Q: How do you guys handle major decisions in your relationship?
Karina: I try to make Chip aware of the issue and let him think that my idea was his.
Chip: It's easy. Karina makes all the little decisions and I make all the big ones.
Q: How do you two handle all your big decisions?
Karina: I try to consult Chip, but he's usually too busy playing tournaments. I wouldn't want to distract him with major life decisions.
Chip: There hasn't been one yet, but Karina assures me that as soon as there is one, she'll let me know.
Q: How was the Mirage Tournament?
Karina: The Mirage is where I first started played poker. It will always be very special to me. I feel very comfortable when I walk into that room. Donna Harris and Dennis Jackson did a great job. Also, my friend Sam Minutello came out from Florida for the tournament, and it was nice to see him again.
Chip: I finally placed in a tournment so that was great. My friend Chris Bell made the WPT final table, and my good friend Ted Forrest won the PPT. Now it's my turn. Richard White did a great job as tournament director. The tournment was run very well and the staff was very professional.