 320,000. Silber considered his decision for a minute as the wall of reporters around the table grew deeper. Silber made the call and Kostritsyn showed K 8 for the flush. Silber flashed Q-10 and unhappily mucked his hand. That hand brings Kostritsyn up to about 1.8 million.
Kostritsyn Takes Another Hit
On a flop of A 9 3 , Alexander Kostritsyn faced a bet of 150,000 from an opponent into an already large pot. Kostritsyn raised to a total of 350,000, and the remaining player folded his hand. The initial bettor went into the tank momentarily before electing to call the bet. The turn brought the J , and the player checked. Kostritsyn quickly checked behind, and the river came 6 . Again both players checked, and Kostritsyn mucked when his opponent turned over A Q for top pair.
Cunningham knocked out
Allen Cunningham, down to just 255,000 chips, moved all in from late position and was called by Tim Loecke in the small blind. Cunningham held Q J , while Loecke held pocket aces. The board came 7-6-3-8-8, and the fourth-place finisher in 2006 was drawing dead by the turn.
Caiaffa Flushes Out Hunter
Kellen Hunter was in late position and raised to 45,000, which Rafael Caiaffa in the small blind and Larry Wright in the big blind both called. The flop came down 8 7 2 , and Caiaffa led at the pot with a 105,000 bet. Wright made the call from the big blind, then Hunter moved all-in for 307,000. Caiaffa made the call and Wright mucked his hand. Hunter held Q Q and was in the lead, but needed to dodge a club as Caiaffa held Q J . Hunter didn’t dodge well enough as the 3 fell on the turn and he was drawing dead at that point. The 3 on the river made it official and Hunter was eliminated.
Benefield Collects Nice Pot
David Benefield was in the cut-off and raised to 55,000, which was enough to lure both Paul Snead and Chris Klodnicki into the pot from the blinds. The flop came 6 5 3 , and when Snead checked, Klodnicki stabbed at the pot with a 100,000 bet. Benefield called while Snead folded. The Q came on the turn and Klodnicki checked his option, before calling a 175,000 bet from Benefield. The action, and the 10 on the river, was enough to slow both players who checked at the end. Benefield announced a pair of sixes and showed 8 6 , which was enough to take down the pot.
Whoops for Osterland
Robert Hwang was under the gun and raised to 53,000. Play was folded to Felix Osterland on the button, who announced raise and then put out 60,000, unaware that Hwang had already raised. The floor was called and Osterland was forced to make the minimum raise, which resulted in 86,000 being put forward. Hwang used the opportunity to reraise to 280,000, and Osterland was forced to muck his hand.
Wilds Survives All-In
Mark Wilds was all-in for 199,000 while holding K Q on a flop of 10 8 5 . He was called by Tri Nguyen who held 7 6 for the open-ended straight draw. The 3 on the turn didn’t help, and the Q on the river gave Wilds the insurance he needed as he doubled up.
Player Tags: Allen Cunningham, Paul Snead, Robert Hwang, Chris Klodnicki, David Benefield, Keller Hunter, Alexander Kostritsyn, Felix Osterland, Rafael Caiaffa
$10,000 Main Event - The Final 27
Jul 13, '08
Day 6 is over. At the start of the day, 79 players duked it out to make it to the final 27. After notables such as Victor Ramdin, Phil Hellmuth, Kido Pham and Mike Matusow busted, we finally have our final three tables set for Day 7 on Monday. Players will return to play down to a final table Monday at noon.
Blinds/Antes: 40,000-80,000 with a 10,000 ante
Players Left: 27 of 6,844
Chip Leaders:
Craig Marquis: 11,300,000
Dennis Phillips: 11,150,000
Tiffany Michelle: 9,900,000
Peter Eastgate: 8,720,000
Gert Andersen: 8,350,000
Kelly Kim: 7,850,000
Chris Klodnicki: 7,800,000
David Rheem: 6,800,000
Ivan Demidov: 5,800,000
Paul Snead: 5,600,000
Average Stack: 5,069,630
30th: Mike "The Mouth" Matusow: $193,000
29th: Cristian Dragomir: $193,000
28th: Nikolay Losev: $193,000
Big Hands:
Matusow Takes a Wrong Turn, Eliminated in 30th Place ($193,000)
Right before the players went on break, Paul Snead raised to 200,000 and Mike Matusow repopped it to 660,000 from the big blind. Snead made the call and the flop came A A 5 . Both players checked and the turn brought the 9 , the death card as far as Matusow was concerned. He bet 500,000 and Snead shoved all in. Matusow made the call and showed down A J for a set. Unfortunately for "The Mouth," Snead turned over A 9 for a full boat on the turn. Matusow needed a jack to survive, but the K fell on the river and the biggest name left in the main event took a sick beat and made his exit in 30th place.
Cristian Dragomir Out in 29th Place ($193,000)
Dragomir shoved all in preflop and Joe Bishop made the call. Both players then turned over their hands.
Dragomir: 10 10
Bishop: A A
The flop came down Q 2 6 and Dragomir received no help. He needed to hit one of the remaining tens to stay alive. The turn was the 5 and Dragomir was down to his last card. The river was the J and Dragomir made his exit in 29th place.
Nikolay Losev Gets Crippled, Then Busted in 28th Place By Nicholas Sliwinski
Sliwinski raised to 240,000 from the small blind and Losev popped it to around 3 million. Sliwinski took some time before making the call and turning over A 10 . Losev showed Q 3 , clearly caught trying to steal. The board ran out 9 7 5 K 7 and Sliwinski doubled to about 3.5 million. Losev was down to just 1.5 million. Soon, he would have much less than that.
A few hands later, both players were again in the blinds and Sliwinski completed the bet. Losev popped it to 775,000. Sliwinski then moved all in, putting Losev to a decision. The decision was to make the call, and Losev showed 8 3 . Sliwinski showed A 5 and the board ran out 10 10 4 9 4 and Losev was the final elimination of the night.
