Lying and Bluffingby Spring Cheong | Published: Oct 26, 2001 |
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If a person can say to himself, "I am always honest and truthful," that's very commendable. However, whether it has been for a good purpose or an evil one, we all have lied under certain circumstances.
Last year during the Big Poker Oktober tournament at The Bicycle Casino, I was at the same table as Barbara Enright. I do not remember exactly which cards I had at the time, but I raised and two players called. I was bluffing with the hand, but the players called on each street. Unfortunately, my bluff was revealed. At that moment, Barbara, who was sitting next to me, said with a stunned voice, "Spring, you know how to bluff, too? Wow, that's amazing. I thought you only made honest plays." At that time, I was embarrassed, and thought, "How in the world can she believe that I'm that honest a player? Especially in poker, how can one play honestly?" I said to her, "I'm sorry, Barbara. In order to win, bluffing is an absolute necessity. Why are you so shocked? Anyway, you thought I was a totally honest player, and now you know that I'm a liar, too!" Anyway, Barbara, as if it was exciting to know a different side of me, smiled and nodded.
The point that I'm trying to make is that we live in a world in which lying at the right moment is at times necessary. However, one must look over a situation carefully so as not to cause extreme harm to others (of course, in a poker game, things are different).
About two years ago, I watched the movie Liar Liar, starring Jim Carrey. In many respects, the movie made a lasting impression upon me. Jim Carrey's character was a lawyer who told nothing but lies. Then one day, determined that he no longer would lie, he did everything in his power to control his mouth. Through that process, a different side of him showed that resulted in approval. There were situations in which he had to lie and break promises to his loving parents and son, and the more he tried not to do so, the more suffocating it was. In the end, he showed the beautiful image of a human being overcoming his faults.
We live in busy and complicated times, and must control and rule over our weaknesses. If we were all perfect, at the top, and able to possess everything, life would be very dull and not very fun. The process of continuously striving toward something ideal is a significant one in our lives, and our ceaseless efforts to overcome weaknesses to reach the top result in truly valuable lives.
After this year's Tournament of Champions (I won the seven-card stud event), I took a break for a while. To prepare for the next event, I researched more sophisticated ways to bluff. For a while, I lost hands as a result of using outdated bluffs, but now I am equipped with more experienced methods. You must understand the reality that at times, things that could be untrue are "medicine" and not "poison." Then, even if someone purposely deceives you, look for strategies to beat him rather than become angry.