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Costa Rica - AGAIN

by Barry Shulman |  Published: Sep 28, 2001


I am writing this article as a player, not a publisher.

Nick Gullo at Casinos Europa in San José, Costa Rica, has informed me that the casino will have another one of its great tournaments Oct. 22-26.

That alone should not raise any eyebrows, but how about this: Casinos Europa is guaranteeing prize pools of $40,000 in each of its four $10 buy-in events and $100,000 in the $500 buy-in championship event. I had no intention of going back down there this year, at least for business reasons. However, this deal is just too good to pass up.

If that is not good enough, get this: While space is available, the casino will pick up a player's entire hotel tab, and airport transfers, food, and beverage. Additionally, it will reimburse airfare (up to $500) to players who play 50 hours of poker or 20 hours in the casino, or any combination of the two.

Furthermore, T.J. Cloutier, the world's most successful tournament player, will be attending, and he will give a seminar to all Card Player guests. Additionally, there will be a random drawing among Card Player guests in which two winners will receive a private half-hour lesson from T.J.

Nick Gullo understands that Card Player readers are serious poker players, and he wants to give them space preference. Therefore, if you are interested, E-mail me directly at, and I will get you in the queue.

Be sure to bring your nonplaying spouse. Linda Johnson, the world's greatest tour director, will be there, and daily excursions will be available to all. It's always fun whenever she is along.

See you