Player Tags: Mike Matusow, Paul Snead, Nikolay Losev, Cristian Dragomir, Nicholas Sliwinski, Joe Bishop
$10,000 Main Event - Day 6 - Level 24 (Hour 2)
Jul 13, '08
Players are now on a break. Play will resume at about 2:45 p.m.
Blinds/Antes: 15,000-30,000-4,000
Players Remaining: 58 of 6,844
Chip Leaders:
Gert Andersen - 9,000,000
Brandon Cantu - 6,200,000
Nikolay Losev - 6,000,000
Albert Kim - 5,500,000
Chris Klodnicki - 4,800,000
Aaron Gordon - 4,800,000
Ivan Demidov - 4,400,000
Kelly Kim - 4,000,000
Nicholas Sliwinski - 3,900,000
Andrew Rosskamm - 3,750,000
59th place - Justin Sadauskas - $115,800
60th place - Mark Owens - $115,800
61st place - Thomas Keller - $115,800
62nd place - Geert Jans - $115,800
63rd place - Brian Tatum - $115,800
64th place- Victor Ramdin - $96,500
65th place - Larry Wright - $96,500
66th place - Chris Zapf - $96,500
67th place - Justin Scott - $96,500
68th place - Suresh Prabhu - $96,500
69th place - Sean davis - $96,500
70th place - Terry Lade - $96,500
71st place - James McManus - $96,500
Big Hands and Storylines
Jason Glass Doubles Through Paul Snead
Jason Glass moved all-in from middle position for his final 280,000 and action folded around to Paul Snead in the big blind. Snead thought for a bit and eventually spoke up: “I will give you some action and.... call.” The cards were turned up: Snead had 4 4 and Glass had A 4 . The camera crew shrouded the table from the view of spectators, so Snead called out to his family that he was way ahead. The flop was K 9 5 , and Snead remained way ahead. The turn was the 3 . Before the river card was dealt, Snead requested of the dealer, “Don’t make it a red deuce!” The river? The 2 .
Snead rose from his chair, ripped the temporary Full-Tilt logo from his hat, and emphatically slammed both the logo and his hat into a nearby garbage can. Snead took his seat only to realize that he had another Full-Tilt logo on his shirt. He stood from his chair a second time, folded up the Full-Tilt logo, and calmly dispensed it in the garbage.
After the hand Snead was down to 650,000.
Geert Jans Eliminated in 62nd Place
Geert Jans found himself in prime position to double up when he was all-in with AAcs against Nikolay Losev’s QJdh on a board of Q76hch. His happiness did not last long though. The turn card was the Qc, and when the river came the 9s, Jans found himself taking the slow walk away from the playing area. For his 62nd place finish he will take home $115,800.
Marquis Makes Nines Work
Brian Tatum was operating with a shortstack and was under the gun when he raised to 125,000. Play folded around to Craig Marquis who reraised to 325,000. Tatum then moved all-in for another 385,000 and Marquis called, showing 9 9 . Tatum was live with A J , but missed the flop that came K K 3 . The 3 on the turn was another miss, and the K filled the board but improved Marquis’ hand at the same time. Tatum was eliminated in 63rd place.
Chris Zapf Doubles, Then Busts
Garret Beckman raised from middle position to 80,000 and Chris Zapf moved all-in for about 250,000. Beckman made the call with Q J and his cards were live against Zapf’s A K . The board kept Zapf’s lead safe, however, and he managed to double up to 520,000. Later in the level, however, Zapf's luck would come to an end and he would be eliminated in 66th place.
Osterland Stands his Ground
Felix Osterland raised to 100,000 and David Rheem was quick to call from the next seat in the cut-off position. The rest of the field folded, and the flop came down Q 7 5 . Osterland bet 100,000 and Rheem again followed him into the pot. Osterland then checked when the 10 showed on the turn, and Rheem took the opportunity to bet 200,000. Osterland then fired back with an all-in check-raise for another 875,000. Rheem decided to lay his hand down.
Michelle Hits and Runs, and Runs
Tiffany Michelle raised to 90,000 preflop, and was called by Marquis in the cut-off and Jamal Kunbuz in the big blind. The flop came 8 6 5 , and after Kunbuz checked, Michelle bet 275,000. Both of her opponents folded. A few hands later Michelle was moved to another table to balance the field. Then a few hands after that, her new table was broken down and she was moved once again.
Player Tags: Paul Snead, Chino Rheem, Tiffany Michelle, Jason Glass, Craig Marquis, Brian Tatum, Christopher Zapf
$10,000 Main Event - Day 7 - Level 29 (Hr. 2)
Jul 14, '08
Note: Players will be going on a 20 minute break. Play will resume at around 4:50
Blinds/Antes: 50,000-100,000-10,000
Players Remaining: 18 out of 6,844
Average Chip Stack: 7.6 million
18th place - Jason Riesenberg - $334,535 19th place - Albert Kim - $257,334
20th place - Brandon Cantu - $257,334
21st place - Paul Snead - $257,334
Big Hands and Storylines:
Montgomery Gets Miracle and 11 Million Pot, Snead Eliminated in 21st ($257,334)
Paul Snead raised to 300,000 from the button and then called a reraise to 800,000 from Scott Montgomery in the big blind. The flop was J T 3 and Montgomery bet 1.5 million. Then Snead raised to three million, and then Montgomery reraised all in for 1.76 million more. Snead took over five minutes to deliberate, and said multiple times he might have to call because of the odds he was getting and that he has outs. Then Tiffany Michelle called the clock, and as the tournament director counted down to one he called.
