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New Features, New Staff

by Marshall Ragir |  Published: Sep 28, 2001

Print-icon is now publishing new content every day! I will go into the details as the features begin to show up on the site. First, I'd like to welcome some new members of the staff.

Many of you know Scott Lundberg, who has been playing poker professionally for more than 20 years in Las Vegas and Los Angeles. Scott is our right-hand man. He works with our tech staff, editor(s), writers, advertisers, and readers who E-mail us. That Scott is arguably one of the best poker players in Southern California helps the nonpoker-playing members of our staff do a better and more knowledgeable job.

Our database programmer is David Rubenstein and Greg Watkins is one of our website developers. David is responsible for making sure that Barry and our online editor can submit their articles easily and that they wind up archived in an easy-to-find fashion. As a result, we are planning a search engine feature that will allow for dedicated search terms. For example, if you want articles on playing in the big blind in limit hold'em, the database will serve them up. Greg will be working with Scott in producing informative newsletters and updating the casino and cardroom information that will be put online.

Samantha Michaels comes to us from Webscape, where she managed 400 websites. Sam keeps the tech stuff organized and functioning. Zak Brown joins us from idealabs!, where he worked as system administrator for and other idealabs! sites. Before that, Zak was a system administrator for Hollywood Stock Exchange, and has some insight into the poker and gaming online world. Sathish Brahman is a web designer and developer who comes to us from Load Media, which has sites networked around the Internet. You'll see his work in banners that are made for advertisers and in other dedicated areas as they roll out. We are very pleased to have all of these "players" on the team.

If you haven't gone to recently, you haven't read Barry on the Road, Barry Shulman's daily article. I was thrilled when Barry asked me what I thought about his writing an article every day. He plays poker and poker tournaments in more cardrooms and casinos around the world than just about anyone I can think of. This year alone played in Reno, Las Vegas (his home), Los Angeles (two tournaments), Mississippi, Costa Rica, Russia, England, France, and Norway. As a result of wearing a World Series bracelet and publishing the most important poker magazine in the world, people speak with him. He knows who's who in poker and is always open to meeting recreational players; he is very approachable. Barry's everyday article helps give you the kind of inside information you can't get anywhere else.

Our online poll allows you to give your opinion on important issues in the poker industry, as well as on issues about playing poker, both strategic and community. Watch for our Daily Writer's Post, where some of our writers will contribute articles specifically for Michael Wiesenberg is creating regular crossword puzzles, and Bob Ciaffone is going to submit quizzes.

E-mail us your input so that will be able to provide the poker community with the most informative, entertaining, and easy-to-use website

