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Imper1um and ElkY to Stage Kick Boxing Match

Sorel Mizzi and Bertrand Grospellier in Complex Fitness and Fight WSOP Prop Bet


Leading poker pros Sorel “Imper1um” Mizzi and Bertrand “ElkY” Grospellier have agreed a complex prop bet for this Sorel Mizziyear’s World Series of Poker which will see the pair put up $10,000 each over a series of fitness and strength challenges, the centrepiece of which will be a $20,000 kick boxing match.

The grueling schedule of events, revealed on Mizzi’s blog this week, is:

Day 1
Upper Body, Bench Press, Bicep Curl, Shoulder Press, Triceps Pull Down, Chin-ups
Day 2
Lower Body, Angled Leg Press, Leg Extension,  Squats
Day 3
Tennis: best of 3 sets match
Day 4
Jump rope: maximum number of consecutive jumps without missing, Arm Wrestle (best of 3)
Day 5
Kick Boxing (9 rounds in the ring)
Day 6
Swimming (who can stay in the centre of the pool the longest without touching walls or without putting their feet on the ground)
Day 7
Rowing (who can row the furthest on the rowing machine in 15 minutes)

Bertrand GrospellierMizzi said on his blog, “It's a pretty sick schedule, I know, but I'm keen to do it. I said last year that having a healthy lifestyle can only improve your poker game as it has knock on effects for your mind and overall well-being."
The overall winner will also get a 15 percent share of the other to a maximum of $300,000 in tournament buy-ins most of which will be throughout the duration of the WSOP

There is also a $50,000 bonus if one of the pair wins 80 percent of the individual bets.

The rules state that there will be zero tolerance for taking any performance enhancing drugs illegal in the U.S. (including steroids) and  if one person is suspicious he has the right to get the other person drug tested. If the person fails the drug test, the person who failed loses the bet and has to pay a $50,000 penalty.

All weight lifting exercises will be on a basis of maximum weight for 3 repetitions and each contestant will get 3 attempts to achieve his maximum weight

The date of the Iron Man contest will be decided closer to the start of the WSOP.

Tags: europe