Snead: J 7
Montgomery: A 4
Incredibly, Montgomery tried to bluff Snead out of the hand when he would have to call if he hit the board in any way. With over 11 million chips on the line, the turn was the 8 , meaning the A was no longer an out for Montgomery. But he caught the A on the river to the amazement of everyone at the table and in the crowd.
With about 400,000 chips left, Snead pushed all in with A-T and was up against Craig Marquis's A-K. The board didn't bring any help, and Snead will head out with a lot of money, but a lot of "what ifs" as well.
Cantu Can't Cut It - Eliminated in 20th Place ($257,334)
Peter Eastgate opened with a raise to 300,000, and Brandon Cantu shoved from the button for 2.3 million. Eastgate made the call, tabling A Q against Cantu's 9 9 . The flop gave Cantu good reason to sweat, running out 8 6 3 . The turn improved Cantu's chances of doubling up with the 8 , but the 4 sealed his fate and sent him to the rail in 20th place. Eastgate climbed to over 9 million after the hand.
Tough Start for Rheem
Play was delayed for several minutes as players redrew their seat assignments once the field was narrowed down to the final two tables. Chino Rheem may wish they had delayed even longer, as he now sits behind the smallest stack in the tournament with only 2.3 million.
In a heads-up battle with Craig Marquis, Rheem greeted a preflop raise with a reraise to 450,000 which Marquis called. The flop came 9 5 3 , and Marquis stepped out for 700,000. Rheem came over the top, raising to 1.7 million. Unafraid of the power move, Marquis then announced all-in, and Rheem was forced to lay his hand down.
The significant damage came a few hands later, however. Ivan Demidov raised to 300,000 from under the gun, and both Rheem and Joe Bishop made the call. The flop came J 10 6 , and after Demidov checked, Rheem bet 400,000. Bishop called and Demidov folded. The turn paired the board with the 6 , and Rheem stabbed again with a 900,000 bet. Bishop then reraised to 2 million, and Rheem made the call. The Q on the river completed a potential flush draw, and Rheem checked. Bishop stepped out for 1.5 million and Rheem called. Bishop then showed him the bad news, 6 6 for quads hit on the turn.
Tiffany Michelle Gets No Respect
Jason Riesenberg raised to 275,000 from late position, and Tiffany Michelle reraised to 775,000 from the button. Scott Montgomery then moved all in from the big blind, forcing both players out of the pot.
On the very next hand, Tiffany Michelle opened with a raise to 300,000. She was called by both Dennis and Scott Montgomery in the small blind. Montgomery checked the flop of A K J , and Tiffany continued firing, this time for 500,000. Dennis then reraised to a total of 1.3 million. Tiffany went into the tank for some time, but eventually surrendered the hand, dropping down to a total count of around 4.6 million.
Jason Riesenberg eliminated in 18th place ($334,534)
Jason Riesenberg raised to 275,000 and was called by Dennis Phillips and Dean Hamrick. The flop was Q Q 3 and Riesenberg bet 350,000. Only Hamrick called, and the 9 came on the turn. Riesenberg bet 675,000 and Hamrick again called. The river was the K and this time Riesenberg checked. Hamrick then moved all in and Riesenberg called all in. Hamrick showed pocket nines for a full house, and Riesenberg immediately sunk in his seat. He flipped over Q 8 for trips, shook some hands and left the table.
Player Tags: Dean Hamrick, Paul Snead, Brandon Cantu, Tiffany Michelle, Peter Eastgate, Jason Riesenberg, Scott Montgomery, Joe Bishop
$10,000 Main Event - Day 7 - Level 28 (Hr.2)
Jul 14, '08
Players have returned from a 20-minute break.
Blinds/Antes: 20,000-40,000 with 2,000 ante
Players Left: 24 of 6844
Chip Leaders:
Dennis Phillips - 14,430,000
Peter Eastgate - 12,000,000
Craig Marquis - 9,500,000
Joe Bishop - 9,300,000
Kelly Kim - 8,930,000
Ylon Schwartz - 7,300,000
David Rheem - 7,000,000
Scott Montgomery - 5,700,000
Darus Suharto - 5,700,000
Paul Snead - 5,600,000
Player Eliminations: Niklas Flisberg (25th), Aaron Gordon (24th).
Big Hands/Storylines
Schwartz catches fortunate turn, doubles up
Ylon Schwartz raised from late position and was called by Paul Snead on the button and Scott Montgomery in the big blind. The flop came K J J and Schwartz bet 380,000. Snead raised to 1.2 million and after Montgomery folded Schwartz made the call. The turn was the K and Schwartz bet out 900,000. Snead moved all in and Schwartz called all in.
Snead: A J
Schwartz: A K
Schwartz got the king he needed on the turn. The river was the 7 and Schwartz doubled up to over seven million chips.
Rheem Makes his Move
Chino Rheem was in the small blind and was the second player to call a raise to 220,000. Dennis Phillips also called from the big blind and four players saw the flop come 9 8 7 . Rheem checked and Phillips stepped out for 500,000. Chris Klodnicki, the original raiser, made the call, and after Judet Toni Cristian folded, Rheem then put in a check-raise for 1.5 million more. Both his opponents folded and Rheem took down the pot of over two million.
Suharto Successfully Uses All-in Twice
Darus Suharto had play folded to him on the button and raised to 210,000, which Judet Toni Cristian called from the big blind. The flop came 10 9 6 , and Cristian check-called a bet of 310,000 from Suharto. Both players checked after the K fell on the turn, and then the Q completed the board on the river. Cristian stepped out for a 500,000 bet, and Suharto then announced all-in. Cristian folded and showed A 7 , while Suharto revealed the K 10 for two pair.
In an earlier hand, Aaron Gordon had raised to 225,000 and Suharto called. Chris Klodnicki then reraised to 800,000 from the cut-off. Gordon folded, but Suharto then announced all-in for another 2.5 million. Klodnicki folded and Suharto took down the pot.
