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European Masters of Poker Final Table Set

EMOP Gran Canaria Main Event Sees 213 Players Reduced To Nine


Manni Wartenberg out in 14th

The first €1,100 buy in main event of season III European Masters of Poker has reached its final table at Casino De Palmas, Gran Canaria with nine players returning today from an original field of 213.

The winner of the event will take home €54,310.

The nine finalists are:
Johan Berg — 1,254,000
Yehas Avidavi – 900,000
Pim Van Weringen — 581,000
Stefan Hansen - 477,000
Joseph Sammon –
Ran Sahanes –- 320,000
Matti Konttinen -– 255,000
Öystein Sannes -– 208,000
Andrei Demchenko -– 77,000

The tournament pays out 27 places and those in the money so far are:

10: Mario Fernandez — €4,260
11: Samuel Welbourne — €3,830
12: William Lööf — €3,400
13: Henrik Hecklen — €3,190
14: Manni Wartenberg — €3,190
15: Fredrik Zitting — €2,760
16: Ricardo Revilla — €2,760
17: Jonas Ekrem — €2,550
18: Alfonso Gregorio — €2,550
19: Yossi Lachmish — €2,130
20: Simon Risan Saevre — €2,130
21: Erling Marthinsen — €2,130
22: Hakan Öngören — €2,130
23: Jesse Nieminen — €2,130
24: César Dominquez — €2,130
25: Jeffrey Bloor — €2,130
26: Palmira Poch — €2,130
27: Tobias Burtscher — €2,130

Check back at tomorrow for the final table result from this event.