Suharto Eliminates Gordon
Aaron Gordon was all-in for his tournament life with the Q 10 , and found himself up against the pocket jacks of Darus Suharto. The flop came K 6 2 , with the 5 on the turn giving Gordon the flush draw. But the 7 on the river ended his main event and Suharto took the chips.
Riesenberg Shows the Bluff
Judet Toni Cristian raised to 230,000 preflop and was called by Dennis Phillips, chip leader to begin the day. Jason Riesenberg then called from the big blind and the flop came A Q J . All three players checked and the 10 created an even more interesting board. Riesenberg bet 250,000 at the pot, Cristian folded, and Phillips called. The 3 was the river and Riesenberg bet 800,000. Phillips folded, then at the loud encouragement from his supporters on the rail to “show the bluff” Riesenberg did exactly that, flashing the 10 7 .
Nice Start for Phillips
In one of the first hands of the level, chip leade Dennis Phillips called an initial raise to 225,000 from Chino Rheem. Darus Suharto on the button then reraised to 825,000, Rheem folded and Phillips called. The flop came A 8 7 , and Phillips bet 700,000 at the pot. Suharto folded.
Player Tags: Ylon Schwartz, Paul Snead, Aaron Gordon, Darus Suharto, Dennis Phillips, Jason Riesenberg
Main Event - Day 7 - Level 28
Jul 14, '08
Blinds/Antes: 40,000-80,000-10,000
Players Remaining: 25 out of 6,844
Chip Leaders:
Peter Eastgate - 12,830,000
Dennis Phillips 12,250,000
Craig Marquis 10,300,000
Paul Snead - 10,200,000
Kelly Kim - 8,650,000
David 'Chino' Rheem - 7,600,000
Tiffany Michelle - 7,400,000
Gert Andersen - 5,920,000
Toni Judet - 5,900,000
Joe Bishop - 5,050,000
Average Chip Stack: 5.26 million
26th place - Phi Nguyen - $257,334
27th place - Michael Carroll - $257,334
Big Hands and Storylines
Michael Carroll Eliminated in 27th place ($257,334)
Three players saw a flop of A 5 4 . Gert Andersen checked, and Michael Carroll moved all in for his last 735,000. Joe Bishop made the call, and was quite unhappy to see Gert Andersen move all in over the top behind him. Bishop folded his hand in frustration, but saw that he had made a good laydown as Gert Andersen flipped over 4 4 for flopped bottom set. Carroll was far behind with only A 9 , and failed to improve as the turn and river came J 10 , bringing his Main Event run to an end in 27th place.
Phi Nguyen Eliminated in 26th Place ($257,334)
After Paul Snead entered the pot and was called by Tiffany Michelle, Phi Nguyen moved all in for under one million. Snead was the only caller.
Nguyen: A T
Snead: J J
Board: 9 3 2 5 8
Michelle Drops Three Million Early in Level
On the first hand of the day, Owen Crowe raised from middle position and Tiffany Michelle called from late position. The two saw a 8 7 5 flop and Crowe bet 375,000. Michelle called and the turn was the 3 . Crowe checked and Michelle bet 500,000. Crowe then reraised 1.075 million more. Michelle folded and Crowe flipped over J 9 .
Paul Snead raised from early position and was called by three players. The flop came 6 4 3 and Snead bet 600,000. Michelle, sitting to her immediate left, then raised to 1.6 million. It folded around to Snead, and he quickly moved all in, a raise of about four million. Michelle took a few minutes to think, and while she did Snead paced around and talked to his wife and Joe Awada a few feet from the table. Finally Michelle folded and Snead took down the pot. Michelle began the day with nearly 10 million and now has under seven million.
Player Tags: Phi Nguyen, Paul Snead, Owen Crowe, Tiffany Michelle
Jul 12, '08 |
2008 39th Annual World Series of Poker |
Event 54 - World Championship No-Limit Hold'em |
9 |
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$10,000 Main Event - Day 5 - Level 22 (Hour 1)
Jul 12, '08
Blinds/Antes: 10,000-20,000-3,000
Players Remaining: 103 out of 6,844
Average Chip Stack: 1,291,000
Chip Counts:
Recent Eliminations:
Allen Cunningham (116th place)
Kellen Hunter (115th place)
Adam York (114th place)
Steve Pestal (113th place)
Jeff Madsen (112th place)
Robert Fuller (111th place)
Reggie Lyons (110th place)
Greg Debora (109th place)
Nghia Le (108th place)
Nathan Hays (107th place)
Sylvain Coeur (106th place)
Shawn Sheikhan (105th place)
Kara Scott (104th place)
Big Hands and Storylines:
Adam York Eliminated by Mark Vos
Mark Vos raised from middle position and action folded around to Adam York who moved all in for about 310,000. Vos made the call and the two turned up their hands:
York: A K
Vos: 7 7
Vos seemed unconcerned as the dealer slapped down the burn card. He walked over to the rail and started conversing with a buddy, turning just in time to see the dealer lay out Q Q 2 . “He’s still alive,” said Vos to his friend, referencing a hand in which York drew out on his opponent, “the river is his card.” The turn was the 6 , and the river was the 9 . This time the river was Vos’s card, and that pot vaulted him up to about 2.2 million.
Kostritsyn’s Back on the Up
Reagan Silber raised to 50,000 from the cutoff and was called by young Alexander Kostritsyn in the small blind. Kostritsyn checked the Q 3 3 flop and Silber led out for 75,000. Quickly, Kostritsyn slid in a large column of orange chips, making it 125,000 to go. The raise was quickly called by Silber. The turn was the A and Kostritsyn fired a bet of 200,000 which was again quickly called. The river was the J and Kostritsyn slid in a stack of chips in no distinguishable order: some green, some orange, some gold. When asked how much, the dealer counted down the stack: 320,000. Silber considered his decision for a minute as the wall of reporters around the table grew deeper. Silber made the call and Kostritsyn showed K 8 for the flush. Silber flashed Q-10 and unhappily mucked his hand. That hand brings Kostritsyn up to about 1.8 million.
Kostritsyn Takes Another Hit
On a flop of A 9 3 , Alexander Kostritsyn faced a bet of 150,000 from an opponent into an already large pot. Kostritsyn raised to a total of 350,000, and the remaining player folded his hand. The initial bettor went into the tank momentarily before electing to call the bet. The turn brought the J , and the player checked. Kostritsyn quickly checked behind, and the river came 6 . Again both players checked, and Kostritsyn mucked when his opponent turned over A Q for top pair.
Cunningham knocked out
Allen Cunningham, down to just 255,000 chips, moved all in from late position and was called by Tim Loecke in the small blind. Cunningham held Q J , while Loecke held pocket aces. The board came 7-6-3-8-8, and the fourth-place finisher in 2006 was drawing dead by the turn.
Caiaffa Flushes Out Hunter
Kellen Hunter was in late position and raised to 45,000, which Rafael Caiaffa in the small blind and Larry Wright in the big blind both called. The flop came down 8 7 2 , and Caiaffa led at the pot with a 105,000 bet. Wright made the call from the big blind, then Hunter moved all-in for 307,000. Caiaffa made the call and Wright mucked his hand. Hunter held Q Q and was in the lead, but needed to dodge a club as Caiaffa held Q J . Hunter didn’t dodge well enough as the 3 fell on the turn and he was drawing dead at that point. The 3 on the river made it official and Hunter was eliminated.
Benefield Collects Nice Pot
David Benefield was in the cut-off and raised to 55,000, which was enough to lure both Paul Snead and Chris Klodnicki into the pot from the blinds. The flop came 6 5 3 , and when Snead checked, Klodnicki stabbed at the pot with a 100,000 bet. Benefield called while Snead folded. The Q came on the turn and Klodnicki checked his option, before calling a 175,000 bet from Benefield. The action, and the 10 on the river, was enough to slow both players who checked at the end. Benefield announced a pair of sixes and showed 8 6 , which was enough to take down the pot.
Whoops for Osterland
Robert Hwang was under the gun and raised to 53,000. Play was folded to Felix Osterland on the button, who announced raise and then put out 60,000, unaware that Hwang had already raised. The floor was called and Osterland was forced to make the minimum raise, which resulted in 86,000 being put forward. Hwang used the opportunity to reraise to 280,000, and Osterland was forced to muck his hand.
Wilds Survives All-In
Mark Wilds was all-in for 199,000 while holding K Q on a flop of 10 8 5 . He was called by Tri Nguyen who held 7 6 for the open-ended straight draw. The 3 on the turn didn’t help, and the Q on the river gave Wilds the insurance he needed as he doubled up.
Player Tags: Allen Cunningham, Paul Snead, Robert Hwang, Chris Klodnicki, David Benefield, Keller Hunter, Alexander Kostritsyn, Felix Osterland, Rafael Caiaffa
$10,000 Main Event - The Final 27
Jul 13, '08
Day 6 is over. At the start of the day, 79 players duked it out to make it to the final 27. After notables such as Victor Ramdin, Phil Hellmuth, Kido Pham and Mike Matusow busted, we finally have our final three tables set for Day 7 on Monday. Players will return to play down to a final table Monday at noon.
Blinds/Antes: 40,000-80,000 with a 10,000 ante
Players Left: 27 of 6,844
Chip Leaders:
Craig Marquis: 11,300,000
Dennis Phillips: 11,150,000
Tiffany Michelle: 9,900,000
Peter Eastgate: 8,720,000
Gert Andersen: 8,350,000
Kelly Kim: 7,850,000
Chris Klodnicki: 7,800,000
David Rheem: 6,800,000
Ivan Demidov: 5,800,000
Paul Snead: 5,600,000
Average Stack: 5,069,630
30th: Mike "The Mouth" Matusow: $193,000
29th: Cristian Dragomir: $193,000
28th: Nikolay Losev: $193,000
Big Hands:
Matusow Takes a Wrong Turn, Eliminated in 30th Place ($193,000)
Right before the players went on break, Paul Snead raised to 200,000 and Mike Matusow repopped it to 660,000 from the big blind. Snead made the call and the flop came A A 5 . Both players checked and the turn brought the 9 , the death card as far as Matusow was concerned. He bet 500,000 and Snead shoved all in. Matusow made the call and showed down A J for a set. Unfortunately for "The Mouth," Snead turned over A 9 for a full boat on the turn. Matusow needed a jack to survive, but the K fell on the river and the biggest name left in the main event took a sick beat and made his exit in 30th place.
Cristian Dragomir Out in 29th Place ($193,000)
Dragomir shoved all in preflop and Joe Bishop made the call. Both players then turned over their hands.
Dragomir: 10 10
Bishop: A A
The flop came down Q 2 6 and Dragomir received no help. He needed to hit one of the remaining tens to stay alive. The turn was the 5 and Dragomir was down to his last card. The river was the J and Dragomir made his exit in 29th place.
Nikolay Losev Gets Crippled, Then Busted in 28th Place By Nicholas Sliwinski
Sliwinski raised to 240,000 from the small blind and Losev popped it to around 3 million. Sliwinski took some time before making the call and turning over A 10 . Losev showed Q 3 , clearly caught trying to steal. The board ran out 9 7 5 K 7 and Sliwinski doubled to about 3.5 million. Losev was down to just 1.5 million. Soon, he would have much less than that.
A few hands later, both players were again in the blinds and Sliwinski completed the bet. Losev popped it to 775,000. Sliwinski then moved all in, putting Losev to a decision. The decision was to make the call, and Losev showed 8 3 . Sliwinski showed A 5 and the board ran out 10 10 4 9 4 and Losev was the final elimination of the night.
Player Tags: Mike Matusow, Paul Snead, Nikolay Losev, Cristian Dragomir, Nicholas Sliwinski, Joe Bishop
$10,000 Main Event - Day 6 - Level 24 (Hour 2)
Jul 13, '08
Players are now on a break. Play will resume at about 2:45 p.m.
Blinds/Antes: 15,000-30,000-4,000
Players Remaining: 58 of 6,844
Chip Leaders:
Gert Andersen - 9,000,000
Brandon Cantu - 6,200,000
Nikolay Losev - 6,000,000
Albert Kim - 5,500,000
Chris Klodnicki - 4,800,000
Aaron Gordon - 4,800,000
Ivan Demidov - 4,400,000
Kelly Kim - 4,000,000
Nicholas Sliwinski - 3,900,000
Andrew Rosskamm - 3,750,000
59th place - Justin Sadauskas - $115,800
60th place - Mark Owens - $115,800
61st place - Thomas Keller - $115,800
62nd place - Geert Jans - $115,800
63rd place - Brian Tatum - $115,800
64th place- Victor Ramdin - $96,500
65th place - Larry Wright - $96,500
66th place - Chris Zapf - $96,500
67th place - Justin Scott - $96,500
68th place - Suresh Prabhu - $96,500
69th place - Sean davis - $96,500
70th place - Terry Lade - $96,500
71st place - James McManus - $96,500
Big Hands and Storylines
Jason Glass Doubles Through Paul Snead
Jason Glass moved all-in from middle position for his final 280,000 and action folded around to Paul Snead in the big blind. Snead thought for a bit and eventually spoke up: “I will give you some action and.... call.” The cards were turned up: Snead had 4 4 and Glass had A 4 . The camera crew shrouded the table from the view of spectators, so Snead called out to his family that he was way ahead. The flop was K 9 5 , and Snead remained way ahead. The turn was the 3 . Before the river card was dealt, Snead requested of the dealer, “Don’t make it a red deuce!” The river? The 2 .
Snead rose from his chair, ripped the temporary Full-Tilt logo from his hat, and emphatically slammed both the logo and his hat into a nearby garbage can. Snead took his seat only to realize that he had another Full-Tilt logo on his shirt. He stood from his chair a second time, folded up the Full-Tilt logo, and calmly dispensed it in the garbage.
After the hand Snead was down to 650,000.
Geert Jans Eliminated in 62nd Place
Geert Jans found himself in prime position to double up when he was all-in with AAcs against Nikolay Losev’s QJdh on a board of Q76hch. His happiness did not last long though. The turn card was the Qc, and when the river came the 9s, Jans found himself taking the slow walk away from the playing area. For his 62nd place finish he will take home $115,800.
Marquis Makes Nines Work
Brian Tatum was operating with a shortstack and was under the gun when he raised to 125,000. Play folded around to Craig Marquis who reraised to 325,000. Tatum then moved all-in for another 385,000 and Marquis called, showing 9 9 . Tatum was live with A J , but missed the flop that came K K 3 . The 3 on the turn was another miss, and the K filled the board but improved Marquis’ hand at the same time. Tatum was eliminated in 63rd place.
Chris Zapf Doubles, Then Busts
Garret Beckman raised from middle position to 80,000 and Chris Zapf moved all-in for about 250,000. Beckman made the call with Q J and his cards were live against Zapf’s A K . The board kept Zapf’s lead safe, however, and he managed to double up to 520,000. Later in the level, however, Zapf's luck would come to an end and he would be eliminated in 66th place.
Osterland Stands his Ground
Felix Osterland raised to 100,000 and David Rheem was quick to call from the next seat in the cut-off position. The rest of the field folded, and the flop came down Q 7 5 . Osterland bet 100,000 and Rheem again followed him into the pot. Osterland then checked when the 10 showed on the turn, and Rheem took the opportunity to bet 200,000. Osterland then fired back with an all-in check-raise for another 875,000. Rheem decided to lay his hand down.
Michelle Hits and Runs, and Runs
Tiffany Michelle raised to 90,000 preflop, and was called by Marquis in the cut-off and Jamal Kunbuz in the big blind. The flop came 8 6 5 , and after Kunbuz checked, Michelle bet 275,000. Both of her opponents folded. A few hands later Michelle was moved to another table to balance the field. Then a few hands after that, her new table was broken down and she was moved once again.
Player Tags: Paul Snead, Chino Rheem, Tiffany Michelle, Jason Glass, Craig Marquis, Brian Tatum, Christopher Zapf
$10,000 Main Event - Day 7 - Level 29 (Hr. 2)
Jul 14, '08
Note: Players will be going on a 20 minute break. Play will resume at around 4:50
Blinds/Antes: 50,000-100,000-10,000
Players Remaining: 18 out of 6,844
Average Chip Stack: 7.6 million
18th place - Jason Riesenberg - $334,535 19th place - Albert Kim - $257,334
20th place - Brandon Cantu - $257,334
21st place - Paul Snead - $257,334
Big Hands and Storylines:
Montgomery Gets Miracle and 11 Million Pot, Snead Eliminated in 21st ($257,334)
Paul Snead raised to 300,000 from the button and then called a reraise to 800,000 from Scott Montgomery in the big blind. The flop was J T 3 and Montgomery bet 1.5 million. Then Snead raised to three million, and then Montgomery reraised all in for 1.76 million more. Snead took over five minutes to deliberate, and said multiple times he might have to call because of the odds he was getting and that he has outs. Then Tiffany Michelle called the clock, and as the tournament director counted down to one he called.
Snead: J 7
Montgomery: A 4
Incredibly, Montgomery tried to bluff Snead out of the hand when he would have to call if he hit the board in any way. With over 11 million chips on the line, the turn was the 8 , meaning the A was no longer an out for Montgomery. But he caught the A on the river to the amazement of everyone at the table and in the crowd.
With about 400,000 chips left, Snead pushed all in with A-T and was up against Craig Marquis's A-K. The board didn't bring any help, and Snead will head out with a lot of money, but a lot of "what ifs" as well.
Cantu Can't Cut It - Eliminated in 20th Place ($257,334)
Peter Eastgate opened with a raise to 300,000, and Brandon Cantu shoved from the button for 2.3 million. Eastgate made the call, tabling A Q against Cantu's 9 9 . The flop gave Cantu good reason to sweat, running out 8 6 3 . The turn improved Cantu's chances of doubling up with the 8 , but the 4 sealed his fate and sent him to the rail in 20th place. Eastgate climbed to over 9 million after the hand.
Tough Start for Rheem
Play was delayed for several minutes as players redrew their seat assignments once the field was narrowed down to the final two tables. Chino Rheem may wish they had delayed even longer, as he now sits behind the smallest stack in the tournament with only 2.3 million.
In a heads-up battle with Craig Marquis, Rheem greeted a preflop raise with a reraise to 450,000 which Marquis called. The flop came 9 5 3 , and Marquis stepped out for 700,000. Rheem came over the top, raising to 1.7 million. Unafraid of the power move, Marquis then announced all-in, and Rheem was forced to lay his hand down.
The significant damage came a few hands later, however. Ivan Demidov raised to 300,000 from under the gun, and both Rheem and Joe Bishop made the call. The flop came J 10 6 , and after Demidov checked, Rheem bet 400,000. Bishop called and Demidov folded. The turn paired the board with the 6 , and Rheem stabbed again with a 900,000 bet. Bishop then reraised to 2 million, and Rheem made the call. The Q on the river completed a potential flush draw, and Rheem checked. Bishop stepped out for 1.5 million and Rheem called. Bishop then showed him the bad news, 6 6 for quads hit on the turn.
Tiffany Michelle Gets No Respect
Jason Riesenberg raised to 275,000 from late position, and Tiffany Michelle reraised to 775,000 from the button. Scott Montgomery then moved all in from the big blind, forcing both players out of the pot.
On the very next hand, Tiffany Michelle opened with a raise to 300,000. She was called by both Dennis and Scott Montgomery in the small blind. Montgomery checked the flop of A K J , and Tiffany continued firing, this time for 500,000. Dennis then reraised to a total of 1.3 million. Tiffany went into the tank for some time, but eventually surrendered the hand, dropping down to a total count of around 4.6 million.
Jason Riesenberg eliminated in 18th place ($334,534)
Jason Riesenberg raised to 275,000 and was called by Dennis Phillips and Dean Hamrick. The flop was Q Q 3 and Riesenberg bet 350,000. Only Hamrick called, and the 9 came on the turn. Riesenberg bet 675,000 and Hamrick again called. The river was the K and this time Riesenberg checked. Hamrick then moved all in and Riesenberg called all in. Hamrick showed pocket nines for a full house, and Riesenberg immediately sunk in his seat. He flipped over Q 8 for trips, shook some hands and left the table.
Player Tags: Dean Hamrick, Paul Snead, Brandon Cantu, Tiffany Michelle, Peter Eastgate, Jason Riesenberg, Scott Montgomery, Joe Bishop
$10,000 Main Event - Day 7 - Level 28 (Hr.2)
Jul 14, '08
Players have returned from a 20-minute break.
Blinds/Antes: 20,000-40,000 with 2,000 ante
Players Left: 24 of 6844
Chip Leaders:
Dennis Phillips - 14,430,000
Peter Eastgate - 12,000,000
Craig Marquis - 9,500,000
Joe Bishop - 9,300,000
Kelly Kim - 8,930,000
Ylon Schwartz - 7,300,000
David Rheem - 7,000,000
Scott Montgomery - 5,700,000
Darus Suharto - 5,700,000
Paul Snead - 5,600,000
Player Eliminations: Niklas Flisberg (25th), Aaron Gordon (24th).
Big Hands/Storylines
Schwartz catches fortunate turn, doubles up
Ylon Schwartz raised from late position and was called by Paul Snead on the button and Scott Montgomery in the big blind. The flop came K J J and Schwartz bet 380,000. Snead raised to 1.2 million and after Montgomery folded Schwartz made the call. The turn was the K and Schwartz bet out 900,000. Snead moved all in and Schwartz called all in.
Snead: A J
Schwartz: A K
Schwartz got the king he needed on the turn. The river was the 7 and Schwartz doubled up to over seven million chips.
Rheem Makes his Move
Chino Rheem was in the small blind and was the second player to call a raise to 220,000. Dennis Phillips also called from the big blind and four players saw the flop come 9 8 7 . Rheem checked and Phillips stepped out for 500,000. Chris Klodnicki, the original raiser, made the call, and after Judet Toni Cristian folded, Rheem then put in a check-raise for 1.5 million more. Both his opponents folded and Rheem took down the pot of over two million.
Suharto Successfully Uses All-in Twice
Darus Suharto had play folded to him on the button and raised to 210,000, which Judet Toni Cristian called from the big blind. The flop came 10 9 6 , and Cristian check-called a bet of 310,000 from Suharto. Both players checked after the K fell on the turn, and then the Q completed the board on the river. Cristian stepped out for a 500,000 bet, and Suharto then announced all-in. Cristian folded and showed A 7 , while Suharto revealed the K 10 for two pair.
In an earlier hand, Aaron Gordon had raised to 225,000 and Suharto called. Chris Klodnicki then reraised to 800,000 from the cut-off. Gordon folded, but Suharto then announced all-in for another 2.5 million. Klodnicki folded and Suharto took down the pot.
Suharto Eliminates Gordon
Aaron Gordon was all-in for his tournament life with the Q 10 , and found himself up against the pocket jacks of Darus Suharto. The flop came K 6 2 , with the 5 on the turn giving Gordon the flush draw. But the 7 on the river ended his main event and Suharto took the chips.
Riesenberg Shows the Bluff
Judet Toni Cristian raised to 230,000 preflop and was called by Dennis Phillips, chip leader to begin the day. Jason Riesenberg then called from the big blind and the flop came A Q J . All three players checked and the 10 created an even more interesting board. Riesenberg bet 250,000 at the pot, Cristian folded, and Phillips called. The 3 was the river and Riesenberg bet 800,000. Phillips folded, then at the loud encouragement from his supporters on the rail to “show the bluff” Riesenberg did exactly that, flashing the 10 7 .
Nice Start for Phillips
In one of the first hands of the level, chip leade Dennis Phillips called an initial raise to 225,000 from Chino Rheem. Darus Suharto on the button then reraised to 825,000, Rheem folded and Phillips called. The flop came A 8 7 , and Phillips bet 700,000 at the pot. Suharto folded.
Player Tags: Ylon Schwartz, Paul Snead, Aaron Gordon, Darus Suharto, Dennis Phillips, Jason Riesenberg
Main Event - Day 7 - Level 28
Jul 14, '08
Blinds/Antes: 40,000-80,000-10,000
Players Remaining: 25 out of 6,844
Chip Leaders:
Peter Eastgate - 12,830,000
Dennis Phillips 12,250,000
Craig Marquis 10,300,000
Paul Snead - 10,200,000
Kelly Kim - 8,650,000
David 'Chino' Rheem - 7,600,000
Tiffany Michelle - 7,400,000
Gert Andersen - 5,920,000
Toni Judet - 5,900,000
Joe Bishop - 5,050,000
Average Chip Stack: 5.26 million
26th place - Phi Nguyen - $257,334
27th place - Michael Carroll - $257,334
Big Hands and Storylines
Michael Carroll Eliminated in 27th place ($257,334)
Three players saw a flop of A 5 4 . Gert Andersen checked, and Michael Carroll moved all in for his last 735,000. Joe Bishop made the call, and was quite unhappy to see Gert Andersen move all in over the top behind him. Bishop folded his hand in frustration, but saw that he had made a good laydown as Gert Andersen flipped over 4 4 for flopped bottom set. Carroll was far behind with only A 9 , and failed to improve as the turn and river came J 10 , bringing his Main Event run to an end in 27th place.
Phi Nguyen Eliminated in 26th Place ($257,334)
After Paul Snead entered the pot and was called by Tiffany Michelle, Phi Nguyen moved all in for under one million. Snead was the only caller.
Nguyen: A T
Snead: J J
Board: 9 3 2 5 8
Michelle Drops Three Million Early in Level
On the first hand of the day, Owen Crowe raised from middle position and Tiffany Michelle called from late position. The two saw a 8 7 5 flop and Crowe bet 375,000. Michelle called and the turn was the 3 . Crowe checked and Michelle bet 500,000. Crowe then reraised 1.075 million more. Michelle folded and Crowe flipped over J 9 .
Paul Snead raised from early position and was called by three players. The flop came 6 4 3 and Snead bet 600,000. Michelle, sitting to her immediate left, then raised to 1.6 million. It folded around to Snead, and he quickly moved all in, a raise of about four million. Michelle took a few minutes to think, and while she did Snead paced around and talked to his wife and Joe Awada a few feet from the table. Finally Michelle folded and Snead took down the pot. Michelle began the day with nearly 10 million and now has under seven million.
Player Tags: Phi Nguyen, Paul Snead, Owen Crowe, Tiffany Michelle
Jun 07, '07 |
2007 38th Annual World Series of Poker |
Event 10 - No-Limit Hold'em |
2 |
+ |
Pocket Fives the Hand to Beat
Jun 07, '07
Level 17 just got underway and the blinds are rising to $8,000-$16,000. Level 16 started with 28 players and an average stack of $218,714. Level 17 will begin with only 22 players remaining.
Just 12 minutes into the level two players busted out and there was a redraw to form three tables. 28th place and 27th place were eliminated at the same time and there was a discrepency as to whom finished in which place. The floorman took on the painstaking task of trying to determine which player had more chips at the time of the bust outs. It turns out that there was less than $5,000 difference in the chip stacks and no certain way of telling who had more. The two players took the high road and in an effort to make the process easier decided to simply chop the difference in payouts. The difference between 28th place ($14,350) and 27th place ($16,858) was $2,508.
Paul Snead was the 24th place finisher when his king high flush ran into John Murphy's full house. Murphy took down the large pot and didn't hesitate to play the very next hand. First to act, Murphy limped into the pot for $1,200 and the player in seat nine called and the big blind checked. The flop came K  Q  4  and all three players checked. The turn was the 6  and again the players checked. The river was the J  and again no betting. Murphy showed J-J and his two opponents mucked. Not able to get anyone to bite, Murphy now has over $500,000.
Michael Banducci, who has already cashed in this year's World Series, was able to build his stack to over $500,000 shortly before the beginning of level 17. The player in seat two, Brian Fitzpatrick, bet out $35,000. Banducci raised to $95,000 total and Fitzpatrick shoved all in for $89,000 more. Banducci called and showed the table 5  5  . Fitzpatrick had A-K and the dealer ran the cards. The board came Q  5  2  9  J  and Banducci took down the massive pot. Fitzpatrick was the 23rd place finisher, making him a nice $16,858.
Player Tags: John Murphy, Paul Snead, Michael Banducci, Brian Fitzpatrick